What do you all think of having a socialist government??


Council Member
Mar 21, 2005
progressive said:
MMMike said:
Churchill said of democracy: It is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried. IMO same goes for free-market capitalism. Sure, there are downsides (particularly of the new capitalism/globalism): widening gap between rich & poor, uncertainty and turmoil, loss of stability etc... but on the whole the overall wealth of society increases. The more you try to smooth out the bumps (by income redistribution, trade barriers or tough labour laws), the more you slow down the 'machine' and the overall wealth decreases.

And what about the millions that have been killed and the countless lies that have been told to sustain capitalism.......sure it seems good now, but thats from our vantage point, what about someone elses, and besides that, capitalism is driven by greed......once one country has been raped, its on to another.....this practice is not sustainable.

Huh? I think you are confused. Wtf are you talking about?

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: What do you all think

Look at history, MMMike. Capitalism is built on the bodies of the poor. Slavery, sweatshops, indigenous populations, pollution...a lot of people have suffred and died in the name of capitalist profits.


Council Member
Mar 21, 2005
Re: RE: What do you all think

Reverend Blair said:
Look at history, MMMike. Capitalism is built on the bodies of the poor. Slavery, sweatshops, indigenous populations, pollution...a lot of people have suffred and died in the name of capitalist profits.

As have died in the name of communism, religion... and a hundred other things? What's your point? That is not what capitalism is about.


New Member
Oct 18, 2005
murder is not what capitalism is all about, what it is all about it greed and money, that in turn leads to the numerous attrocities that we never seem to hear about........im sure we've all hear this before, but its this very greed that has the united states in iraq......if you would like for me to provide examples other than iraq i can.

we would all be better off if we just looked after one another......its so funny that despite americans being so opposed to the theory of evolution in many ways, they embrace herbert spencers "social darwinism" to justify the disparities between rich and poor.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: What do you all think

That is exactly what capitalism is about, MMMike. In capitalism all that matters is the bottom line. People don't matter, the planet doesn't matter, the long-term viability doesn't matter.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Canada and every other country in the first world has been in the grips an economic stagnation that has now lasted for thirty year. There has been NO real increase in the standard of living over that period. In fact in a real sense things have deteriorated. Security, benefits, pensions in the workplace have all been cut in the relentless process of globalization, deregulation, privatization. If you look at your parents or grandparents lifestyle in the 1950s and 11960s you would find that a single middle income salary would provide for a house in the suburbs, two cars, job security.. usually for life, and moderate amenities. That's unthinkable now on a single income. Temporary and contract work now dominates the job market, all without benefits or pensions. People live in a constant state of anxiety about relentless reorganizations. People are living paycheque to paycheque in greater proportions than at any time since the 1930s. Hey.. to those who say if its not broke don't fix it.. well it IS broke, and its getting worse.

What won't though, as history has shown us, is suffocating state ownership of everything. Government ownership should be limited to natural monopolies. Those exist in only a few areas, and involve massive up front investment.. transportation, communications, utilities. What needs to be dismantled is the corrupt neoliberal agenda of both the Liberal and Conservative agendas (and the conservatives are by far the most neoliberal) and the false idol of globalism.

Jo Canadian

Council Member
Mar 15, 2005
PEI...for now
Re: RE: What do you all think

Nascar_James said:
Reverend Blair said:
Tax cuts for the wealthy and for multinational corporations tend to take money out of the economy. All that yarking about investment does not hold up because the capital tends to go south. Give the tax breaks to the middle class on down.

No kind of way. There should be no special privilege for anyone. We are all equal citizens. Categorzing someone as second class and making them pay more taxes is downright discrimination. I work hard for my money just as does the next guy and if anyone tells me that I deserve to keep less of it simply cause I earn more, then I say that individual is a leftie asking for a free handout.

I don't get it, why are there Tax breaks for the top 1% wealthy who own the large corporations?

Then again even if they are taxed they just have offshore accounts that would reduce what little they would have to pay.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: What do you all think

Those loopholes need to be closed and we need to get back to taxing everybody according to their income.

Mulroney shifted the tax burden from being equally split between corporations and working people from about 50/50 to about 75% being carried by the working people. Chretien carried on that tradition. Martin would like to shift it even more, and Harper would wage a war on the poor and working class while giving hand-outs to his corporate buddies and Canada's richest people.

Canada has lower corporate taxes than the US.The story that corporations create jobs and invest in Canada no longer holds true, if it ever did, because the money saved goes to the US and the jobs go to Mexico, China, and other low-wage, no benefit countries.

When all taxes from all levels of government are taken into account, including property taxes, Canadians have a de facto flat tax. We all pay between 30% and 35% of our incomes. Flat taxes are inherently regressive because they tax poor people at the same rate as the wealthy. That helps to ensure that the poor never have anything left to move up the income ladder on.