Why I vote Conservative/Liberal/NDP/Green/Bloc

Ralph B

New Member
Dec 27, 2010
Orillia Ontario
Ansutherland and Machjo ---- Seemed you both had some points, however An to have people more informed vote we do need as you stated less lies! I mean really you may like or support a point a candidate says but in long run unless their party supports it they have no way to bring it forward! seems that the parties don't want to give the people thier platforms --- most like because they don't have a clue what they want to do for their constituants only to play nice with the big boys so their investments grow ! There is far too much mud slinging than solutions to our issues. Liberals and PCs think they are only choice so they feel they just need to compete with on another, mud slinging to get people not to vote for opposition is all they seem to do. That way in end they did not promise to come up with results just say things been ok as Harper has said so far they have not done wrong. Well if you don't do much of anything how can you do wrong?? He looks like a hero coasting through, while telling everyone having difficulties that the other would bring forth more taxes!! Like he didn't???

As far as HST not big issue, well think again! it takes an extra 8% in Ontario on living costs (home heating oil, natural gas, electric, gas to go to and from work) At this point and time there are many families having trouble making ends meet, the added burden of 8% on those items are killers in survival!! Here is a bitch why we pay debt retirement, and dilivery on hydro?? Now if you check your bill for us to repay a executive made debt (by their wages--- s__t if anyone of us would have done such in our jobs we would have been charged with embezzelment, assests seized thrown in jail) that we have to pay also taxed !!

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Someone should write a book about how Adam Beck's Power Commission turned into something "the People" were glad to be shed of ... starring Mike Harris and Elenor Clithero....


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Another mention about 'qualifications'. Don't forget that Goebels, Hitler's minister of propaganda, had a PhD. And a current member of the BNP, who claims that blacks are genetically intellectually inferior to whites also has a PhD. Meanwhile, Charlemagne, who was illiterate, had realized the importance of promoting education and science.

So again, how do you determine the 'criteria' other than academically?

P Rob P McQueen

New Member
Mar 14, 2011
I don't vote very often, not that I don't go to the polls, I do. But before I go to the polls I ask the candidates one quesion, which will determine if they will get my vote. I ask " if there is an issue which your constituents were against, but to which your party was in favour, who would you align your vote with. I the candidate doesn't immediately and clearly say that they are there for the people I will not vote for that person. In the last 9 elections I have only voted once. The rest of the times I have destoyed my ballot by writing on it, "None of these people will represent me, they will only serve the parties to which they are affiliated. Is there anything so silly as to pay the person that is supposed to represent you, but votes only in line with the Party?


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
At least with the Liberals they are more honest and a good example is that when they were accused of wrongdoing they decided to hold the inquiry that ultimately kicked them out as leaders of a minority. The Conservatives cannot say the same they just decide not to hold inquiries on their questionable decisions.

This is why some of the more important Conservative MPs are jumping ship and leaving the Conservative party.
It’s time for the Liberals to get the majority so they can clean up the Conservative mess that they always leave when they are in power.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
I have voted at least once for all three of the main parties (Conservative, Liberal, NDP), although I can't really say that my political ideology lies directly within any of their camps. I've also at times cast my vote for my local candidate regardless of party affiliation because I've found myself impressed with him or her specifically.

I suppose, being honest with myself, I politically straddle the fence between Conservative and Liberal and that traditionally has been where my votes have tended to go in the past and likely will continue to in the future. The reality of it is that my day to day life does not change all that much whether we have a Tory or a Grit as PM. I will continue to be critical of the individual and the party that leads because I believe we should hold our elected officials to account all the time. I will also continue to give credit where credit is due.

Rick Mercer summed it up best for me I think (and I'm paraphrasing here) "The government of Canada is like a box of baking soda. We put it in the fridge and then forget about it. When the fridge starts to stink, we change the box."


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I'll probably vote NDP this time around as it seems to align with my values, and I feel like the party would stick to most of its promises.

That said, my vote is always based on a 'reaction' to what I believe are the pertinent dilemmas. Most people believe they are born and bred Conservatives or Liberals or NDP or Green. People need to get out of that mindset as it just reinforces voting for the same party over and over again without giving the issues at hand much thought.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
I don't hold allegiance to any one party, and rather like it that way. Partisan adulation makes me nauseous.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I'm leaning towards the Liberals because the Mayor of Medicine Hat has announced he is running for the party. I've never voted Liberal before (except that I voted for Ralph Klein who was actually a Liberal despite leading the Conservative Party) and I will probably switch my vote before election day depending on who runs locally.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Well that explains your nick.

You needed an explanation??8O

Liberal, me; but if the NDP can lend a hand, so much the better. Would be solidly NDP, but, can't afford to waste a vote, and really don't think Jack can pull it.................off.................:lol:..........well...........

I must be in a minority of one who thinks that given the horrible recession Bob Rae inherited when premier of Ont, he did a good job. Wouldn't be the first time.........minority of one, etc.

Now I think he just wants to RULE, and has the knives out for Iggy........ah well.

Better a Lib. govt. or a Lib/NDP thingy than CON jackboots on our necks within a year or so if Herr Harpo gets the majority. Mein Stevo has promised to rule exactly as he has for the last five years, even if he gets a majority. FAT FUKKIN CHANCE. Some fxxxin rule. He makes Cretien look like a vestal virgin, except he has a better hair dresser..................if you like lots of spray.


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
Liberals dump candidate for remarks about minorities - CTV News

What do you think would have happened 20 years ago if this guy was a Reformer? Don't you think the Liberals would have been beside themselves? I'm wondering if, given that this guy is a Kweebecker, there won't be much made of it.

