Time for editorial oversight!!

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
PC's (& this Forum) are also just a source of entertainment for the Members
who're also Mod's....and if that wasn't the case, the Mod's wouldn't be here
when time permitted either. When I'm not Mod'ing....I'm playing. If all I could
do was to be a Referee/Babysitter/whatever...I'd have no incentive to ever
show up here. Deal with the work, then play.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
PC's (& this Forum) are also just a source of entertainment for the Members
who're also Mod's....and if that wasn't the case, the Mod's wouldn't be here
when time permitted either. When I'm not Mod'ing....I'm playing. If all I could
do was to be a Referee/Babysitter/whatever...I'd have no incentive to ever
show up here. Deal with the work, then play.

Oh, so a sense of duty just ain't good enough for ya? You want the freedom to enjoy the forum just like the rest of us? What do ya think you are, equal or something?

Oh people today, always asking for so many rights, like the right to fairness, equality and such. What's this world coming to?

Ah the good ol' days when we could have whipped that mod into shape and imprison him and make him into a gladiator for his lack of any sense of duty to his forumites.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
L Gilbert gave me this advise:

"How do you know you'd need any more skills than what you have?"

I suppose you would want me to get my feet wet, wade in and be a moderator.

Won't happen! I spent the last 30 years of my working life as a main-frame COBOL programmer. I am a dying breed in more ways than one. PC's are nothing but a source of entertainment for me.
Good for you. But why would you want to lessen someone else's enjoyment of their computer by aiding spammers and trolls instead of helping to get rid of them?


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
L Gilbert, I want nothing of the sort.

What I want to (well, would like to) see is a forum where people are mature enough to deal with a few words that in their minds is perceived as offensive.

You can call me anyting you like. You can call my beliefs anything you like. If I wrere a black man I honestly would not take offense if you called me a ni--er. I have been called the the white equivalent of that, and worse.

I shook it off by telling the 'offender': I've been called worse than that by better people than you.

Paraphrasing Henry Higgins said in "My Fair Lady": Why can't people be more like me?

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
L Gilbert, I want nothing of the sort.

What I want to (well, would like to) see is a forum where people are mature enough to deal with a few words that in their minds is perceived as offensive.

You can call me anyting you like. You can call my beliefs anything you like. If I wrere a black man I honestly would not take offense if you called me a ni--er. I have been called the the white equivalent of that, and worse.

I shook it off by telling the 'offender': I've been called worse than that by better people than you.

Paraphrasing Henry Higgins said in "My Fair Lady": Why can't people be more like me?
Then you don't mind spammers and trolls. Well, tough luck, Jack. Most of the rest of us don't like spammers and trolls. So don't do anything to maintain the integrity of CanCon. We'll do that for you.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
"OK Jack, how do you Proactively stop all Spammers before they Spam? How
do you stop Trolling (like what's happening in this Thread too) before someone
hits the "ENTER" button on their keyboard"

Ron, it has been pointed out many times in the past (by singularly UNILINGUAL critics) that my command of the English language is inferior, it being my second language.

So, maybe I used the adverb 'proactively' in an incorrect way. What I meant was that the moderators should delete immediately any post that violates the rules of Canadian Content, with explanation to the offender via PM why the post was removed. Same goes for anyone banned for inappropriate post(s).

I realize that you, as moderators, have a difficult job and I know that you do the best you can.
Been tried a million times on this board and it doesn't work. No reason to change the way it is now, if you don't like spam and trolling don't read it.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
L Gilbert, are you purposefully difficult? With quotes like the one below, you seem to confirm my belief that some posters are simply and maliciouisly contrasry to anything said, written and/or sung by anyone disagreeing with them. I thought - obviously mistakenly, that you were above the Cliffys, the SirJosephPorters and the DurkaDurkas of this world.

"Then you don't mind spammers and trolls. Well, tough luck, Jack. Most of the rest of us don't like spammers and trolls. So don't do anything to maintain the integrity of CanCon. We'll do that for you."

The posts that you, I or ANYONE consider offensive should be there for everyone to see what an idiot is. Reporting only pays homage to idiots who posted them.

No, I don't like spams and trolls. But it should NOT be my job to notify the moderators. They are ARE the moderators, after all. They are the ones who should find and delete any and all offending or unnecessary/redundant threads/posts.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The posts that you, I or ANYONE consider offensive should be there for everyone to see what an idiot is. Reporting only pays homage to idiots who posted them.

No, I don't like spams and trolls. But it should NOT be my job to notify the moderators. They are ARE the moderators, after all. They are the ones who should find and delete any and all offending or unnecessary/redundant threads/posts.

