Since I was Banned from CC


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.

N'ugly was/is not impressed by those who brag about parchment on the wall. Tis only a tiny part of that which goes into getting an education; not very effective as a hammer.

I too went to a Canadian "U", many years ago, got some stuff for the picture frame, then spent the rest of my time enjoying life in spite of it.

Those who see a degree as the be and end all, are most of the time........................boring, learn by rote, and possibly stupid to boot.

Sorry, did I not give a "Viner" proper respect.?.............:pukeleft::thefinger:. There. More like it.

Daisygirl, I do know how to use toilet paper. When you learn how to use a toilet, I'll give you a demo. You risk this kind of reception when you invade and expect the masses to genuflect in your direction.




Council Member
Apr 20, 2006
N'ugly was/is not impressed by those who brag about parchment on the wall. Tis only a tiny part of that which goes into getting an education; not very effective as a hammer.
I too went to a Canadian "U", many years ago, got some stuff for the picture frame, then spent the rest of my time enjoying life in spite of it.

Getting some parchment onto your wall is one thing. Enjoying life in spite of it is another. And using the "parchment" on the wall to help you succeed in life and get still more enjoyment out of it, is still another. If your degree was just a useless parchment on a useless wall, you really have nothing to be proud of, I agree with you. But most people who have a degree use it in more productive ways, then just decorating walls. And if Daisygirl is one of such people, as I think she is, she had all the reasons to be offended. You do often make very rude remarks, it's a pity they didn't teach you some manners in the place where you got that "wall parchment".
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kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.

Good; some feedback from the "everything's wonderful in Russia girl". Eyes wide shut?

I calls em as I sees em Vereya. I treats em as I'm treated. People don't like it, too bad. Go to church or something.

If it had not been for a university education, I, like a lot of others, would probably not know how little I know. When I say life has been enjoyable in spite of the degree, I'm not denigrating education, far from it. Only stating that a degree does not an educated person make, and that it ain't polite to say I have this and that and whatnot, and am a far better person than you because of it. That, my dear, is bullsh@t.


Rude comments. Yep. There have been a few made on this forum alright. Some by me. Some not.

Ah well, this grows tiresome. No more on this thread from me.

You're correct. Absolutely. Right right right..



Electoral Member
May 30, 2007
Getting some parchment onto your wall is one thing. Enjoying life in spite of it is another. And using the "parchment" on the wall to help you succeed in life and get still more enjoyment out of it, is still another. If your degree was just a useless parchment on a useless wall, you really have nothing to be proud of, I agree with you. But most people who have a degree use it in more productive ways, then just decorating walls. And if Daisygirl is one of such people, as I think she is, she had all the reasons to be offended. You do often make very rude remarks, it's a pity they didn't teach you some manners in the place where you got that "wall parchment".

He/She doesn't get it.

He/She is just rude.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
"A Man should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently and die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."

From : Time Enough for Love
By Robert A. Heinlein

I’ve many friends with doctorates and masters and you could paper the inside of Skydome or the Rogers Center or whatever the hell it’s called these days with the lambskin decorating the walls in many of these peoples homes.

This is my experience…it isn’t necessarily indicative of the greater majority…

Two PHD’s I know…were amazed that I could save their one-hundred and fifty year old barn…by sinking posts in the ground and using block and tackle to straighten it up after I cut the mortise pins that held the tenons in place…then hammering in new pins…. That I could repair a part of the foundation that had collapsed on one corner…fieldstone foundation…demanding lots of elbow grease and some hand mixed mortar…

That I could build a heating device for seating the wax foundation that is used in beehives to give the little critters something to build…on…with a transformer from an old TV and some bits of wire I built a heating circuit to do what they’d been doing with an ancient reverse pizza cutter and boiling water…sure my method requries power…failing that …(not designing something to address a need that wasn’t there)…I shortened the time this process took…

That I could rebuild their maple sugaring shack and evaporation process….

Had to study for this one…the evaporator pans fit on a semi-circular (bottom profile) firepit that is wider at the feed end than it is at the smokestack end…truncated rhombus…if any of you have a clue what that means…

That I could wire a house from the stack…where the electricity enters the house at the panel..from the street…

That I could plumb hot water cold water and waste water lines throughout a house that had no plumbing in it since it was built…

That I could design duct work and cold air return systems and wire and install a furnace in this same building…

That I’ve built amplifiers and intercoms, radios and computers, gasoline engines and am reasonably knowledgeable about just about anything that flies runs on track or wheels…

The list goes on….

I didn’t learn how to do any of these things while attending two different universities…one in Canada and one in the United States….

What I learned in “school” was to kiss ass and “play the game”..absolutely necessary skills if you’re going to continue in academia or enter the larger “game” that’s called economics or law or administration that’s played by dullards and hacks and costs everyone far too much money….

Now I don’t regard myself as “normal”, couldn’t pretend for a moment to not be one of those folk who blow the Bell curve to hell and back…but not because of anything I ever learned in “school”…..

What have (in many instances people..graduates and doctors) from my profession done for the world???

We learned that education means not upsetting little Tommy or Sally by testing them and when they “fail” we dare not tell them they didn’t measure-up..that would destroy their “self-esteem”….

We learned that everything from poor parenting skills to abberant behaviour isn’t anyone’s responsibility…there’s the “fat gene” the “drunk gene” the “stupid gene”….

We learned that difficult children weren’t paying the price for poor and failed parenting that they were ADD or ADHD…or autistic or bi-polar or or or….suffering from some condition or illness…for which there are absolutely no biological indicators….

We learned that all the talk in the world won’t solve a damn thing and all the great brains oozing out of our lofty education system are actually fit for slinging burgers and driving taxis….

