NEB vs Province of Quebec


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I know, a good Quebecers, is a dead Quebecer or, better than that, an assimilated Québecer.

You are pretty typical of canadian mind set.
Yup that's exactly the way we feel now piss off .


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
Is Quebec looking to steal more power?


Quebec oil comes from the middle east.

No not anymore

"Hormis quelques milliers de barils de pétrole qui ont été produits en sol québécois à la suite de différents travaux d’exploration pétrolière, le Québec importe
la totalité du pétrole raffiné utilisé sur son territoire. Ces importations sont longtemps venues d’Europe et d’Afrique. Nos sources d’importation de pétrole ont
cependant changé radicalement, comme l’indique le graphique*3.1.1. Depuis 2013, les États-Unis représentent plus de 50 % des importations québécoises,
le Texas et le Dakota du Nord arrivant en tête des États auprès desquels nous nous approvisionnons. Ce changement est lié au développement ultrarapide
de la production de pétrole de schiste aux États-Unis, ce qui en a fait un produit plus compétitif que les importations traditionnelles d’Algérie et d’autres pays
producteurs. Les raffineries québécoises, qui peuvent recevoir du pétrole brut par bateau, par pipeline (à Montréal) et par train, sont en mesure de modifier
très rapidement leurs sources d’approvisionnement, en fonction des meilleurs prix qu’elles réussissent à obtenir sur le marché.
Les livraisons de pétrole au Québec en provenance d’autres pays que le Canada vont vraisemblablement chuter en 2016, avec la mise en service de la ligne
de pipeline*9B d’Enbridge. Celle-ci transportera jusqu’à Montréal 300*000*barils par jour de pétrole provenant de l’Ouest canadien, mais aussi de producteurs
américains. Environ 100*000 barils de pétrole par jour devront encore être importés pour approvisionner la capacité de raffinage du Québec."

Juste pour toi

It makes far more sense to use Canadian oil.

It is what we do for most of it

Not to mention much more ethical.

hahaha come on..... Ontario sell weapon to them.... it make nobody cry in ROC

opps I forgot you live in Quebec so you wouldn't know about ethics.

Oh a little bit of racism here :)

Last time I looked Quebec was part of Canada.

You should educate yourself then. Québec is a Nation and it is recognized by the canadian since many years.

Not a nation. Just a poor cousin province.

Oh a little bit of lousiness here. as usual

We have pappa trudOWE to thank for all the problems Quebec creates.

That is the canada you love so much.

THe unicorn represent the QUebec way of thinking. Pure fantasy.

so ?
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personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
Yes, do it please. It's gonna be fun to see.
If we are doing circles in politics,as it presents itself as demonstrating circles,
I agree it is going to be fun watching what is to come,can't wait!!!!

I was born and raised in Quebec and have lived there for half of my life. I have also served in a predomnently French military unit.

A fair bit of Quebec is purely Fascist. I do not repect that part.
If we are doing circles in politics,as it presents itself as demonstrating circles,
I agree it is going to be fun watching what is to come,can't wait!!!!


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
1- The pipeline will transport an amount of 1.1 million barrels of crude oil per day. That is at least twice that which is currently transported by train.

2- The Transportation by train will not stop because there will be a pipeline. So the pipeline will increase the risks without affecting those we have now.

3- Quebec receives enough oil for its consumption with the reversal of the Enbridge pipeline. All that will be carried by the new pipeline will be for export without any benefit for Quebecers.

4- Give this infrastructure responsability to federal government..... without control of our National Governement on it ? again ??? no.....

Help Albertans to make money without benefits for us .... while it represents enormous risks? No thanks :)

It is as simple as that.

Listen up F-ckface. You get $10 billion from Alberta this year. That happens to match the $10 billion deficit in our budget. Don't you try to tell me you get no benefit from the west. Without our money you would be bankrupt and in poverty and all those social programs and special rights would be out the window. You are an ignorant and arrogant piece of sh-t who obviously feels self entitled but you have no f-cking clue. I wish you would separate and take your per-capita share of the national debt with you. Of course that would leave you bankrupt before you started. F-ck you and all your French pals you little pissant.


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
Listen up F-ckface.

It's a tradition to insult people here ?

You get $10 billion from Alberta this year.

No. The Equalization is a federal program. It is paid by all people in the federation that pay taxes.
In fact, Quebec tax payer pay probably more equalization than a little province like Alberta. I did not check recently.

That happens to match the $10 billion deficit in our budget.

Quebec is 1,8 ;-)
You should be happy, Alberta will receive equalization soon then.

Don't you try to tell me you get no benefit from the west. Without our money you would be bankrupt and in poverty and all those social programs and special rights would be out the window. You are an ignorant and arrogant piece of sh-t who obviously feels self entitled but you have no f-cking clue. I wish you would separate and take your per-capita share of the national debt with you. Of course that would leave you bankrupt before you started. F-ck you and all your French pals you little pissant.

I agree we should be independent. And, of course, we will take our part of the dept and our part of the asset also and everybody will be happy. You can ask your prime minister, Justin, to cut equalization right now. I have no problem with it. Do we have a deal ?


