No but I'm not promoting that either, but since you can't pile liquid water that is going to spread out over 360M sq km. If you were to play with the numbers a bit the to freeze Hudson Bay solid as well as the continental shelf in the Arctic that would only need 50 ft of ice above above the waterline to have the ice extend 500 ft down. That would be 80 ft for 800 ft of ice under the waterline. The very center of the Arctic Ocean is a rift and 12,000 ft deep so that would never freeze solid. If the ice was 2km deep over NY,NY then is that the 'average' because you need to drop the ocean level 400 ft to get the amount of ice that was locking up water.
Glaciers And Sea Level Rise | How Many Glaciers Are There
Researchers calculated the ice thickness for 171,000 glaciers worldwide, excluding the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, which hold the bulk of Earth's frozen water. Through a combination of direct satellite observations and modeling, they determined the total volume of ice tied up in the glaciers is nearly 41,000 cubic miles (170,000 cubic kilometers), plus or minus 5,000 cubic miles (21,000 cubic km).
If all the glaciers were to melt,
global sea levels would rise almost 17 inches (43 centimeters), the scientists found.
Predicting sea level rise
Compared with the potential sea level rise from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, the volume of land-based glaciers
is relatively small, Huss said. For example, completely melting the Greenland ice sheet would add 23 feet (7 meters) to the average global sea level, according to a 2007 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
My math goes like this, so far. If I need to correct anything now would be the time to do it
(170,000 cubic kilometers) over 361,000,000 sq km = 43cm I came out with 47 but that is close enough, now the 43cm should be 430 M and that would give you the amount of ice you would need to pile up and once you determine how much land area was covered that would give you the depth of the ice. Is the Greenland Ice 980,000 cu km large? With the land being 2.13M sq km
Greenland ice sheet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If the entire 2,850,000 cubic kilometres (684,000 cu mi) of ice were to melt, it would lead to a global
sea level rise of 7.2 m (24 ft).
This ice melted over 361M would be what?