Costco -- the Bible is fiction


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The season on cattle is always open.
That too, no expensive rifle, no tags, no big *** 4x4 and all the other things that makes hunting a comfortable sport. You can't get more comfortable than a dead cow 10 minutes after you start the hunt and a forklift warming up.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Well said, MHz! Cattle are tropical animals; they are perishingly cold when it is -30*C as it is on the Prairies during Grey-Cup Week. We need more tail-gate partiers with healthy appetites to warm the flesh.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
The number of people who believe it doesnt matter. Facts dont change based on the number of people who believe it. They say its true, but they cant prove it. There is no historical or archeological or scientific proof for it. Saying its fiction does not stop people from taking comfort in it or using it as some sort of moral compass. Some people do. A person can get comfort and learn many lessons in morality and other things from works of fiction. Thats a big part of what literature does aside from entertain.
I agree but when one labels someone's belief system as fiction it places a judgement on that belief. It's like telling someone, you are an idiot. Most people get bent out of shape about that.

That part is more confusing to me as I age. I have my own personal belief system and if people label me as far out or stupid to believe such, it no longer affects me since my need to please is lessening. Nor do I feel the need to argue the point any longer. I am just happy to muddle along exploring my own path. If people ask me about it, I share otherwise, meh, we all have our own path to walk.

Some belief systems are interpreted as needing defense of said belief system. I see it on FB all the time. People post pictures of Christ with challenges to keep the posting going by implying if you don't post it, you are ashamed of it or lacking in strength of belief. That is just untrue but the attempt to manipulate is certainly evident and people fall prey to that because they feel less than if they don't. I guess it's the need to be part of the pack which is a survival mechanism.

When it really comes down to it, we both know the existence of god and the nature of god can not be comes from personal experience...thus my experience is as real as yours or theirs or someone else's no?.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
When Europeans came to the GREAT Plains, they slaughtered 50 million bison to replace them with cattle ill suited to climate or climax vegetation. Hmmmm....

So much for the wisdom of Bible thumpers and their appreciation of the gods`Earth.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
When Europeans came to the GREAT Plains, they slaughtered 50 million bison to replace them with cattle ill suited to climate or climax vegetation. Hmmmm....

So much for the wisdom of Bible thumpers and their appreciation of the gods`Earth.

and yet, there are next to no Bison, and a very thriving cattle industry.....interesting.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Yes, it is interesting.

yes, interesting that you condemn the mental ability of european immigrants to Canada that manged to have the mental capacity to replace a domestic herbivore with an non domestic and have that import thrive.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
they are perishingly cold when it is -30*C as it is on the Prairies during Grey-Cup Week.
That time of year already, switch from the beer that freezes too easily to the 40% stuff , .... and hope the snowbanks keep you on the road till you get home

yes, interesting that you condemn the mental ability of european immigrants to Canada that manged to have the mental capacity to replace a domestic herbivore with an non domestic and have that import thrive.
The buffalo were slaughtered as a way to starve the Native population, you get minus points for that. The domestic variety these daus is a walking bag of big pharma ingredients.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
yes, interesting that you condemn the mental ability of european immigrants to Canada that manged to have the mental capacity to replace a domestic herbivore with an non domestic and have that import thrive.

That was a guerrilla war tactic by the European. You really are one ignorant idiot.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
That time of year already, switch from the beer that freezes too easily to the 40% stuff , .... and hope the snowbanks keep you on the road till you get home

and I will bet that there is more truth in that statement than not.

The buffalo were slaughtered as a way to starve the Native population, you get minus points for that. The domestic variety these daus is a walking bag of big pharma ingredients.

Prove both statements.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
and I will bet that there is more truth in that statement than not.

Prove both statements.
Veterinary Products for Dairy Cattle A - Az Index from

Monsanto Cancer Milk: FOX NEWS Kills Story and Fires Reporters! - YouTube

(in part)
At their peak the bison are believed to have been the biggest population of large wild mammals anywhere on Earth, numbering an estimated 50 million before the European settlers arrived.

