What's to Come? What WILL Be! ... What The $@#% Is That!
A Thread For/About the Future!(or about what those from the past, thought the future would be like.)
About/ For: Prophets - Visionaries - Futurists or, Whom-ever.
Also For/About: All that is Bizarre, Strange, Paranormal, Extraordinary, Freakish,The Tamely Warped and Twisted....Simply, Truly Fascinating!
The Truth is often Stranger than Fiction. (Unless it's a High Tech, Abstract, Sci-Fi, Futuristic Fantasy Story, which uses some "Out There" Meta Physics Formula, like P.E.U ( Person / Earth / Universe ), based on Theoretically Possible Could/Might Be's, and Truthfulish Alternate Realities.)
Like aren't Ol' Sci Fi Flicks Comical now? (All Except the good ones...They Become strangely accurate, eerily prophetic, kinda creepy, yet still somewhat comical, cult classics. eg: 1984...2001-space odyssey(gettin' there anyway.)
Are we any better now at Predicting / Preparing for the certain future; sure to come(maybe)? Better than we were in the past?
Is it for real? How possible is it? If it doesn't exist; Can/Should we create iITt?
What's To Come?
What will be?
What WILL be!
And,... What The $@#% Is That?
A Thread For/About the Future!(or about what those from the past, thought the future would be like.)
About/ For: Prophets - Visionaries - Futurists or, Whom-ever.
Also For/About: All that is Bizarre, Strange, Paranormal, Extraordinary, Freakish,The Tamely Warped and Twisted....Simply, Truly Fascinating!
The Truth is often Stranger than Fiction. (Unless it's a High Tech, Abstract, Sci-Fi, Futuristic Fantasy Story, which uses some "Out There" Meta Physics Formula, like P.E.U ( Person / Earth / Universe ), based on Theoretically Possible Could/Might Be's, and Truthfulish Alternate Realities.)
Like aren't Ol' Sci Fi Flicks Comical now? (All Except the good ones...They Become strangely accurate, eerily prophetic, kinda creepy, yet still somewhat comical, cult classics. eg: 1984...2001-space odyssey(gettin' there anyway.)
Are we any better now at Predicting / Preparing for the certain future; sure to come(maybe)? Better than we were in the past?
Is it for real? How possible is it? If it doesn't exist; Can/Should we create iITt?
What's To Come?
What will be?
What WILL be!
And,... What The $@#% Is That?

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