Will Mark Carney (as an unelected PM) have a seat in Parliament?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Now that the Liberals have elected Mark Carney as their leader, and in so doing anointed him as prime minister, it’s a good time to look beyond the gushing reviews of those fawning over him.
His supporters point to his impressive resume as governor of both the Bank of Canada and Bank of England. In the U.K., however, the reviews are less enthusiastic.
(Which Really isn’t saying much….)

“Fundamentally, Carney is one of those people who think a small group of experts can run things better than a noisy, vibrant democracy.”

The gospel of St. Mark embraces Net Zero, a costly effort to reduce greenhouse gases. Right now, Canada needs to invest in defence spending, pipelines and energy infrastructure.

We don’t need Carney to send our tax dollars down a woke rabbit hole. Trusting the Liberals on carbon taxes is like Charlie Brown trusting Lucy is going to hold the football for him.
Liberal leader and prime-minister designate Mark Carney, having been the world’s leading corporate lobbyist for global carbon taxes for years, now says he’s scrapping outgoing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s “consumer carbon tax.”

But what he’s doing is folding it into Trudeau’s industrial carbon tax and adding a second carbon tax — a tariff that Canadians will pay on many imported goods — misleadingly described as a “border adjustment mechanism.”