video of American "liberators" at work


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
I agree with the readers who wrote in suggesting that the vehicle on the left is a tractor and that the Apache just blew away some farmers. I'm a farm kid myself, and there is no question that the men were involved in some kind of agricultural activity, most likely ploughing. This is cold blooded murder and this video records a war crime. Certainly the video makes it clear that the Apache was not engaged in evasive flight indicating that it was under any kind of a threat. Make local copies of this video. Put them on CD-ROMS. Hand them out. The US Government is desperate to explain this away. One individual wrote in to claim that since the video is dark, it must be night and since farmers don't plough their fields at night, they deserved to be killed. However, as the display in the video itself confirms, this is an infrared thermograph, which shows emitted heat (bodies, engines, shrapnel) as white over a dark background. One thing is clear from the body language of the people. They were clearly unconcerned about the helicopter until it opened fire, which means they did not think they were doing anything that the helicopter would see as a threat. I don't think there is anything that illustrates how low the US military has sunk than this video.
UPDATE: excuses continue to pour in from people I have never heard from before trying to explain away the video. The scene was at night (do the people in the video look like they are having trouble seeing as they move back and forth?), they didn't know the chopper was there therefore they would not act guilty after shooting at the helicopter (I'm not kidding, someone actually sent that in). One person suggested tha Iraqis would shoot at the helocopter then quickly try to hide among the crowd. The fact that these men are all in an open field with nowhere TO hide seems not to have registered with the apologists.

But I wish to add one final comment to this discussion (which will then move onto its own permanent dedicated page).

From The Geneva Convention 3-1: 1. Persons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of armed forces who have laid down their arms and those placed hors de combat by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other cause, shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria

The very FIRST person gunned down was the person who had been driving the tractor. - M. R.

message to shrub an' co.......PAYBACKS ARE A BITCH!!!!!!


Electoral Member
Jul 25, 2002
There is no doubt about it - its a war crime.

The Geneva Convention clearly states you may not kill uniformed or un-uniformed combatents once injured if they are no longer a threat.

The third person torn to shreds most certainly was no threat once wounded to the multimillion dollar killing machine.
Alright, I saw this video a while ago and it looks like this is an old issue. But I will give you the information I have, and share my opinions of what we see on this video.

The video preface I saw for this stated that is was a group of Iraqies preparing a mine field/ambush presumably for a US convoy.

This would explain the tractor as it is could be used to plow rows for the mines to be placed in. It would also explain the trucks near by...the larger one looks like more than a seed carrying truck.

It would also explain the use of thermal optics as that is a tool that I would expect pilots to utilize at night. Nighttime would explain the relaxed posture of the targets. As they could not see the helicopter...and if you listen on the audio (from inside the cockpit) you can't hear the helicopter (but you do hear the guns). Which I would take to mean that the chopper is rather quiet.

If you notice after the first target is downed the man near the tractor begins to furiously pull something from the tractor (and not take cover) this suggests to me that he was attempting to free the material for some objective...I won't pretend to know why. But he does this with little regard for his own safety, something I seldom see outside of military personel.

As to the wounded was wrong for him to be targeted, imo, and that's the best evidence of any wrong doing in the video. I suppose the logical arguement was that the helicopter was disabling the smaller pickup (as the gunners inclination was until commanded to include the wounded person in his shot) it was possible to kill the man and so the commander made a judgement call to simply eliminate the soldier. Poor judgement in my mind, but then again if you get hit by a bus in Mexico they will back up over you to kill you because it's cheaper for the driver...but it doesn't make it right.

Also note that at the start of the video you hear a weapon fire, but it is not the helicopter's cannon (as that makes a huge mess and aims where the crosshairs are on the camera) perhaps the chopper was fired on first.

Lastly, I would caution people not to underestimate how other nations exploit the genevia convention. When wounded soldiers start exploding in your medical facilities then your duty to protect them least that's my thought on the matter.

The video I watched was at the link below...


Electoral Member
Mar 24, 2002
czardogs said:
There is no doubt about it - its a war crime.

The Geneva Convention clearly states you may not kill uniformed or un-uniformed combatents once injured if they are no longer a threat.

The third person torn to shreds most certainly was no threat once wounded to the multimillion dollar killing machine.

Absolutely disgusting!