George Galloway 'beaten over Israel comments'


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
I don't listen to any of Galloway's incoherent rants.

that's the problem right there're an intelligent guy, resourceful, effective know your history...but he might have supported UKIP in the first 5 minutes and you'll not know because you didn't give it a chance...I never said sit through over an hour of his drivel, just the opening may not change your mind but it won't kill you.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Just imagine had Galloway been a member of the BNP and he made a speech in which he said he wanted Bradford to be a Muslim-free zone. Just imagine what his current hypocritical apologists on here would say then. Just imagine it.

I'm afraid "free speech" only extends to Left Wingers making racist comments about Jews or white people. When these people make such comments, people like you come on to discussion forums to defend "their right to free speech".

But "free speech" doesn't extent to those making exactly the same comments about Muslims or black people. When such comments are made, people like you come onto discussion forums to accuse those people of "racism" and "bigotry" and that such views should not be allowed to air. Had Galloway been a member of BNP and he declared Brsdford a Muslim-free zone "free speech" would have got out the window and you would have been one of the first accusing him of racism.

I'm afraid that, in this day and age, free speech only applies to those making comments that the Left agree with.

You have such a myopic outlook. I have never and in fact would never defend anyone declaring any place to be a <insert racial or cultural group here> "free zone". Racism and bigotry exist within all cultural groups, on both sides of the political spectrum.

I have gone to the mat to defend the expression of ideas which I personally find very repugnant for the sole reason that I believe that everyone has the right to speak their mind. If one is not prepared to defend the speech that they disagree with, then one does not support the principle of free speech.

If you actually believe any of what you just posted with respect to how I would react then that just goes to show how very little attention you actually pay to any of the discussions that go on around here. Which, of course, leads me right back to your myopic outlook.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Holly crap!! I woke up this morning to find out the USA is now a commonwealth... BAD DREAM??

Did you? Well why can't I find it on the Daily Mail website?

Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Virginia (still waiting for that to be given back, by the way) are already Commonwealths, anyway.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
You're not following the conversations very well...You said it's unfortunate that you can't beat someone up for their political beliefs. To which we all hope you are joking.

As to your strawman, you wouldn't get in the door in the first place old fart. Fascism is radical authoritarianism, and violence against people because you don't place any value whatsoever on their opinion, that is radical. It's a shared value among the radicals who become terrorists too. Kicking someone out of your house is not radical. ;)

Actually, it is you that is not following the conversation well.

If you read my posts again, you will see that I am defending Galloway, much as he sickens me.

There is no excuse for political violence in a democracy....unfortunately, as Galloway is as low a human animal as exists on the earth.

Read on.....from my only two posts addressing the question of Galloway on this thread:

" can not be allowed to go around beating people up because of their political beliefs."

and one titled:

5 Reasons Why No One Should Be Glad That Galloway Was Beaten Up

I hope that clears things up for you.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
You need a Cheney avatar to pull that line off.

Here is an Obama one for you...



Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
If Mr Galloway hates violence so much, where is his and his party's condemnation of the massacres of Christians and Yazidi by Muslim mediaeval thugs in Iraq and Syria? Because I don't think I've seen any condemnation of ISIS's barbarity by Galloway and his mob of Muslim rentamob thugs that he surrounds himself when making racist comments, as he is doing in that video. Why isn't he and his Far Left party not speaking out against ISIS?

1. you're racist, so you whiny baby cries of racism are falling on deaf ears because they're beyond hypocritical coming from you..

George Galloway's solutions to ISIS and Gaza massacre - Russia Today - 8th August 2014 - YouTube

As for the EDL, they aren't a racist group - unless opposing Islamism and the Islamisation of Britain is somehow racist. The racist group around here are Galloway's "Respect" Party. EDL have a lot more support than "Respect".
Yes, EDL are racist neanderthals and general useless scum, like yourself.



Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Actually, it is you that is not following the conversation well.

If you read my posts again, you will see that I am defending Galloway, much as he sickens me.

There is no excuse for political violence in a democracy....unfortunately, as Galloway is as low a human animal as exists on the earth.

Read on.....

I hope that clears things up for you.
Even in very bad English the first bolded part is not a compliment as much as you think it is. Your internal loathing wouldn't let you stop at the comma, you had to add two bad points so the message was still that he was bad and deserved the punch. For your sake I hope you know that is what you were doing and how you accomplished it.

The 2nd example is the same thing using a modified label in both instances, no violence against a view that makes the person filthy. As this is likely to happen lots and I plan on pointing them out should I get a 'label' for it? Something like, 'Would you stop, . . . , that is so annoying and the only one being fooled all the time is yourself.'

How does that make you feel?


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
Man faces galloway assault charge | Mail Online

Ahhh...Islam is not a race.

It is a theology and a political philosophy.

as such, it is very little different from Naziism..........
that has nothing to do with EDL being racists, which they are..

Only if opposing Islamofascism, Sharia Law and the Islamification of the United Kingdom is racist.

If those things are NOT racist, then neither are the EDL. In fact, they should be applauded and supported.

the problem is that their views go beyond just being critical of extremism ...


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
Go on then. Prove it.

Here's a Nazi salute from one of the members...

Tommy Robinson a former leader of the EDL quit the group because of how extremist and racist the group was... he worked with police and gave evidence of racism within the group...

Anders Brevik held the EDL in high regard and had strong links with the group...
Norway killer Anders Behring Breivik had extensive links to English Defence League - Telegraph

They're retarded
Funny EDL Interview - Incoherent Anger, Muslamic Infidels - YouTube
Muslamic Ray Guns - The EDL Anthem - YouTube

The evidence of EDL's complete stupidity and racism is really endless...