Good to know. Submit your application to Andem along with your proof of psychic
abilities and the agreement that you'll be available 24/7/365 immediately, and
the Job is yours. You can pick up your non-paycheque every second Friday. ;-)


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Good to know. Submit your application to Andem along with your proof of psychic
abilities and the agreement that you'll be available 24/7/365 immediately, and
the Job is yours. You can pick up your non-paycheque every second Friday. ;-)
He picked me for my "Amazing" psychic abilities.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
And what about the grammatical and spelling errors, etc. in my posts. They're not corrected yet. Come on, get a move on now, you lazy bums.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
In fact, I expect an e-mail every day indicating the details of my typos and such for the following day so I can avoid them, and if I type the wrong again, an instantaneous correction before anyone has a chance to read it.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
lone wolf, only the wishy-washy weak-kneed, noodle-spined weaklings never get reported, because they have no STRONG opinion about anything except offending people they could not hold a candle to, in a safe, typical liberal way.

Yes, I have been reported by yahooes, probably even by you. I served my two weeks off with pride and dignity. It gave me time to refresh and reload.

I am sure that if I invented the cure for cancer, you and your miserable ilk would still find a reason to bash me by saying that I am a jerk because I did not discover the cure for Alzheimers. Much to the the sorrow of the well-deserving, such as you.

Back to the topic: Your posts, one and all are like the flood in a house. Should be permanently shut off.
If I was a mod, I would give you time again to refresh and reload.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
VanIsle, in your infinite wisdom you opined:

"If I was a mod, I would give you time again to refresh and reload."

Would you give a reason? Or are you just filled with unreasonable hate?

Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB
The moderators here are the police. And just as the police they should act PROactively, rather than REactively.

And just as police should not and can not rely on snitches, neither should the moderators of this forum.

The 'report' button should be permanently disabled, since it is nothing but an extra weapon given to the thin-skinned noodle-spined weak-kneed mimosas.

Seems no matter what forum you visit, or what crop of mods and admins are providing and tending the free sandbox, there's always someone who has a much better idea how things should be done without ever actually proving it by doing it themselves. I say, if you can do it better, then get on with it.

... one other observation in response to any suggestion from anyone on any forum that they'd make a better mod than those currently holding the position: If I was choosing mods (oh wait, I was lolll) ... I'd never ever in a million years choose somebody who actually asked for the job. It's a thankless, time consuming and difficult task which demands an ability to remain objective in the face of endless ludicrous petty complaints and criticism of one's efforts. I won't even get into what goes into trying to keep the peace on public forum when grown adults take their whining behind the scenes demanding punitive actions from the mods against their forum foes... you would be shocked at the level of childishness some people stoop to - which the mods not only put up with, but actually attempt to provide an effective peacekeeping intervention rather than just smiting willy nilly all those involved in whatever the fiasco of the day is..... and the length of time some folks will hold a grudge for and sometimes actually harass the mods trying to get them to take sides - sometimes for friggin' weeks! Jeeze I'm glad to be done with that cr*p.

Yep, I'm convinced that anyone who actually wants the job must be either delusional as to what the role actually entails, or dizzy with excitement at the prospect of having a little (perceived) power over other members of their forum community - and would only end up getting turfed out of the job by the admin after the first abuse of the whizzie stick.

I remain grateful to Ron, Haz and Shadow for accepting the challenge and I think they're doing a fantastic job of it. Thanks guys, I'm so glad you're here doing what you do!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
A thankless job, and there's always an armchair critic who has a better way.

The report function is there to avoid wasting peoples precious time. How about an experiment. Those interested, try for one day to monitor all the new posts, and write all of them down that you think should be removed. Hand in your homework at the end of the day to the mods. See how many of the posts you picked get axed, how many of the ones you picked were reported by others, how many you missed, etc.

Of course I may be putting more work on the mods by even suggesting this educational experience. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it! :D


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
"Lately there have been quite a few posts that were
1. Redundant because threads on the same topic existed already
2. Nothing but spam
3. Nothing but trolling"

You must be referring to the endless repeat threads that attack Obama with the same old sh*t every week.


Electoral Member
Feb 10, 2009
OH, dear Lord, please, please, please, please, please tell me I've been reported a time or two. It would do this poor heart so much joy to know I have irked someone to the point where the meanest thing they could do is hit the button ... even from the likes of Lemonboy.....
O.K. lone wolf, if will give your heart joy, I'll go for it.. You've been reported... ;-)


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Reporting spam and other forms of abuse to the moderators is everyone's responsibility. The mods can't be everywhere or see everything. Use common sense regarding reporting abuse and you'll help make the moderator's job easier.