Because lets face it, he's pulled some serious shyte that the people of America, are likely going to pay for, for quite some time.
Nobody knows better than I do how Bushwhacky and his 'elk' have screwed up the USA. But they have done so in the name of the Bible and continue to use it as a selling point. Anything and everything is permissible to a great many Yanks so long as it is done in the name of that book.
Nowhere in the New Testament is it taught that you can kill, pillage, and decimate humanity in the name of Jesus. But somehow it has become a part of the USA culture to believe that it is OK to do these stupid things as long as it has the blessings of a Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, or some other self proclaimed messianic crank.
Yes, you are correct when you say the Republicans took quite a beating in this election. But you fail to note that it is the right wing extremist elements in that well financed party that took this blow. The moderates and the mainstream Republicans are now in the process of reemerging into the party's forefront. Note how Rudy Giuliani and John McCain were the first ones to announce their candidacies for the party's prez nomination. Both are noted for their political moderation though both are not without considerable controversy which may likely hurt their chances of getting nominated.
Yes, we are going to pay for quite some time for all the sh*t Republicans have done. But don't underestimate the naivety of the USA public - especially from the South and Midwest many of whom still believe Bush is the closest thing to God. Remember that much of the news media is still controlled by right wing extremist elements who still say that enemies are in every street corner and under every bed. Remember also that the Republicans have enormous amounts of money and they can buy votes, contrive to fix elections, fabricate 'proofs' of sinister duplicity on the part of their opponents, and worse. And, most unfortunate of all, is the natural xenophobia and paranoia that exists among Americans who believe that might is right and that all else is unAmerican, unpatriotic, unGodly, and seeking to destroy the fabric of Yankee wholesomeness that is the mighty work of God's Divine Hands.
So don't be too surprised if Bushwhacky Republicans "win" again in 2008.