Yet within the space of a few decades, their number would be reduced to a mere 2,000, bringing to an end an era in American history.

Far from inciting feelings of disgust or horror, the slaughter of bison was seen by European settlers as a means to wealth, a healthy pastime, and most chilling of all, as a way to end the primary source of sustenance for the Plains Indians and so drive them from their land.
Perhaps the most shocking fact about the near extinction of the American bison is that it appears to have been wholly intentional, part of a high-level strategy.

Many scholars believe the government and military actively promoted the slaughter of bison herds to remove the primary food source of the Native Americans.

Read more: From kings of the American plains to piles of sun-bleached bones: How mass slaughter by hunters nearly wiped out the buffalo | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
The US Army sanctioned and actively endorsed the wholesale slaughter of bison herds.[5] The federal government promoted bison hunting for various reasons, to allow ranchers to range their cattle without competition from other bovines, and primarily to weaken the North American Indian population by removing their main food source and to pressure them onto the reservations.[6] Without the bison, native people of the plains were forced to leave the land or starve to death.

Bison hunting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
That's why 2/3 of them are sent for further training, in the meantime the book is pretty good, then again you also need the one the 1/3 are reading or your mileage with God may vary.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Christianity is the Monsanto of religions. Its goal is the monoculure of belief. Christianity is roundup ready.
Luckily, I swallowed a mouth full of my chicken noodle soup before I read that or my iMac would have been wearing it.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Luckily, I swallowed a mouth full of my chicken noodle soup before I read that or my iMac would have been wearing it.

Lol. Good times...

Nothing better then explaining that to a repair service guy.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
What you don't get is that you think you have a right to speak what you believe in the truth but deny others the right to speak theirs. You get all defensive when others don't agree with you. You call them atheists and christianophobes because they express their disbelief. You are the one doing the discriminating here. You are the one getting you balls all in a knot and handing out reds. How come when others express what they think is true, you and many other christians think it is an attack but you feel you have a right to tell them they are wrong? That is the ultimate hypocrisy and goes completely against Jesus' teachings. But, I guess, it what is to be expected from a pompous, arrogant Brit.

No. YOU and your fellow atheists are the ones discriminating here. You are discriminating against Christianity in a way that you wouldn't dare against Islam.

You were all laughing and joking at the beginning of this thread, thinking it hilarious that the Bible was placed in the fiction section by braindead idiots at Costco. You were laughing at Christians and mocking Christians in such a way that if someone did it against Muslims and Islam you'd call them "Islamophobic".

You think it hilarious that the Bible is placed in the fiction section, yet at the same time you think that the Koran should be treated with the utmost respect.

You're not very tolerant, you atheists. You should be sent on a week-long diversity course to teach you how be tolerant of people expressing the Christian faith. You're good at preaching diversity; you're just not very good at practising it yourselves.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
No. YOU and your fellow atheists are the ones discriminating here. You are discriminating against Christianity in a way that you wouldn't dare against Islam.

You were all laughing and joking at the beginning of this thread, thinking it hilarious that the Bible was placed in the fiction section by braindead idiots at Costco. You were laughing at Christians and mocking Christians in such a way that if someone did it against Muslims and Islam you'd call them "Islamophobic".

You think it hilarious that the Bible is placed in the fiction section, yet at the same time you think that the Koran should be treated with the utmost respect.

You're not very tolerant, you atheists. You should be sent on a week-long diversity course to teach you how be tolerant of people expressing the Christian faith. You're good at preaching diversity; you're just not very good at practising it yourselves.
You have a point, so let me ask you this Blackie, should Christians likewise not be tolerant of people's right to be atheist or polytheist, or agnostic? Should that be a right as well. If my system whatever it may be is not harming you shouldn't it be a right?