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
The first time it was a "no", with promises of change. The change was the loss of the Québec veto and a new constitution that make Quebecers second-class citizen.

The second time was a referendum stolen by our laws violated, the violated democracy and unfair tactics like the massive acceleration of citizenship for immigrants.

And now, to be sure not to lose, the federal government has changed the rules of democracy.

But Canada is a nice country. Le plus meilleur pays du monde !
What a lot of Quebecker don't realize when they vote that they have to also take their share of the National debt....

Canada's National Debt Clock : The Canadian Taxpayers Federation
each Quebec citizen's share is today 17,529.00$ and climbing

Add to that Quebec provincial debt...
Quebec "Debt Clock" | IEDM
Each citizen's share 69,095.33 $

So the Canadian government is slightly more frugal than your provincial government...
But that is bound to change with that flake Trudeau at the helm

The following link says Canada but when you open it up it shows the Ontario running debt clock
Canada's National Debt Clock : The Canadian Taxpayers Federation
Ontario is a bit better with each citizen owing 21,719.00 $
But growing fast with a muff diver at the helm
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Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
What a lot of Quebecker don't realize when they vote that they have to also take their share of the National debt....

Yes, we are stupid like cows in Quebec. We don't know what is a dept and we can't realize thing as simple as this.

I admire the great English Canadian clairvoyance.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
If there were separation the name would be Creebec and the French would be powerless nobodies.

Treaties would be nullified and all Crown assets handed over. There is no way in Hell the Cree would give up their land a second time


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
If there were separation the name would be Creebec and the French would be powerless nobodies.

Treaties would be nullified and all Crown assets handed over. There is no way in Hell the Cree would give up their land a second time
I have no problem to give more rights to indians all over the federation.
Then, it mean that what Quebec do, ROC must do also. Goodluck to all at the negotiation. :)


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It will be the Cree who decide what your Rights are if any.

The rest of Canadian Treaties would remain intact except for Creebec. They might even insist you leave.


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
I have no problem to give more rights to indians all over the federation.
Then, it mean that what Quebec do, ROC must do also. Goodluck to all at the negotiation. :)
The Canadian fantasy that wants that Indian suddenly become their allies to kneel down an independent Quebec is pure wishful thinking. Do you really think that Indians are stupid enough to help you for your beautiful eyes? Do you really think that the actual political position of Indian concerning the sovereignty movement in Quebec is for the love of the Canadian federation? This federation has been the instrument of the misfortunes of these people and these Nations. Even worse for them than what has been done to Quebecers. You really think they will not play their political cards in the event of an independant Quebec ? You really take all that is not WASP for idiots.

Please indians piss off Quebecers for us! Please! ask to stay in this so nice federation that have been so good for you since centuries..... but don't expect that we will give you anything back. NO NO NO

Come out of your WASP bubble and be welcome in the real politics

It will be the Cree who decide what your Rights are if any.

The rest of Canadian Treaties would remain intact except for Creebec. They might even insist you leave.
yes yes yes

and if my grandmother had four wheels, it would have been a tractor.


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
The weakest form of any argument is insult. In fact, it's the one we use when there is no others.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Even legal murder

Yes, Weibo Ludwig and has merry band of inbreds did get away with murder.

Perhaps the Albertans should tie the continued transference of money to Quebec to the acceptance of Alberta's oil export pipeline through Quebec territory.

Easier for any net contributor to equalization to simply withhold the money and once Que is starving, offer them a program of loans with suitable collateral attached

Yes, stop bawling and do it. I absolutely don't care about it.

The federal will stop collecting taxes from us, we will take back the Seaway and everyone will be happy.

Please, do it :)

I can hardly wait to see how Que will take back the seaway.... Are you thinking of sending a troupe of mimes and couple of artsians the specialize in pointillism to ward off Canada and the USA?


The dignity of a nation is priceless and it is long-term pay.

Some are willing to endure to be scorned and the racism for a few dollars. Not me.

in the meantime you can keep your oil with you ;-)

We'll keep our money too.

Enjoy your new-found 3rd world status

I know, a good Quebecers, is a dead Quebecer

As you wish

Yes, we are stupid like cows in Quebec.



Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
Absolutely, although it appears that you didn't get the memo... Que has no money

yep absolutely we have no money.

then, keep your oil where it is.... and we will do what we want with our "no money".

what was the deficit of Alberta last time ? 5 bilions ? wow! It's a lot of money for a small province like this.
Fortunately federal is there to help you.

keep going you will have equalization soon :)


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
I made a big mistake when I worked in Quebec for about 6 months in '75.....
As most of you know Quebec collects their tax separately, or at least used to..... while the other provinces collect and divide later at tax time while Quebecker must fill out separate forms.
My mistake was reclaiming that money at tax time.....A friend of mine who had worked at the same time I did forgot to claim it and at age 60 started receiving Quebec pension......
I got to admit $20 dollars a month doesn't sound like much and he only lived to 65 and was single so he didn't break even....
But for myself every month past 69 would have been a bonus with the amount of tax I paid.........oh and learn
Even the death benefit would have been more...I'll have to ask his younger brother, if he claimed it, next time I see him. :lol: