The earth Hour is back!


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
"To a conservative, any initiative to preserve environment, whether it is turning off lights for one hour, taking steps to reduce global warming, or trying to save endangered species (or recycling), is a load of fertilizer.

As I have mentioned before, it comes from their interpretation of the Bible ("subdue the earth, conquer it, dominate it", not "preserve it, conserve it, nurture it"))."

I am trying to do something here that you have never learned: answer a post, sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph, rather than what you always do, namely, picking out a sentence to which - in your imagination - you have a valid response.

As a conservative, and a capitalist and a money-grabber, I DO TURN OUT THE LIGHTS when I don't use them, because it saves me money.

Once you prove me that the warming on Mars, Jupiter and even the outer planets is caused by conservatives and their SUV's I will concede that you and Al Gore are right.

Once you prove that the polar bears are facing extinction (in spite the fact that there are more polar bears now than 10 years ago) I will concede that you and David Suzuki are right.

Once you make a valid claim that the world is worse off because some species died off, I will conceed that you are right.

Once you prove that you recycle and I don't, I will concede that you are right.

Once you prove that the Bible says that Man should destroy the Earth, not preserve it and nurture it, I will concede that you are right.

And, finally, your post and pretty much all your posts, here and on any and all other threads are nothing but a load of fertilizer.

You just contradicted yourself all over the funny.:lol:

Plus, if what to cahllenge the science of AGW I'm sure Tonnington is only to happy to school you on the subject.

Perhaps he can explain evolution as well......:lol:


Council Member
Mar 31, 2005
Prince George, BC
That was the estimate of World Wildlife Federation, also of most impartial observers (like Globe and Mail). I see no reason to disbelieve them.
They made that estimate up before the event. That's a pretty good reason to disbelieve them. How many acutally participated? Who knows? All the papers went with the WWF figure.

Earth hour is a token,
Exactly! And a token is all the effort that evironmentalists are willing to make. None of them would even contemplate giving up their energy powered conveniences as would be necessary to save the planet if their claims of AGW were correct. Bunch of hypocrites without the courage of their convictions.

Believe, me I wouldn't expect anything different from a conservative anti-environmentalist.
Well I most certainly am a conservative, center-right. But I am not now, nor have I ever been anti-environment.


Council Member
Mar 31, 2005
Prince George, BC
So you have quoted a few right wing extremists here, big deal. And that supposed Indian, we have only his word that he is an Indian. For all we know he may be a lily white Joan of Arc acolyte, a committed anti-environmentalist Anybody can tell any kind of lies on the internet.

So what you are saying is that right wing extremists, anti-environmentalists are against Earth Hour. Big surprise there.
What ever gave you the impression that Ross is a right wing extremist? I have no idea what his politics are. All I've been able to determine is that he believes in science and opposes fraud. And you make up nonsense about the self-described Indian and respond to it as if it was fact.

But you don't answer anything they've said. "You haven't changed. Still as pathetic as you were last year.


Council Member
Mar 31, 2005
Prince George, BC
Typical left-wing nonsense, posted by the most hypocritical of them all.

Being independently rich (and if that is not enough, leaching off his wife) it is safe to come to the conclusion that his home consumes more power just by being there than most most regular homes could save by switching power off for one hour 365 days a year.
We only have his word that he's independantly rich and leaches off his wife. My impression from his posts is that he's single and still living in his parents basement.


Council Member
Mar 31, 2005
Prince George, BC
To a conservative, any initiative to preserve environment, whether it is turning off lights for one hour, taking steps to reduce global warming, or trying to save endangered species (or recycling), is a load of fertilizer.
What nonsense. :lol: I guess that's the best you can do, try to smear the character of your opponents rather than actually answer them.

As I have mentioned before, it comes from their interpretation of the Bible ("subdue the earth, conquer it, dominate it", not "preserve it, conserve it, nurture it")).
No, "it" comes from your fertile imagination.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
We only have his word that he's independantly rich and leaches off his wife. My impression from his posts is that he's single and still living in his parents basement.
That fits, IMO, but you forgot to add that he's waiting till they croak so he can move upstairs. He says he is 60 years old (um, chronogically anyway).

Anyway, we're almost entirely off grid. It's cheaper that way, even considering the maintenance and initial expense, so "earthday" is everyday.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
I intend to take my 400 hp BMW M3 for a high rev cruise through some mountain roads of 'pristine' British Columbia (well..i haven't bought it yet, but i consider my currenct mode of transportation as environmentally insensitive, if not quite so ambitiously).. terrorizing bike riders and hybrids if i find any.

My place will be lit up like a Christmas tree.. all to highlight the real threat to earth's well being.. radical environmentalists and their lies.. especially the fraud of Anthropocentric Global Warming .. and its Ponzi scheme of a solution in 'cap and trade'. :smile:
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
I intend to take my 400 hp BMW M3 for a high rev cruise through some mountain roads of 'pristine' British Columbia (well..i haven't bought it yet, but i consider my currenct mode of transportation as environmentally insensitive, if not quite so ambitiously).. terrorizing bike riders and hybrids if i find any.

My place will be lit up like a Christmas tree.. all to highlight the real threat to earth's well being.. radical environmentalists and their lies.. especially the fraud Anthropocentric Global Warming .. and its Ponzi scheme of a solution in 'cap and trade'. :smile:
Typical wasteful attitude of the ignorant. *shrugs* Nothing new here.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"You just contradicted yourself all over the funny."

In typical liberal fashion, you never bothered to say HOW I contradicted myself.

But I am sure your SirJosephPorter will be eternally happy for being his lapdog.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
"You just contradicted yourself all over the funny."

In typical liberal fashion, you never bothered to say HOW I contradicted myself.

But I am sure your SirJosephPorter will be eternally happy for being his lapdog.

What's even funnier is you don't even know where you did.:lol:


Man, are you ever dumb.:tongue3:


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Typical wasteful attitude of the ignorant. *shrugs* Nothing new here.

Typical knee jerk reaction of the ignorant.

See, 2 can play that game.

There are some people that have seen the "facts" presented for GW and don't buy it. There are some people that believe that the only thing this "earth day" crap is, is just the WWF trying to get free publicity and shine the "see how great we are" spot light on themselves to garner more donations.

The local utility's support "earth day", do you think they would if it actually made a dent in their bottom line? The actual amount of energy "saved" is miniscule. Hardly a drop in the bucket. The only thing it accomplishes is giving some people the ability to "claim" that they are doing something for the environment, when in fact they have done nothing.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Like I said last year.... I'll kill the electric-eating devices for an hour - If only to gyp Hydro One from an hour of sales.
Is gyping the same as Jewing; both denegrate a segment of society?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
"You just contradicted yourself all over the funny."

In typical liberal fashion, you never bothered to say HOW I contradicted myself.

But I am sure your SirJosephPorter will be eternally happy for being his lapdog.
You mean acolyte.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
If Earth Hour were anything but a hare-brained idea of hypocritical extreme left-wing nuts, the government would mandate a shut-down of services for an hour.

Which proves that even the governmeent is smarter than the left wing nuts.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Earth hour in North Korea a stunning success.