Man are you stoopid.Yes, we know, Walter. You wish for the old days where all the non whites knew their place in life. Their station below good white folk like you. A time where you could own slaves and considered other non whites to be no more than chattel. Thank God brainless, useless pissants like you are getting fewer and fewer.
Advertising werks.I'm not going to lie, I really want some pancakes now
Other adverts I remember as a kid are the Fairy Liquid washing-up liquid adverts in which a woman, accompanied by her small daughter, is doing the washing-up in the kitchen. The woman explained to her daughter that Fairy Liquid is kind to your hands as well as to your washing-up before before the song: "Hands that do dishes can feel soft as your face, with mild green Fairy Liquid." That little tune was famous since the advert started in the 1950s all the way until some point in the 1990s. I still remember the tune now.
Is Sugar Puffs like Sugar Pops?
You know what fairy liquid is don't you?