Duchess of Cambridge goes into labour


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
It's very unlikely that any of us here will live to find out. In fact, I'm younger than William and he'll no doubt outlive me. Unless he's secretly a smoker. Then the race is on!

If that avatar is YOU, you look like you'll be around for awhile yet! -:)

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
(he doesn't take the name Windsor).
Why's that?

Just curious.

Speak for yourself. Me, I plan on living forever.
Apparently so does QE2.

Prince George it is, I think they hate their new baby! George Alexander Louis.
Or more precisely, George Alexander Louis noname. Well, at least he doesn't have a name like his great granddad: Prince Phillip Mountbatten Windsor Duke of Edinburgh Prince of Denmark and Greece etc. etc. ad nauseum (AKA Mr. Elizabeth Windsor). lol


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Just curious

so the full name is George Alexander Louis Windsor. That is slimmed down by one name they said..


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Just got an email telling me that I had a great nephew born on the same day as the prince.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Oh yeah the old Mormons.. you're just jealous because you can't have a wife for each day of the week..LOL ;) (half your age)

That's in the south..

I've been to Prince George in the middle of the winter..ghost town, bike gangs..
Yeah forcing kids into marriage is hilarious. And definitely deserted streets and bikers cramming pubs is far far worse than kids being forced into marriage (which, BTW is a trend in something you have railed against in the ME threads)..


Time Out
May 5, 2013
at my keyboard
Why's that?

Just curious.

Apparently so does QE2.

Or more precisely, George Alexander Louis noname. Well, at least he doesn't have a name like his great granddad: Prince Phillip Mountbatten Windsor Duke of Edinburgh Prince of Denmark and Greece etc. etc. ad nauseum (AKA Mr. Elizabeth Windsor). lol

In honor of 1913, the last t good year fo r the house of 'saxbourg GOtha- Hannover, I was holding tuff for KrownPrinz Heinrich Wilhelm...


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Yeah forcing kids into marriage is hilarious. And definitely deserted streets and bikers cramming pubs is far far worse than kids being forced into marriage (which, BTW is a trend in something you have railed against in the ME threads)..

EH?? They are forcing kinds into marriage?? Where are you getting your facts on this.. please provide a link of proof of your accusation and wouldn't the Canadian Gov't charge or arrest them for such an act??


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Jeeezez. Where the f'k have you been?

USA and I watch DirecTV.. No Canadian TV.. Calgary was flooded for 2 days before I even new.. and I live here..

Stuff like this hits the news every so often and has for decades, although this is the only time in my memory the gov't has actually done ANYTHING about it:

Well, somebody has dropped the ball, but it figures they picked BC to hide out.. they have a progressive government that tolerates this kid of crap.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Prince George it is, I think they hate their new baby! George Alexander Louis.

There's a bit of a difference between Britain and North America in the names people are given.

George is actually a popular name in Britain. In fact, in 2012 it was the 13th most popular name for boys in the UK. Harry was the most popular, followed by Jack (which hardly ever leaves the Top 2).

In Canada, the 13th most popular boys' name in 2012 was Alexander - which is the second name given to Prince George. George, however, is only the 93rd most popular boys' name in Canada.

Jack - the second-most popular boys' name in the UK - is only the 22nd most popular boys' name in Canada.

George doesn't feature in the Top 50 most popular names in the US. Alexander, hower, is the ninth most popular boys' name in the US.

However, Alexander isn't as popular in the UK as it is in Canada or the US. It was only the 32nd most popular boys' name of 2012.

Buckingham Palace sold to Qatar. The King living in a small flat. The only people who marry are gay. A Faragist party in power. A country whose population is approaching 100 million in which Milton Keynes has surpassed London as the largest city and which has Polish as its official second language. Queen Catherine - the widow of the previous monarch King William V - still cutting a stylish figure, even at the age of 99. The monarchy as popular as ever. A world in which the UK remains united but also a world in which California has seceded from the US and Mexico has seized four US states. A world in which TVs and phones are old-fashioned and obsolete.

Dominic Sandbrook imagines what Britain, and the world, could be like in 2081 with King George on the Throne: Prince George Alexander Louis: What kind of Britain will Royal baby reign over? | Mail Online

The date is July 2081 and Britain is in mourning. After a long and happy reign, old King William V is at rest. No sooner had the news been announced, however, than all eyes turned to his successor

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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

Modern British kings try to avoid using Albert as their regnal title.

When Queen Victoria's son, Prince Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, became king in 1901, he took the regnal name Edward VII, against the wish of his late mother that her male descendants would rule as double-barreled Albert-[Name]s indefinitely. The new king declared that he chose the name Edward alone as an honoured name borne by six of his predecessors because he did not wish to diminish the status of his father Prince Albert (who died in 1861) with whom alone among royalty the name Albert should be associated.

In 1936, after the abdication crisis, Prince Albert, Duke of York (the father of Queen Elizabeth II), assumed the throne as King George VI in order to continue his grandfather Edward VII's tradition of not using the title King Albert. His full name was Albert Frederick Arthur George; like Edward VII and and his great-grandmother Victoria (whose first name was actually Alexandrina) he used another of his names.

So, as a sign of respect to Victoria's husband Prince Albert, modern British kings have opted against using Albert as their regnal name - even if they are called Albert.

More Prince George stories:

A ring of steel placed around the Middletons' 18-acre Bucklebury Manor estate in Berkshire last night as the new baby was present shows that this is no ordinary baby: Prince George Police form ring of steel around Kate Middletons' family home in Bucklebury | Mail Online-

The Prince George Effect strikes again... already! Small family firm behind £45 christening shawl 'besieged' by requests: Royal baby Prince George Effect: GH Hurt & Son Ltd behind £45 christening shawl 'besieged' by requests | Mail Online

'They liked the names... no more, no less': Palace reveals why Kate and William chose GEORGE ALEXANDER LOUIS for their baby: Why is the royal baby called George Alexander Louis? Kate and William 'liked the names' | Mail Online

'All fool ye!' How news networks were duped by the fake 'royal town crier' who hijacked Monday's birth announcement in front of watching millions: Royal baby: News networks duped by fake royal town crier who hijacked birth announcement | Mail Online

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