What's to Come? What WILL be! ... What The $@#% IS THAT?


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
What's to Come? What WILL Be! ... What The $@#% Is That!

A Thread For/About the Future!(or about what those from the past, thought the future would be like.)

About/ For: Prophets - Visionaries - Futurists or, Whom-ever.
Also For/About: All that is Bizarre, Strange, Paranormal, Extraordinary, Freakish,The Tamely Warped and Twisted....Simply, Truly Fascinating!

The Truth is often Stranger than Fiction. (Unless it's a High Tech, Abstract, Sci-Fi, Futuristic Fantasy Story, which uses some "Out There" Meta Physics Formula, like P.E.U ( Person / Earth / Universe ), based on Theoretically Possible Could/Might Be's, and Truthfulish Alternate Realities.)
Like aren't Ol' Sci Fi Flicks Comical now? (All Except the good ones...They Become strangely accurate, eerily prophetic, kinda creepy, yet still somewhat comical, cult classics. eg: 1984...2001-space odyssey(gettin' there anyway.)
Are we any better now at Predicting / Preparing for the certain future; sure to come(maybe)? Better than we were in the past?
Is it for real? How possible is it? If it doesn't exist; Can/Should we create iITt?

What's To Come?

What will be?
What WILL be!

And,... What The $@#% Is That?


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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
When you live in the present, there is no time or future because the future is here with each new moment. The future will be whatever we dream it to be and it will be different for everybody who makes it. To me that is a much better way to approach it. In the past we were always told what to expect. Those in control planned it that way but they are no longer relevant.


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
We Live, We Dream; We Create...Cuz That's What Humans Do.

Now's where it's at. That's for sure...
The Future is still to come; just imagine.

Gotta Dream...Make a Goal. Plan to Make it so.
That's what humans do best.
We live, We Dream; We Create...
Make it real.Keep it real.
That's what humans do.
Remember where we were that day?
Where/What we would like to be, someday?

An idea to be something greater; A plan to be somewhere, later.
We are all here, now. Free to Dream, of something more.
Make it so.
Plan to wake up tomorrow.
Start Anew.

Live for life.Not for Death.
Life has a Far Brighter Future.
Death is just 1 day.
I Fear not, 1 day.
I'll Dream Free Tonight.
Plan to wake tomorrow.
Got to.
Cuz that's what we humans do.

I've made many plans.Plans I plan to keep.
I dreamed big Dreams.
Will keep me busy.For sometime yet.
Til, I'm dead.
I won't go quietly into the night. No...Not yet.
I still have too much to do.
So much to complete.
Cuz that's what humans do.
We live.We Dream.We Create.We make; True... True.
So Believe.
Cuz that's what human do.
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House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Could These Exceptional Young Stars Be Harboring Sentient Beings who have reached Type I, II OR III Civilizations!? - Stars With Their Chemical Clock On Hold - SpaceRef

Type I – this civilization harnesses the energy output of an entire planet.

Type II – this civilization harnesses the energy output of a star, and generates about 10 billion times the energy output of a Type I civilization.

Type III – this civilization harnesses the energy output of a galaxy, or about 10 billion time the energy output of a Type II civilization.
Dr.Michio Kaku on Type I, II OR III Civilization ( In Depth ) - www.mkaku.org/home/articles/the-physics-of-extraterrestrial-civiliz


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Is Lucid Dream Gaming the Entertainment of the Future?

With advancements in Information Technology and a little training. This "Out There" idea is now Very Possible!

But is it safe?

Would/Could this technology be used to Manipulate/Brainwash it's Entertainment Enthusiasts?

Without the ability to know that you are dreaming; to know the difference between regular reality and the implanted gaming information being processed while your sleep. Could Dream Gaming be harmful to the Natural Sleeping/Dreaming process; to your mind...to how you perceive your life; and to what REAL, Really is???

Well, No worries... The Reality Is, that for now... Movies, Media, Education...Cell Phones...Gaming Consoles, etc. will have to remain Indirect/Detached sources of Brainwash and Entertainment....Until people become a little more comfortable with/reliant on their devices. ;):)

In the meantime...Here's a little something to help you hone your lucid dreaming abilities, so you'll be ready for the future.

Lucid Dreaming Basics - Lucid Dreaming Basics: Reality Checks
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Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Lucid dreaming is a portal into a parallel universe. it is very dangerous. You could be trapped there. Then, you would have to have a lucid dream to return, but there is an infinite number of parallel universes. Do not, I repeat, do not try this at home.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Lucid dreaming is a portal into a parallel universe. it is very dangerous. You could be trapped there. Then, you would have to have a lucid dream to return, but there is an infinite number of parallel universes. Do not, I repeat, do not try this at home.
What are housing prices like over there?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
When Someone Gives You Lemons...Ya Squirt It In Their Eyes!

Why would anyone want to have a lucid dream or play a Lucid Dream Game about damn Raisins!?... If you don't want raisins don't buy, or think about Raisins!

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