I used to like perogies then i got bored of them and they made me sick.(maybe because my mom cooked them!lol)
Cosmo said:Sounds like my Jack Russell ... bounces off every window like a pinball. One of these days I'm going to end up running over someone in the tank I drive thanks to her antics! She especially hates joggers ... attacks the windows, slobbering and snarling, whenever one runs by. Of course if they came over to the truck she'd hide under the seat ...
I did the cat in the car thing once. Had a little Austin Healy Sprite convertible, back in the day, and was moving from the Island to the Mainland. My cat had 5 kittens, just old enough to get out of the box. I was trying to drive through downtown Vancouver, keep kittens in the box, and remove the mother cat's claws from my back all at the same time. After that, it was tranqs for the cats all the way!
:lol: :lol: :lol: Perfect name for a JR!! You no longer have him/her? I can't imagine life without mine. That's her in my avatar ... she's a lot like Peapod, only shorter and less articulate. I think that's why I love Moche!GreenGreta said:Waffles go with ice cream. Perogys are gross, but an Irish Grandma would know how to make em. Love the Irish.
Also funny was the Jack Russell Terrorist being a pinball. I (truly) wanted to name the one I had Pinball. Honest to god.
Homemade saurkraut isn't sanitary???? Don't tell me that! I just found out I'm a tad nuts and am off to see a shrink about a germ phobia I've developed in terms of food.
My dad used to make headcheese ... we always got a full pig each year and he would make headcheese right from the actual head of the pig. Always grossed me out.
My Mom makes this killer homemade mustard with horseradish in it. Hotter than hell, but yummy! I guess I ought to get her recipe before she shuffles off this mortal coil.