The conditions for repentance to be accepted

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Why would anyone believe you? All you do is make claims without evidence, and some of them are preposterous, like the one about the moon splitting in half, and the stuff about life on other planets in the solar system. You've made over 9200 posts since you first registered here in 2007 and don't appear to have convinced anybody of anything, all your explanations have gone for nothing. It's a mystery to me why you persist in this futile preaching at the infidels.
It is up to you and to everyone else to believe or not to believe.
(But Say, [O Mohammed], "The [Quran] is the truth [revealed] from your Lord [O associaters]; so whoever likes [to believe] – let him believe, and whoever likes [to disbelieve] – let him disbelieve.)
See the detailed explanation of all of this aya here:

What was that I said about "the moon splitting in half", which was preposterous?
The Fission of Moon into two halves

While "life on other planets in the solar system" is never preposterous certainly.
The planets are inhabited
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The unacceptable repentance:

In the post
, it is explained that repentance from sins or the disobedience of God will be accepted by God (as He promised with His grace) -- the repentance of one who does his bad deed, while being ignorant or unaware of its consequences --- and then he should immediately regret it and repent, and stop doing it.

While the repentance that will not accepted is explained in this aya:
Quran 4: 18, which means:
(And in fact, the repentance [accepted by God] is not of those who [go on] doing evil until, when the death [angel] attends upon anyone of them, he says: "I have now repented";
nor yet of those who die while being unbelievers.
For such We have prepared a painful doom [in the Next Life.])

See the full explanation of this aya here:
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The repentance is accepted until the moon is fixed as full moon:

Moreover the way of repentance is open to anyone likes to repent from his disbelief and wrongdoing until the moon stops its circling around the earth (before the earth stops its axial rotation or spinning.)
At that time, the earth will be doomed and all people, if still living (especially in the night side zone or the zone of dawn or afternoon).. therefore, all people will repent at that time, but their repentance will not be accepted.

Quran 6: 158, which means:
(On the day [that] one of your Lord's portents comes, it will not profit any soul to believe [at that time] who never believed before [the occurrence of that portent], nor earned some good [work] with his belief d.)

d It means: If his deeds are not righteous, and he wants to repent from his wickedness and work the righteous work at that time, then his repentance will not be accepted.

The Fixation of Moon

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
What was that I said about "the moon splitting in half", which was preposterous?
The Fission of Moon into two halves
That it didn't happen, and according to the physics we understand it couldn't have happened as described there. All the physics described at that link is wrong.
While "life on other planets in the solar system" is never preposterous certainly.
The planets are inhabited
No they're not, there's no evidence at all for that. Just this one is.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
That it didn't happen, and according to the physics we understand it couldn't have happened as described there. All the physics described at that link is wrong.
I didn't say the moon split into two halves in the past, but it was split from the earth.
And in the future, it will split into two halves near to Doomsday.
If you read carefully the link I have given and the cited aya of the Quran 54: 1-2, you will know the interpreter refused the idea that the moon split into two halves in the past.
The Fission of Moon into two halves
No they're not, there's no evidence at all for that. Just this one is.
You may have no evidence till now; but isn't it a possibility? logically and by seeing all pictures and discoveries about Mars in particular: the ice on tops of high mountains there, the images of valleys with seasonal differences, the cloud drifted by winds ..etc.

In addition, they discovered water at least in some moons of some of the planets like Jupiter and Saturn moons.
Therefore, even if you have no evidence now, but none can rule out the possibility of life existing there.

Moreover, the thing that you may deny, and we believe, is that God does not create anything in vain or uselessly; so these planets having day and night, and orbiting the sun in this way and having many criteria like the earth, and some of them are larger than the earth: it can't be they are created in vain or uselessly or aimlessly.

"Our Lord, not in vain have You created this [universe!] Glory be to You!"
Quran 3: 191.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
You aren't claiming that intelligent life on other planets in the solar system is possible. You are claiming that it is a fact.

The burden of proof is on you.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
To me, I believe a certain belief that there is intelligent life on the planets, but that the knowledge of Astronomers is still defective in this respect, and they will discover this in the future.
While some members here deny even the possibility of any form of life there, which is even a non-scientific approach. No scientist may claim there is no life on the planets, but he may have the right in saying: we have not yet discovered life there.
In addition, scientists every now and then discover something like the methane existing in the atmosphere of the planets, even ice and cloud.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
To me, I believe a certain belief that there is intelligent life on the planets, but that the knowledge of Astronomers is still defective in this respect, and they will discover this in the future.
While some members here deny even the possibility of any form of life there, which is even a non-scientific approach. No scientist may claim there is no life on the planets, but he may have the right in saying: we have not yet discovered life there.
Who are those members? Not me or Dex. We have consistently said that you have presented zero evidence of intelligent life on other planets.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
If a trace of water exists, why not much water is there?
These planets beyond the earth are even bigger than the earth itself, and the formation of the planets was in the same way and in the same time as the formation of the earth itself: the constituents are the same.
The planets are inhabited

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
If God removes your eye-sight, your hearing, and He obliterates your minds, who is then any god other than God to restore that to you!?

(Say: "Tell me your opinion if God takes away your hearing [leaving you deaf] and your sights [leaving you blind] and seals upon your hearts [with covers], who is a god, other than God, who may restore that to you?"}

I say God can kill you, destroy you, or afflicts you with a serious illness like paralysis and other serious diseases ... yet you disbelieve and blaspheme ..
Today, I saw a man in the street falling paralyzed by a CVA, and some young men hurried to put him in a taxi .. to a hospital or to his family/!?
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Repentance from the sin, and not returning to it once again:
Repentance means the regretting about the sin, the bad act, and the disobedience of God.. and then he should not repeat the sin once again.

Quran 25: 71, which means:
(And whoever repents [from words of association and idolatry] and [then] he works the righteous [deeds, should] turn to God with a permanent repentance.) i

i And he should not afterwards return to do any work by which he may associate anyone with God: like the vowing to those other than God, seeking the help of those else than God, the glorification of those other than God, and other works of association nowadays prevailing among people.


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Giving charity is a way for repentance:

Quran 20: 82, which means:
("And surely I AM All-Forgiving to him who repents [from the disobedience], believes [in God and His messengers], works righteous work then is rightly guided [to give the Zakat-alms and to expend in the way of God.])


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The associater or idolater will not be forgiven his sins:

Quran 4: 116, which means:
(God does not forgive that [anything or anyone] should be associated with Him; but He forgives any sin less than that [associating] to whomever He will a.)

a Who is prepared for forgiveness and who deserves the forgiveness.

I asked Abu Abd-Allah about the atheist, he said: the atheist is worse than the idolater or associater, because the associater knows God but associates others with Him, while the atheist denies the existence of God the Creator.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Praising the 'repentant':

God - be glorified - said in the Quran 9: 112, which means:
(Those [believers] who repent [from sins],
those who worship [God alone],
those who thank [God for His bounties],
those who journey [throughout the earth to preach God's religion],
those who bow [in prayers],
those who prostrate themselves [to God],
those who enjoin the good, those who forbid the evil,
and those who keep God's bounds e [and contradicting not His commands] –

so give [O Mohammed] the glad news to the believers [of the lasting life and perpetual prosperity.]


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
If you live in Canada or the US, look out your window to see if anyone is watching your house
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