Ron Paul announces he's running for president


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Ron Paul, the self pronounced libertarian and constitutionalist has announced he will be running for the replican nomination for president in the 2012 election. Considering his major competition at this point is Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin what are his chances of getting the nomination and even winning the whitehouse.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Ron Paul, the self pronounced libertarian and constitutionalist has announced he will be running for the replican nomination for president in the 2012 election. Considering his major competition at this point is Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin what are his chances of getting the nomination and even winning the whitehouse.
Wasn't there a poll recently that favours Paul by a long shot?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Ron Paul, the self pronounced libertarian and constitutionalist has announced he will be running for the replican nomination for president in the 2012 election. Considering his major competition at this point is Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin what are his chances of getting the nomination and even winning the whitehouse.

Remember though that whereas Palin and Gingrich are not likely to be able to attract support from outside the Republican Party, Ron Paul has in fact been able to attract suport from Democrats even if he is a Republican.

This is not to say that Democrats agree with evrything his stands for. As a strict constitutionalist, he wants to slash the government on all fronts. The difference between him and most Republicans though is taht he also sets high standards for the concept of a just war. He's not much in favour of US military intervention abroad except where absolutely necessary, and seeing that most Democrats and Republicans are much more in favour of military intervention abroad than he is, that makes him the clear choice for those wanting less US military intervention abroad, Republican or not.

CNN showed a poll today that actually puts him in a very tight race with Obama for the presidency at this point, even after the big boost Obama got for the bin laden story.

But again, just as Palin can't get much support outside the Republican Party, my guess is Obama too can't get much support outside the Democratic Party. What Ron Paul has going for him is that he's a Republican with some Democrats on his side.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Once people figure out he is another one of those Teabaggers, and is crazy as a
shi*t House rat they will ebb away. I can't think of anyone who will beat Obama.
Good God if they have sunk to Ron Paul or the Donald the western world is in a
lot of trouble.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Once people figure out he is another one of those Teabaggers, and is crazy as a
shi*t House rat they will ebb away. I can't think of anyone who will beat Obama.
Good God if they have sunk to Ron Paul or the Donald the western world is in a
lot of trouble.
He's been in congress for how long now? People would have him pretty figured out by now don't you think. If he gets the nomination I see it becoming a battle between the corporate world and the people and we know who has the most votes. I don't see him as a teabagger although I am sure some who like the status quo will certainly try to portray him as one.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Once people figure out he is another one of those Teabaggers, and is crazy as a
shi*t House rat they will ebb away. I can't think of anyone who will beat Obama.
Good God if they have sunk to Ron Paul or the Donald the western world is in a
lot of trouble.

I don't agree with Ron Paul wanting to slash taxes so quickly when we have so much debt, and I wouldn't be surprised if many of his supporters disagree with him on that front too.

However, Ron Paul as President, even if he fails to slash taxes, would at least be able to push through major spending cuts we'd hope. After all, remember that in the US, the president is not all-powerful. Ron Paul as president would at least serve as a valuable counterbalance to Democrat and Republican militarism if nothing else. Or at the very least, he'd promote more respect for the constitution.

He's been in congress for how long now? People would have him pretty figured out by now don't you think. If he gets the nomination I see it becoming a battle between the corporate world and the people and we know who has the most votes. I don't see him as a teabagger although I am sure some who like the status quo will certainly try to portray him as one.

Actually, he is a teabagger. What many don't realise though is that the teabagger movement is by no means homogenous. Not long ago some were referencing the Ron-Paul teabaggers (i.e. the more libertarian conservative variety) and the Palin teabaggers (the more neo-conservative variety).

At least Ron Paul was brave enough to admit that the Iraq War was in violation of both the Constitution and international law. He even takes the CIA's notion of blowback to heart.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
When reducing money government spends you have to be careful not to destabilize the
economy. It is not status quo, it a reasonable approach, and slashing and burning is as
bad as over spending. I look at people like the Donald and Sara Palin as examples of
why America is in the trouble its in. Ron Paul is no different he is full of his own brand of
instant solutions, and championing the same tired free enterprise system that has the
country in the mess its in. Unbridled capitalism and unbridled socialism are equal parts of
each other in that neither of them work.
Obama is twice the President Ron Paul could ever be. If the American people were to
finally succumb to the influence of someone like Paul, there problems right now will be
minor compared to what would come about. To start with if the United States abandoned
the military influence or the military complex it would collapse into the worlds worst
recession. The only real manufacturing left that is worth while, is the military contracts.
American, Israeli and Canadian bullet factories are working twenty four hours a day to keep


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
When reducing money government spends you have to be careful not to destabilize the
economy. It is not status quo, it a reasonable approach, and slashing and burning is as
bad as over spending. I look at people like the Donald and Sara Palin as examples of
why America is in the trouble its in. Ron Paul is no different he is full of his own brand of
instant solutions, and championing the same tired free enterprise system that has the
country in the mess its in. Unbridled capitalism and unbridled socialism are equal parts of
each other in that neither of them work.
Obama is twice the President Ron Paul could ever be. If the American people were to
finally succumb to the influence of someone like Paul, there problems right now will be
minor compared to what would come about. To start with if the United States abandoned
the military influence or the military complex it would collapse into the worlds worst
recession. The only real manufacturing left that is worth while, is the military contracts.
American, Israeli and Canadian bullet factories are working twenty four hours a day to keep

Ridiculous. The military-industrial complex does create jobs, but no overall wealth. Sure those in the industry are making money, but only at the expense of the taxpayer. Essentially we're talking about moving money around, not actually producing anything of economic value to the community.

