Marines and Honour


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I just exposed yet another Israeli apologist. Incapable of admitting a single Israeli war crime or crime against humanity. Someone who believes creating a pure Jewish state is secular and that a riot which results in 47 Jewish deaths and 48 Arab deaths meets the definition of a Jewish massacre.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I just exposed yet another Israeli apologist. Incapable of admitting a single Israeli war crime or crime against humanity. Someone who believes creating a pure Jewish state is secular and that a riot which results in 47 Jewish deaths and 48 Arab deaths meets the definition of a Jewish massacre.

Right. I am sure that you do not advertise your prejudiced opinions in the workplace / family / friends. If you have done so then that may be why people avoid you.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I just exposed yet another Israeli apologist.
No you didn't.

Incapable of admitting a single Israeli war crime or crime against humanity.
More like incapable of wasting any time dealing with an ideologue like you.

Someone who believes creating a pure Jewish state is secular and that a riot which results in 47 Jewish deaths and 48 Arab deaths meets the definition of a Jewish massacre.
Your cherry picking of one claim a that site aside. Arabs making up 20% of Israels population, exposes you for what you are.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I'm against people who commit war crimes and crimes against humanity regardless of race or religion. Even Israeli apologist agree with me, until they realize I am referring to both sides of that conflict.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I'm against people who commit war crimes and crimes against humanity regardless of race or religion.
How many more times do you think you'll have to say that before you actually believe it yourself?

Even Israeli apologist agree with me, until they realize I am referring to both sides of that conflict.
Correction, until they realize it's BS. Then they just call you what you really are, a Jew hater.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I'm against people who commit war crimes and crimes against humanity regardless of race or religion. Even Israeli apologist agree with me, until they realize I am referring to both sides of that conflict.

Seems that the new member to the Forum as we would say, Ripped you a new one.

Odd how you think you are knowledgeable on Mid East History when it has been shown time and time and yes time again how poorly informed you are.

That is normal for those with an agenda.
Last edited:


Nominee Member
Dec 15, 2011
I just exposed yet another Israeli apologist. Incapable of admitting a single Israeli war crime or crime against humanity. Someone who believes creating a pure Jewish state is secular and that a riot which results in 47 Jewish deaths and 48 Arab deaths meets the definition of a Jewish massacre.

48 Jews were butchered with the type of brutality unfortunately so tyical of hate crimes, and 148 who were injured in the same manner..

Most of the Arabs deaths and injuries were a result of clashes with the police who intervened.

This difference is irrelevant to you? Earth, you disappoint me terribly. I really thought you were someone motivated by human rights and democratic values. Even in my most pro-Palestinian days, I would have read through that site and investigated the massacres and persecution, not one, but a whole lot of them, if not all. I probably would have come back with another argument, because I was hell bent on saving the poor suffering Palestinians, I was. I always figure when people have no curiosity it is because they either subconsciously know their views are based on insufficient and poor facts and are afraid of their views being trully challenged---or they're talking bs and they know it but they don't care because its completely consistent with their values.

The other tactic used, of course, is to label people. Aha! An Israeli apologist. Done. You can dismiss anything they say. It's all anti-curisosity to increase one's knowldge and test one's views.

I'm hoping you'll prove me wrong about you, though. Some of the best lessons I've had in life have come from realizing I was wrong about something.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
You're barking up the wrong tree Oleo, if you think EAO will read anything (Objectively), that interferes with his hatred and demonization of Jews.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
You're barking up the wrong tree Oleo, if you think EAO will read anything (Objectively), that interferes with his hatred and demonization of Jews.

What he does is drop the facts and cherry picks what fits his narrow minded racist opinion of Jews and Israel.
Every time a hard question is asked, he runs off, heads for bed and turns on the night light. He equates hard questions, facts with the bogeyman that still chases him.


Nominee Member
Dec 15, 2011
You just nailed EAO perfectly there.

No doubt he'll blame me for your astute grasp of his limitations.