I don't know how they're going to fix it, but internally it's always been taken as a natural hazard with any candidate from Quebec.

Harper would just pre-muzzled all Quebecois to be on the safe side.

Now I think he (Harper) just wants to RULE, and has the knives out for Iggy...
They're not even trying to hide it anymore. The Reformocons systematically describe life under a Reformocon majority as "Harper Rule" and not "Harper government".

Heck, they even describe their term as a minority as "Harper Rule". Maybe they're just externalizing what it was like to be in cabinet or on the backbench.

Better a Lib. govt. or a Lib/NDP thingy than CON jackboots on our necks within a year or so if Herr Harpo gets the majority.

Ever notice how Harper can't drop his "coalition threat" mantra? It's like it's the only thing he's scared of, or that he thinks it's the only thing that will scare voters.

Let's think about that...

A person is planning to vote NDP or Liberal. Neither party can achieve a majority, but together they might be able to.

So they do what the Reformers and PCs did, and collate. Now there will be people from NDP and Liberal in cabinet...

And that's supposed to *scare* someone who would have voted NDP or Liberal into voting Reformocon???

As if Lib/NDP voters are going to think, "I'd rather be Ruled by a Reformocon than be Governed by my NDP/Lib member sharing cabinet positions with other Lib/NDP members."

And he's still going on with the blatant fairy-tale about the Bloc being part of any coalition.

I think Harper's scared of it because it's the trick his gang used to grab control of the right and pull it further south, so he knows it can work.

Well duh... Europeans have been working parliamentary systems with coalitions since they got parliamentary democracies, and it was always taken as a natural part of the process, often being the best way to get some representation in government of all parties even when small.

In any case, Iggy said no coalition, which means he's trying to go it alone, when means people who don't want to be ruled by a uniarchical Reformocon had better get out and vote.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
You needed an explanation??8O

Liberal, me; but if the NDP can lend a hand, so much the better. Would be solidly NDP, but, can't afford to waste a vote, and really don't think Jack can pull it.................off.................:lol:..........well...........

I must be in a minority of one who thinks that given the horrible recession Bob Rae inherited when premier of Ont, he did a good job. Wouldn't be the first time.........minority of one, etc.

Now I think he just wants to RULE, and has the knives out for Iggy........ah well.

Better a Lib. govt. or a Lib/NDP thingy than CON jackboots on our necks within a year or so if Herr Harpo gets the majority. Mein Stevo has promised to rule exactly as he has for the last five years, even if he gets a majority. FAT FUKKIN CHANCE. Some fxxxin rule. He makes Cretien look like a vestal virgin, except he has a better hair dresser..................if you like lots of spray.

Funny, Harper makes Chretien look good?

Did I miss something?

Like perhaps Harper personally choking out a citizen?

How about Harper engaged in business deals with a felon?

Or Harper using the RCMP as his own personal Gestapo in a vendetta against the President of the BDC when he refused to go along with aforementioned corruption?

Or has Harper stolen 40 million dollars of the taxpayers' money???

Or has Harper appointed a Mafia made-man to cabinet, and then spirited him off to Denmark when he got in trouble?

Or has Harper torn $100 million from the desperately under-funded military budget to buy fancy planes for the cabinet to fly around in?


That was Chretien!

And I could go on.

How quickly the people have forgotten the corruption of the Liberal Party,........rotten to the core.........

Compared to them, Harper is a beacon of honest government.


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
Funny, Harper makes Chretien look good?

Did I miss something?

Like perhaps Harper personally choking out a citizen?

How about Harper engaged in business deals with a felon?

Or Harper using the RCMP as his own personal Gestapo in a vendetta against the President of the BDC when he refused to go along with aforementioned corruption?

Or has Harper stolen 40 million dollars of the taxpayers' money???

Or has Harper appointed a Mafia made-man to cabinet, and then spirited him off to Denmark when he got in trouble?

Or has Harper torn $100 million from the desperately under-funded military budget to buy fancy planes for the cabinet to fly around in?


That was Chretien!

And I could go on.

How quickly the people have forgotten the corruption of the Liberal Party,........rotten to the core.........

Compared to them, Harper is a beacon of honest government.

People remember... sort of.

Chretien being Chretien is why Paul Martin hated him. Chretien being Chretien is why Chretien obnoxiously ran for an extra term just to block Martin out.

Martin eventually got in and proceeded to fix everything, but the sheeple with their oh-so-magnificent memories blamed Martin for Chretien's tripe.

Then Harper goes on to bask in the effects of Martin's policies which were what caused no Canadian bank to fail and enabled Canada to suffer the least of the G8 during this miserably long recession.

Martin got blamed for Chretien's crap, and Harper tries to run off with the credit for all the good stuff he did.

Man-oh-man, Canada finally had a guy at the helm who knew what he was doing, and he gets it from both ends.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
People remember... sort of.

Chretien being Chretien is why Paul Martin hated him. Chretien being Chretien is why Chretien obnoxiously ran for an extra term just to block Martin out.

Martin eventually got in and proceeded to fix everything, but the sheeple with their oh-so-magnificent memories blamed Martin for Chretien's tripe.

Then Harper goes on to bask in the effects of Martin's policies which were what caused no Canadian bank to fail and enabled Canada to suffer the least of the G8 during this miserably long recession.

Martin got blamed for Chretien's crap, and Harper tries to run off with the credit for all the good stuff he did.

Man-oh-man, Canada finally had a guy at the helm who knew what he was doing, and he gets it from both ends.

Martin did a bit of crap of his own, brought the debt down largely by transferring it to the provinces. People have to understand that none of these bastards are squeaky clean. Martin and Chretien were about on par.