Now I don't agree with Ron Paul on all fronts. And as I'd mentioned above, Ron Paul as president counterbalanced by any Democratic or Republican Congress would actually prove to be a good balance, with Paul trying to cut back on spending and especially US military intervention abroad except when absolutely necessary as an absolute last resort. Heck, he makes Obama look hawkish in comparison. The US has a massive debt, and the military is part of the reason. Should Ron Paul be able to curb back military spending (and we all know that most Republicans and Democrats are'nt interested in such cutbacks), while Congress holds back on the excessive tax reductions Ron Paul wants, then finally the US might be able to start balancing its books.

Castro is amazing... No man has had more attempts on his life, not even Hitler... yet he's still breathing.. The C.I.A failed miserably!

Well, Ron Paul, as a strict Constitutionalist, would not be interested in snuffing Castro anyway.

Another thing about Ron Paul is that he knows how to build coalitions. For instance, he's actually stood shoulder to shoulder with some Democrats who are sick and tired of the militarism in the Democratic Party too. So clearly he's less partisan than most Republicans if he is in fact capable of forming coalitions on case-by-case basis.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Returning the US of A Constitutional Republic that controls it's own currency through congress instead of a corrupt Capitalist Democracy using fiat money is the only way out of the hole it's in without debt default or faking it's own death and hiding in Alaska.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Again? Looks like the doctrine of selfishness is alive and well. But why bother; the Republicans and Democrats do a fair job of supporting that policy.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Once people figure out he is another one of those Teabaggers, and is crazy as a
shi*t House rat they will ebb away. I can't think of anyone who will beat Obama.
Good God if they have sunk to Ron Paul or the Donald the western world is in a
lot of trouble.

I'm normally against the teabaggers, and would otherwise think there is no better than Obamers (which isn't saying much). But if Ron Paul can remove troops from the middle east and shut down the counter-intuitive military-industrial complex of the west, it would be worth the social conservatism.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
When will old Republican men ever learn that they are absolutely NOT appealing to Americans? Don't they realize that Americans want and prefer empty 'charisma' over substance and value? Don't they realize that Americans want and prefer politically correct empty suits over time proven experienced statesmen? Don't they realize that having been a communist agitator trumps having been a war hero?

Don't they realize that to Americans of recent years age and experience has no value? Don't they realize that pissing against the wind will only get them wet?

Obama fooled Americans once. They are plenty stupid to be fooled again.

I say that sadly, being a Canadian who does not cherish bashing Americans, but is realistic enough to see that 2012 will bring the end of America as the world knows it.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I find it hilarious that you would support Ron Paul, YJ, considering he's mostly a pacifist.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Congratulations, mentalfloss, you saved seven keystrokes by showing disrespect by addressing me as 'YJ'.

Where do you see me supporting Ron Paul?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
I'm normally against the teabaggers, and would otherwise think there is no better than Obamers (which isn't saying much). But if Ron Paul can remove troops from the middle east and shut down the counter-intuitive military-industrial complex of the west, it would be worth the social conservatism.

Er... Ron Paul is no social conservative. he wants to decriminalize abortion and even hard drugs like heroin. he's so socially liberal he'd probably make jack layton look like a social conservative!

I personally profoundly disagree with Ron Paul on those points (as I'm quite socially conservative myself), but would still be prepared to vote for him as president on the grounds that the US president still doesn't have absolute power, and so in that sence I'd be voting for him mainly as a counterbalance to excessive military spending on the part of most Democrats and Conservatives.

I guess in that sense I'd support him not because he'd make a superb president, but rather because he'd cause less damage than most democrats and Republicans.

I find it hilarious that you would support Ron Paul, YJ, considering he's mostly a pacifist.

Not a pacifist, but certainly far more pacific than most Democrats and especially more Republicans. he does believe in the notion of a just war, but also belives that it must meet the highest constitutional and moral litmus tests before he could ever approve of such a war. So to correct you there, he's not a pacifist and does accept the use of force. The difference is that for him the principle of just war is most important.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Not a pacifist, but certainly far more pacific than most Democrats and especially more Republicans. he does believe in the notion of a just war, but also belives that it must meet the highest constitutional and moral litmus tests before he could ever approve of such a war. So to correct you there, he's not a pacifist and does accept the use of force. The difference is that for him the principle of just war is most important.

I agree with the 'last resort' methodology. If we really enforced that, we would have avoided the last 10 years of unnecessary conflict and wasted trillions of dollars that YJ unequivocally supported during the Bush regime.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
I guess we could think of a libertarian candidate as a kind of default vote. He won't do much good for the country, but not much bad either. This makes him a neutral choice among bad options.