i can relate, cosmo.
I was vegitarian for years (didn't eat diary directly, but didn't make sure dairy products were not in pre-made foods; ate fresh salmon in season being from the coast)
Then, for performance reasons I researched diet and learned quite a bit. For one, I always suffered from sinus problems and ensuring no casien is in my diet (dairy component), I don't suffer from conjestion anymore. IGF-I is a frightening component of dairy as well.
However, I experienced a serious liver problem (acute) the result of "something in the water" (best guess of docs). After my liver healed itself (the docs just kept monitoring), I did private testing for allergies and other body issues that could have effected the liver. That is when I started to get serious about the GI monitoring, and the effects many potential allergens. Luckily, I didn't eat the majority of potential allergens to begin with, so the 9 allergen diet to test for sensitivities was easy.
My gf went to a seminar by Franco Caveleri on diet. While he recommends certian meats and whey, the rest of his dietary suggestions are worth checking out. The book is called "the potential within". His company/book site is www.biologicnr.com