I probably would have infuriated you with my passionate dedication to saving Palestinians from Israel about 8 years ago. LOL There's a lot of people who get dragged into the anti-Israeli mentality who, if they knew the history and issues, wouldn't. On the other hand, the hatred towards Zionists is often a sign there's far more going on. I remember very early on learning on forums from very patient posters about Zionism and the fact there there's actually so many variations of Zionsim and realizing too that the people who used the word to describe Israelis were the most anti-Semitic-driven. Well, the worst are the ones who describe Israel as the "Zionist Entity". Those are scary!

Still, in those days I was going through a very difficult time in my personal life, plus I had a misguided need for much of my life to save the underdog, save the victims and the helpless and so it wasn't too hard for the propaganda to pull me in. There's all kinds of stuff that goes into how people form their views and why they fight for a certain cause quite often. It's not always rational and values-based. I like to believe people can change their views.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I probably would have infuriated you with my passionate dedication to saving Palestinians from Israel about 8 years ago.
I don't get infuriated, I'd just start treating you like I treat EAO.

LOL There's a lot of people who get dragged into the anti-Israeli mentality who, if they knew the history and issues, wouldn't. On the other hand, the hatred towards Zionists is often a sign there's far more going on. I remember very early on learning on forums from very patient posters about Zionism and the fact there there's actually so many variations of Zionsim and realizing too that the people who used the word to describe Israelis were the most anti-Semitic-driven. Well, the worst are the ones who describe Israel as the "Zionist Entity". Those are scary!
As scary as the ones that claim Israel is an apartheid and pure Jewish state, despite the reality of it.

Still, in those days I was going through a very difficult time in my personal life, plus I had a misguided need for much of my life to save the underdog, save the victims and the helpless and so it wasn't too hard for the propaganda to pull me in. There's all kinds of stuff that goes into how people form their views and why they fight for a certain cause quite often. It's not always rational and values-based. I like to believe people can change their views.
I used to think Israel could do no wrong. Propoganda and a persoanl bias, goes both ways.

I've followed your attempt to engage EAO in a reasoned debate. As so many before you, you came to the simple conclusion, he's full of sh!t.

His sole purpose here is to demonize Israel, and nothing more.

I knew you'd catch on eventually.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I probably would have infuriated you with my passionate dedication to saving Palestinians from Israel about 8 years ago. LOL There's a lot of people who get dragged into the anti-Israeli mentality who, if they knew the history and issues, wouldn't. On the other hand, the hatred towards Zionists is often a sign there's far more going on. I remember very early on learning on forums from very patient posters about Zionism and the fact there there's actually so many variations of Zionsim and realizing too that the people who used the word to describe Israelis were the most anti-Semitic-driven. Well, the worst are the ones who describe Israel as the "Zionist Entity". Those are scary!

Still, in those days I was going through a very difficult time in my personal life, plus I had a misguided need for much of my life to save the underdog, save the victims and the helpless and so it wasn't too hard for the propaganda to pull me in. There's all kinds of stuff that goes into how people form their views and why they fight for a certain cause quite often. It's not always rational and values-based. I like to believe people can change their views.

Hatred for Zionists and Isreal is usually a cover for hating Jews. And we have a few here.


Nominee Member
Dec 15, 2011
What he does is drop the facts and cherry picks what fits his narrow minded racist opinion of Jews and Israel.
Every time a hard question is asked, he runs off, heads for bed and turns on the night light. He equates hard questions, facts with the bogeyman that still chases him.

I recognize this tactic too. It's funny how it the same tactics are used by people all over the Internet and in real-life discussions with this issue.

It's good people ask the hard questions. Sometimes it will make the person Google, read, investigate... Sometimes, not. But it's worth the effort for those who will.

I actually feel so grateful for all the people who debated me with hard, hard questions.

Hatred for Zionists and Isreal is usually a cover for hating Jews. And we have a few here.

Yes, that's true but as you have said, there's a lot of people who fall prey to the propaganda and don't understand that indeed they are falling into anti-Semitism.

