Costco -- the Bible is fiction


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Britain isn't Thor and Woden besotted anymore, it is now a Catholic country.
Britain has become a 'Catholic country' - Telegraph
Oh No! Blackie won't be able to sleep tonight.

People are always incredulous when i tell them my British father was a catholic. Most people seem to assume the Brits drove the papists out of England like St. Patty drove the snakes out of Ireland.

No. YOU and your fellow atheists are the ones discriminating here. You are discriminating against Christianity in a way that you wouldn't dare against Islam.

You were all laughing and joking at the beginning of this thread, thinking it hilarious that the Bible was placed in the fiction section by braindead idiots at Costco. You were laughing at Christians and mocking Christians in such a way that if someone did it against Muslims and Islam you'd call them "Islamophobic".

You think it hilarious that the Bible is placed in the fiction section, yet at the same time you think that the Koran should be treated with the utmost respect.

You're not very tolerant, you atheists. You should be sent on a week-long diversity course to teach you how be tolerant of people expressing the Christian faith. You're good at preaching diversity; you're just not very good at practising it yourselves.
You really haven't been paying attention, there Blackie. I have said consistently that the Koran was plagiarized from the OT. I have been consistent in saying that all religion is dangerous because it tends to breed intolerant bigots like you. And I have consistently maintained that I am not an atheist.

What were you saying about brain dead?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
You have a point, so let me ask you this Blackie, should Christians likewise not be tolerant of people's right to be atheist or polytheist, or agnostic? Should that be a right as well. If my system whatever it may be is not harming you shouldn't it be a right?

Atheists are far less tolerant than the vast majority of Christians, as this thread shows.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
it was inevitable...damn Micks, breed like rabbits...;-)

The Pope Francis tells them to; it is called "Fatherhood by Proxy" by the devout.

PS to Blackleaf
Thanks to the Ineffable (You know who She is), the Protestant experiment in Britain is over with its beheadings, drawings-and-quarterings, burnings-at-the-stake, towerings, and warish mayhem.
As to deference to Islam...Pffft! No sane one among us believes that Moe was carried off to heaven on a winged horse any more than your guardian angel is Jewish (The saints be praised!).

Christians are pacifistic, Blackleaf. No more Empire or empire envy (That is an American trait now).

Atheists are far less tolerant than the vast majority of Christians, as this thread shows.

That would be you and Gerry.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
That would be you and Gerry.

Try again, I'm not the one telling you that you are brain dead for what you believe in, or that your life is based on fairy tales. That would be people like you.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
the Protestant experiment in Britain is over with its beheadings, drawings-and-quarterings, burnings-at-the-stake, towerings, and warish mayhem.

Bull****. The Church of England is England's officially established Church. There are 25 million baptised Anglicans in England and Wales, and several million more people of other Protestant denominations throughout the UK as a whole.

In contrast, there are just five million Catholics in the UK, and almost all of them are in England. Muslims number just three million, and all other religions barely register at all.

And talking about executions, the monarch who executed most people purely because of their faith was Mary I, a CATHOLIC monarch who executed over 200 people in just five years purely because they were Protestants.

As to deference to Islam...Pffft! No sane one among us believes that Moe was
carried off to heaven on a winged horse any more than your guardian angel is
Jewish (The saints be praised!).

You say that on a discussion forum. But I'd love to see you say that to a large crowd of people in Pakistan or Iran. You wouldn't have the guts.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Bull****. The Church of England is England's officially established Church. There are 25 million baptised Anglicans in England and Wales, and several million more people of other Protestant denominations throughout the UK as a whole.

In contrast, there are just five million Catholics in the UK, and almost all of them are in England. Muslims number just three million, and all other religions barely register at all.

And talking about executions, the monarch who executed most people purely because of their faith was Mary I, a CATHOLIC monarch who executed over 200 people in just five years purely because they were Protestants.

You say that on a discussion forum. But I'd love to see you say that to a large crowd of people in Pakistan or Iran. You wouldn't have the guts.

Thank Christ, I am in a secular (quasi) democracy. Thinking of emigrating, Blackleaf?

My rare contribution to religious threads on this Conservative forum was "Let's Bring Back the Old Gods" which was quashed by the Old Believers. Pity...

In Britain (Your polls not mine), only 1% of Anglicans in Britain attend mass. Being baptised doth not a believer make (on a Polish sipping cup).


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Thank Christ, I am in a secular (quasi) democracy. Thinking of emigrating, Blackleaf?

No. I'd prefer to live in a Protestant country than a "secular" one.

In Britain (Your polls not mine), only 1% of Anglicans in Britain attend mass.

That doesn't mean only 1% of Anglicans are believers and the rest have no faith. They just don't go to church.

If the C of E made going to a C of E church service much more appealing, the numbers attending church in this country would shoot up.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
When I am in Britain, I like going to former parish churches now converted to pubs. The cider insider says insidious?

The only thing worse than changing a church into a pub is when they turn a pub into a mosque.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
What is it with self proclaimed atheists and their damned obsession with religion, with their primary obsession the Christian religion. all other religions barely get a passing remark, once in a while.
I have coffee with three other fellas two or three times a week, two of them, Knights of Columbus members, and religion, never, and I mean never comes up.
I go meet for lunch every Tuesday with a bunch dozen, or so retirees and one is a retired priest.....and the subject of religion never comes up.
But say Merry Christmas in this forum and the atheists come out of the woodwork with their endless disparaging remarks.

Gawd they gotta be the easiest turkeys to bait, and they'll be all over this post like ants at a picnic.
It's a psychological disorder, I tell ya


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
What is it with self proclaimed atheists and their damned obsession with religion, with their primary obsession the Christian religion. all other religions barely get a passing remark, once in a while.
I have coffee with three other fellas two or three times a week, two of them, Knights of Columbus members, and religion, never, and I mean never comes up.
I go meet for lunch every Tuesday with a bunch dozen, or so retirees and one is a retired priest.....and the subject of religion never comes up.
But say Merry Christmas in this forum and the atheists come out of the woodwork with their endless disparaging remarks.

Gawd they gotta be the easiest turkeys to bait, and they'll be all over this post like ants at a picnic.
It's a psychological disorder, I tell ya
it's funny ya know I keep hearing about how people freak out when others say Merry Christmas to someone...I have never, EVER had anyone freak out on me EVER for saying Merry Christmas and i worked for Jews for years, I have Muslim friends I have atheist friends we all say Merry Christmas... In here too...never.

Das you are either around the wrong kind of people or you are being a delicate flower and taking offense where none is intended. :p


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Gawd they gotta be the easiest turkeys to bait, and they'll be all over this post like ants at a picnic.
It's a psychological disorder, I tell ya

it's funny ya know I keep hearing about how people freak out when others say Merry Christmas to someone...I have never, EVER had anyone freak out on me EVER for saying Merry Christmas and i worked for Jews for years, I have Muslim friends I have atheist friends we all say Merry Christmas... In here too...never.

Das you are either around the wrong kind of people or you are being a delicate flower and taking offense where none is intended. :p
You're In denial...
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