Ho lee lick! As if. Deadly.
Let me give you a hand with this story bro...
Its convoluted with a deepstate twist.
Saturday I get a message with a screenshot of facistbook post and a link to video of a fight, horrific screams lesding to a hand laying in the street. They lopped that fucker off with a machete.
As for the "deep state" angle, the fascistbook messanger message was edited, screenshot gone from my personal Android Gallery, Google Photos and history of the Chrome link are gone.

5 minutes of the conversation are missing.
Only a small portion of.the videomade it to freedom on X and a hard to remove meme on fascistbook.

Regina man suffers 'severe injury' from large bladed weapon, RPS seeks assistance
Regina police are seeking assistance after a man suffered an injury late Friday night in the North Central neighbourhood.
Let me give you a hand with this story bro...
Its convoluted with a deepstate twist.
Saturday I get a message with a screenshot of facistbook post and a link to video of a fight, horrific screams lesding to a hand laying in the street. They lopped that fucker off with a machete.
As for the "deep state" angle, the fascistbook messanger message was edited, screenshot gone from my personal Android Gallery, Google Photos and history of the Chrome link are gone.

5 minutes of the conversation are missing.
Only a small portion of.the videomade it to freedom on X and a hard to remove meme on fascistbook.