The marriage "Saviours"

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
Nope, nobody stands on top of me, and certainly not anyone making Tarzan noises.

Must've been your friend then. You likely should have given him a hand. I guess there was no money in it for you though...

Faulty logic.

Kind of the point, C. It was based on faulty logic, it was meant to demonstrate that. In your rush to crucify me, either because I look like Jesus or because I deny he existed, you missed that.


Time Out
Sep 3, 2004
the left coast
Nice try, B. Nothing but further insults.

2 negatives make a positive, but 2 positives make a... why, another positive.

Pray tell, what does Jesus have to do with this? Are you trying to incite something? If so... it's not gonna work. :lol:


Council Member
Apr 19, 2005
Proud to be in Alberta
Re: RE: The marriage "Saviour

Reverend Blair said:
Just trying to point out your quest to crucify me, C.

Nah, Rev, only the true believers and gods get crucified, and I would suggest you got a loooooong way to go before you are a god. A true believer, though, well you have the blind faith part down already, so you may be on your way. We'll let you know when you get there, though. :lol:


Council Member
Apr 19, 2005
Proud to be in Alberta
Re: RE: The marriage "Saviour

Reverend Blair said:
You need to look into the history of crucifying people, Blue.

No thanks. I just have to read your posts to see logic being crucified. My comments were a bit of a joke at the end of a very long day. Sorry your humor button was turned off. :lol:


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
RE: The marriage "Saviour

The real reason the Religious Right/Neo cons/ Harperites/Kleinites opposes ssm is not because it threatens society but because it threatens their belief structure.

Most people in this country believe, as I do, that people should be able to do what they want so long as they don't hurt anybody.

Religious Right Neo cons think not hurting anybody is not so important as not offending God (not sinning). The problem with the Religious Right is that they want to force everybody else to obey (their interpretation of) God's will, even people like me who don't believe in God. :)


Council Member
Apr 19, 2005
Proud to be in Alberta
Re: RE: The marriage "Saviour

no1important said:
The real reason the Religious Right/Neo cons/ Harperites/Kleinites opposes ssm is not because it threatens society but because it threatens their belief structure.

Most people in this country believe, as I do, that people should be able to do what they want so long as they don't hurt anybody.

Religious Right Neo cons think not hurting anybody is not so important as not offending God (not sinning). The problem with the Religious Right is that they want to force everybody else to obey (their interpretation of) God's will, even people like me who don't believe in God. :)

I've made my point on this forum many times. To do it again is to repeat the obvious. And please, don't assume that everyone on the right is a member of the so-called religious right. That is stereotyping, and a form of bigotry, if we are to use the definition of bigotry that others use on this forum. I am neither pro or anti religous, or religion. As with gay activity, what people want to do on their own time is their business.

Anyway, thats enough for this topic, my point has been made, some agree, some don't. According to the polls, Canadians want to keep the traditional definition of marriage as that between a man and a woman. That is good enough for me. For those that want to deny the poll results, oh well, that is what Canadians want.


Council Member
Apr 19, 2005
Proud to be in Alberta
Re: RE: The marriage "Saviour

no1important said:
Well according to the main guy of IPSO who recently was on radio it is split a third each way. 1/3 support ssm, 1/3 civil union and 1/3 neither.

When the question is asked: Do you support retaining the traditional definition of marriage?" the poll responses have been roughly 60% yes, 40% no. Even the poll responses you quote show that only 33% support SSM, whil 66% either support unions only, or none at all. Personlly, I support civil SS unions.


Council Member
Apr 19, 2005
Proud to be in Alberta
peapod said:
Full human rights! what part don't you get about that? This thread is now about goading the rev and trying to make him respond in a certain way.

I don't believe I mentioned the Rev in any of the past few posts. I was simply saying I stated my position, and for those that agree, great, for those that don't, great too. Obviously you don't agree, so you're great too :p

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: The marriage "Saviour

Human rights are really the issue here. The courts in eight jurisdictions in Canada have made it clear that anything less than marriage, called marriage and nothing else, is an infringement on human rights. Stephen Harper would invoke notwithstanding to infringe on people's rights.

Why would he do that? Because he thinks that his religious beliefs are some sort of tradition. Stevie refuses to understand the importance of separation of church and state.

Meanwhile Harper has stated that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice and some Conservative MPs have said that they would outlaw homosexuality.

Do you really want these bigots in charge?


Electoral Member
Apr 24, 2005
Re: RE: The marriage "Saviour

bluealberta said:
no1important said:
Well according to the main guy of IPSO who recently was on radio it is split a third each way. 1/3 support ssm, 1/3 civil union and 1/3 neither.

When the question is asked: Do you support retaining the traditional definition of marriage?" the poll responses have been roughly 60% yes, 40% no. Even the poll responses you quote show that only 33% support SSM, whil 66% either support unions only, or none at all. Personlly, I support civil SS unions.

i think in quebec it was somewhere around 55% for marriage, i dont remember the exact numbers... but people in quebec are less religious, so i guess that can explain those numbers...

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: The marriage "Saviour

I will, actually. Seeing Harper try to get any of his plans through in a minority government with all three parties voting against him would be highly entertaining. It's really too bad that he is unlikely to win the next election.


Electoral Member
Apr 24, 2005
Re: RE: The marriage "Saviour

badboy said:
Reverend Blair said:
Do you really want these bigots in charge?

Damn straight and you're going to love it too.

ahhh, another great word from that guy :roll:

and blair the trouble is that we dont want the others too. :wink:

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: The marriage "Saviour

That is the trouble Cathou. I have a feeling that the voter turnout is going to suck really bad this time around.

I'd like to, once again, encourage everybody to vote. There are plenty of alternative parties running and votes mean money now, so every vote counts in a very real way.


Electoral Member
Apr 24, 2005
Re: RE: The marriage "Saviour

Reverend Blair said:
That is the trouble Cathou. I have a feeling that the voter turnout is going to suck really bad this time around.

I'd like to, once again, encourage everybody to vote. There are plenty of alternative parties running and votes mean money now, so every vote counts in a very real way.

nah, i was planning to still support the bloc anyway :wink: but i think we really need to make some changes in our politics