Actually, it's quite worrisome, really. I mean, there were a lot of Nazi Germans who just went along because they fell for the propaganda. The Nazis counted on them being complicit. Racism spread through ignorance, not just hatred.

QUOTE=CDNBear;1536092]I don't get infuriated, I'd just start treating you like I
treat EAO.


As scary as the ones that claim Israel is an apartheid and pure Jewish state,
despite the reality of it.

I used to think Israel could do no wrong. Propoganda and a persoanl bias,
goes both ways.

True on both counts.

I've followed your attempt to engage EAO in a reasoned debate. As so many
before you, you came to the simple conclusion, he's full of sh!t.

His sole purpose here is to demonize Israel, and nothing more.

I knew you'd catch on eventually.

I think you're right, unfortunately.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Would anyone care to defend or condemn these War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity?

1) Use of civilians including women and children as human shields to defend artillery and tank positions
2) Use of civilians including women and children as human shields to block bullets and set off booby traps.
3) Use of civilians including children to search for explosives
4) Use of civilians including children to search for enemy positions and draw enemy fire
5) Deliberately destroying civilian infrastructure for purely collective punishment reasons without any military purpose:
- hospitals, schools and universities, police and fire stations, mosques and churches, government buildings
- sewage and water distribution systems
- sewage and water treatment systems
- food production, storage and distribution
- electricity production and distribution
- fuel storage and distribution
6) Deliberately attacking ambulance drivers, paramedics, firemen and police and innocent civilians. including women and children.
7) Ethnic cleansing
8 ) Interference with the delivery of international medical and food aid, causing death from easily treatable diseases and food insecurity
9) Deliberately attacking UN and NGO aid convoys.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Would anyone care to defend or condemn these War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity?

1) Use of civilians including women and children as human shields to defend artillery and tank positions
2) Use of civilians including women and children as human shields to block bullets and set off booby traps.
3) Use of civilians including children to search for explosives
4) Use of civilians including children to search for enemy positions and draw enemy fire
5) Deliberately destroying civilian infrastructure for purely collective punishment reasons without any military purpose:
- hospitals, schools and universities, police and fire stations, mosques and churches, government buildings
- sewage and water distribution systems
- sewage and water treatment systems
- food production, storage and distribution
- electricity production and distribution
- fuel storage and distribution
6) Deliberately attacking ambulance drivers, paramedics, firemen and police and innocent civilians.
7) Ethnic cleansing
8 ) Interference with the delivery of international medical and food aid, causing death from easily treatable diseases and food insecurity
9) Deliberately attacking UN and NGO aid convoys.

Would you care to explain what a Non Violent Pacifist is? Till then I will only keep on asking the same question. Perhaps others may do the same.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I see my post above shut everyone up except a troll, which doesn't count. Anyone care to demand proof of a specific claim?


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Either that or they wanted to see you go away! :lol:


L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Would anyone care to defend or condemn these War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity?

1) Use of civilians including women and children as human shields to defend artillery and tank positions
2) Use of civilians including women and children as human shields to block bullets and set off booby traps.
3) Use of civilians including children to search for explosives
4) Use of civilians including children to search for enemy positions and draw enemy fire
5) Deliberately destroying civilian infrastructure for purely collective punishment reasons without any military purpose:
- hospitals, schools and universities, police and fire stations, mosques and churches, government buildings
- sewage and water distribution systems
- sewage and water treatment systems
- food production, storage and distribution
- electricity production and distribution
- fuel storage and distribution
6) Deliberately attacking ambulance drivers, paramedics, firemen and police and innocent civilians. including women and children.
7) Ethnic cleansing
8 ) Interference with the delivery of international medical and food aid, causing death from easily treatable diseases and food insecurity
9) Deliberately attacking UN and NGO aid convoys.
Seems to me that that sort of stuff happens on both sides. I have to ask, so if the roles were reversed, would anything have changed in that respect? I don't think it would.