The Plan to Disappear Canada

Aug 16, 2006
The Capital
Is no one here concerned about this? I would figure it to be the hottest topic of conversation here.. but perhaps not?

The Plan to Disappear Canada | June 19, 2007
Murray Dobbin

If the machinations going on in this country regarding so-called "deep integration" were instead a communist conspiracy to take over the country (you will, of course, have to try hard to imagine this) the news media would be blaring the story.

Pundits would pontificate, editorialists would erupt, security forces would be unleashed.

Instead, a virtual conspiracy to make the country disappear through assimilation into the U.S. gets barely a mention.

But news of the scheme -- formally called the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) -- is finally breaking out of the secret chambers of the ruling elite and the federal government. This is both good news and bad. It's good that ordinary citizens are finally getting a glimpse of the betrayal of their country. The news is bad because it reflects just how much of this scheme is already being implemented.


New Member
Jun 30, 2007
It is very worrisome, sadly many don't even know about these moves, nor even what the ssp is. Our mainstream media is complicit in pulling the wool over Canadians eyes wrt Deep Integration, as they refuse to even bring the subject up.

It will come to pass, in little steps, just as the frog doesn't jump out of the pot as you turn up the heat, I doubt that much will be said here - until it is too late.

One thing we can hope, perhaps, is that with the use of the Internet and alternative news sources, such as those above, among others, that patriots in BOTH lands will demand this issue be brought into the light of day. Many of our American brothers and sisters are against this amalgamation of the US/Mexico/Canada (ie the North American Union). Sadly, with politicians on both sides of the border not giving one iota of care to what the People really want, I don't hold alot of hope out for us retaining the shreds of our soveriegnty which we now (not for much longer) possess.



New Member
Jun 30, 2007
It's the Free Masons implementing their new world order.... assimilation via deep penetration.

?? Huh?

Do you deny there is a move to unite North America?

How do the Freemasons enter into this? Or are you bringing them up so someone can use the good old 'tin foil hat' name and derail discussion?:roll:


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
?? Huh?

Do you deny there is a move to unite North America?

How do the Freemasons enter into this? Or are you bringing them up so someone can use the good old 'tin foil hat' name and derail discussion?:roll:

No, I do not think there is move to unite North America, at least in the way that article would suggest. The points made in that opinion piece are purely speculation and nothing new, connecting dots which don't exist, it's the usual, hysterical BS expected from sites like that.


New Member
Jun 30, 2007
I'm not so sure about that DurkaDurka.

Have you been following this at all? BTW it's not just 'sites' like those (whatever that is intended to mean) heck, even Lou Dobbs has talked about it. I think that these issues are not partisan as both folk on the left or right ends of the political spectrum all tend to feel rather uneasy about it.

Here is a little video of Dobbs (certainly not a hatter):

I have nothing against the American people, most of them I know are darn great folks - but I don't particularily want to be one, nor do I want to see my Land sell out (esp wrt foreign policy). We have already lost much of our soveriegnty - it would be a darn shame to lose the rest of it (I know that is what Steve would like, but then I'm more of a paleocon - not this new incarnation of so called conservatives).


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
No, I do not think there is move to unite North America, at least in the way that article would suggest. The points made in that opinion piece are purely speculation and nothing new, connecting dots which don't exist, it's the usual, hysterical BS expected from sites like that.

Yep, plus it's all a conspiracy, just ask Stretch.;-)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
No, I do not think there is move to unite North America, at least in the way that article would suggest. The points made in that opinion piece are purely speculation and nothing new, connecting dots which don't exist, it's the usual, hysterical BS expected from sites like that.


Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah

Nothing but emotional BS and poppycock..........nothing about the supposed "plan" (read conspiracy) to disappear Canada........

As I keep pointing out......the neo-cons running the United States (according to the paranoid conspiracy people) want 35 million new DEMOCRATS as citizens? I bloody doubt it.



House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Isn't that like saying a murder is only a conspiracy theory until the jury reads its verdict. It is possible to be something other than a crackpot theory.

To be a conspiracy theory, it would have to be some hidden agenda by a dark cabal. Currently this is a very open agenda with its own website, contact information and lobby groups, all very visible and public.

This isn't a conspiracy theory because its wide open and they WANT you to know what they are trying to do. Its like saying that "There is this conspiracy theory, they are a group of mothers opposed to drunk drivers, I hear they are called M.A.D.D".

What is a conspiracy theory is if this has any real government support. Currently its just a bunch of beurocrats and analysts saying "This is a good idea", with no evidence of secret schemes and plotting in the corridors of power.

I mean seriously, Im sick of conspiracy theories too, but don't hand wave EVERYTHING you haven't previously heard of as it is a conspiracy theory.

"Seen that new Die Hard movie?"

"There is no Die Hard movie, put on your tinfoil hat nutball"

"Are you serious, its on TV, go to your theatre, they have Ads"

"I haven't heard of this so its all fake, go put on you tinfoil hat!"

I mean seriously, this new wave of unresearched blanket discrediting is just as annoying as all those conspiracy theorists themselves.
Aug 16, 2006
The Capital
Okay nonbelievers... explain me this then...

Meeting here to discuss it further.

Why are they so sure about introducing a new currency then, if they are not interested in creating a boarderless North America?

More about it... Lou really goes on about it for something that isn't happening.

NAFTA on steroids?

So we're all getting excited over nothing? WHY if this is so benign is it basically being done as steath legislation?

Are you willing to perhaps CONCIDER that this might actually be happening now? :)

I mean all you had to do was look it up yourself.

I can't believe so many people STILL don't think that there's a plan for this. Go google "north-american-union" and you'll see it. No conspiracy. It was on FOX. It started back in the 1990s when Chretien was in power, and by 2010 they're planning on having it finished - a borderless continent.

As for the conspiracy part...well, it's a part of the David Icke lecture where he talks about the New World Order, implemented by the Illuminati. So that's how they're ('d be) involved.

Here's how it breaks down:
The European and African Unions already exist.
The East-Asian Union is in the works, and now so is the North-American Union (NAU).
After all the unions are implemented and functional, there will be talks, and then a movement, to merge the four unions together into a World Union. And that's the New World Order. The authorities will have absolute global power and everyone outside the few will be powerless.

Of course, this theory is speculation based on more conspiracies. But the recent ones - 9/11, OK City, JFK, etc., seem somewhat viable, and so the overall theory becomes viable.
Even if there were no previous viable conspiracy theories... it's still likely that a world government would be formed, and even more likely that such a government would be very corrupt and thus unfit.