A system created for the wealthy and influential that uses myths like higher-education and the alphabet soup of letters after a name to protect the normal folk from naming what most of these people are saying most of the time….nonsense bull-shyte….

We’ve made some labor un-“status”-worthy…so we hire illegals to clean our pools and houses, clean up our messes and do the dirty work ..then bitch at them for being here…. No Canadian (and very few Americans) would work for the same wages they’re prepared to pay Jamacians and Mexicans and Dominicans to harvest green peppers, tobacco and sugar cane….

Degrees don’t impress me and I’m with oldnugly on this one…

We’ve all embraced various myths and the lettered-man is just one more…



Electoral Member
May 30, 2007
Good for you!
Now explain to me what that has to do with being judged by someone just for being new to a forum?
I believe Daisygirls point was just to show Nugg that she is in fact new to the forum and she is indeed educated. Nugg has prejudged us "Newbies" as being the opposite. Not to rub his/her nose in it.
He/She's comments was just rude and uncalled for. Noone had insulted or attacked him in this thread prior to being offended by that comment.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
I don't think anyone was trying to impress anyone other than respond to the comment that the "effin" newbies lacked education. Perhaps the traditonal method of proof - grabbing an ideology and sticking to it through and hell and high water on a messageboard - is still the gold standard for education.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
What's the difference between offering an opinion...being judged? Perhaps N'ugg is a little abrasive...perhaps his PC filter ain't workin too what?

What no one on these forums (Canadian Content) seems to be able or prepared to do is take a position and state an opinion that is "contrary" to the doctrine of political correctness....

You've been conditioned NOT TO JUDGE....believe in the notion that "judgment" is reserved the purview of the elite...or god or someone else who's gotten society's stamp of approval for "judging"...whether that judgment is proven or can be seen to clear the way to lucidity and prepare a pathway to insight and wisdom...or NOT!

Our enthusiasm for not judging has resulted in the world going to hell in a hand-basket and the insidiousness of our postmodern metrics of disposability and non-confrontation have a history of failure and the failures are continuing to mount and become critical...

Now because someone's "new" to a forum or a discussion board, there's no "good" reason to make the assumption that they have nothing to say and nothing to contribute and aren't worth listening to...

If you're not prepared to entertain the idea of communication...willing to participate in an open-forum of ideas and flexible enough to hear some unsettling ideas...then maybe you should be watching Jerry Springer or Judge Judy.....

I've stopped participating here at CC from time to time becasue the level of intercourse just doesn't offer anything worth "tuning-into"..... Over time...(as in all discussion forums) the same events, circumstances, situations and issues keep being brought up and brought up and brought up and mulled overer and mulled over and talked about and ranted about...and we don't seem to really get anywhere...

No one's prepared to entertain a concept or an idea that's regarded as new or different...New and Different are is seems threatening and obscure....

I understand N'ugg's frustration....I don't necessarily embrace his methodology...but hey its all one is left bleeding and permanently injured...

Stand up for yourself....although it might be to late for most of you....
May 28, 2007
Honour our Fallen
I think the parchement in the wrong hands is toilet paper, in the right hands is a gift given oneself, hopefully to add to the common good.

why all the bitterness oldnugly...oh i see yer old n ugly so this is some kinda right......How ugly r u?

how bout u me and wreck beach...hahahahahahaha.
betcha I can make you cry....hahahahahahahahaha.....

betcha if i can get in yer head i'll cause angst beyond belief.

Look at as a sort of free therapy session MMMMMWWWWWWUUUUUAAAAAAAHAHAHAhahahaha...


Electoral Member
May 30, 2007
Ok, so this person can base his/her "opinion" of me, or Daisygirl or any other individual, strictly on the basis that we happen to be new? He/she has not met us, doesn't know our education, or anything else about us and has never been confronted by us. Doesn't see like a very informed or educated opinion, but I guess your right, it is his opinion and he has a right to it. Maybe a newbie scared him in the past and he has somehow been traumatized.
My opinion is, that this person is rude and I have a right to it. And I can make that an educated and informed opinion, by the evidence shown in this thread.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
I would just point out that it does not say Newbie anymore above my Avatar. I am a member. Membership has its priviledges (or so the AMEX people would have you believe).

If you can't take being called a newbie on a message board, perhaps a message board isn't a place you should hang out.

EDIT: I am no longer a member. I am a Bright Spark.
Last edited:
May 28, 2007
Honour our Fallen
Yeah well i'm just sticking up for our Daisy. It's pretty lame to stomp all over her at this point in her being here. Not that anytime would be fine, for she is just a nice person. But to flame the crap outta her is lame until she actually does something.....

anywho i'm bored and i want to try out this whole wreck beach flame fest deal that they got set up here.

Anyone got anything on this oldnugly person that I can use:roll:


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Yeah well i'm just sticking up for our Daisy. It's pretty lame to stomp all over her at this point in her being here. Not that anytime would be fine, for she is just a nice person. But to flame the crap outta her is lame until she actually does something.....

anywho i'm bored and i want to try out this whole wreck beach flame fest deal that they got set up here.

Anyone got anything on this oldnugly person that I can use:roll:

Actually, he made a general reference to newbies. Daisy responded (why?) and it seems they have each been giving as good as they get since then. My observation anyhow.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Little more than jumping to conclusions based upon the slightest inkling of insight accumulated over a few days. Anyone thinking otherwise is as much a fool.

Uneducated isn't the word for it and while pointing at the nubes, dear Cletus of Podunk Corners, your own drool has outwitted you to find the sanctuary of the front of your shirt.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Opinions are like assholes....everyones got one....

An opinion matters only if the one giving the opinion is respected.