Speed limiting large vehicles.


New Member
Sep 5, 2007
speed limiters

I have been driving long haul trucks for 25 years and have no speeding tickets or infractions. I find the problem mostly exists near large metropolitan cities with racing urban city drivers. My current company limits our speed to 105 maximum and as I drive through Northern Ontario I am regularly passed by cars and they pass on double solid lines and on curves without any regard for safety because they feel we are already driving too slow. If you want to regulate trucks, let's start by regulating all vehicle traffic, and having the same tolerances for all vehicles. Currently OPP and RCMP are targeting trucks with lower tolerances. A 550% increase in fines is another goverment endorsed racketeer operation. They are also sitting in the valleys between two hills whereby it is normal too gain a bit of speed and they are only giving a 5km tolerance for trucks, which isn't so easy to maintain without hard brake inputs and can be even more dangerous in icy conditions than letting it settle itself out with the next hill. This is discrimnation against truckers and the police themselves fail to obey the 90 km speed limit. Since truckers already have such a poor reputation maybe we should live up to it and start targeting the regulatory forces for their arrogance. This is not about safety. It's all about money. If it was about saftey I would expect to see all vehicles treated in the same manner, and inspected at MTO stations routinely in the same manner as us. If you want to limit speed let's start with the cars. They are in fact the most dangerous vehicles out there because they are less experienced and always in a hurry to kill themselves!


New Member
Sep 5, 2007

One of the situations I failed to mention is that in some states trucks are limited to 55mph and now we see long convoys of trucks that create a problem for other trucks trying to pass trucks without speeding, while delaying cars by being in the pasing lane for a prolonged period of time.
Another situation is campers. They truly deserve to be called terrorists because they are usually driven by seniors who have poor skills and/or eyesight, scared to drive too close to the shoulder, drive much slower than the traffic, usually sped up when passing lanes become available, and too selfish to pull over and let the long line pass them. Just the other day with my truck being limted in the Kenora region I followed a camper for almost one hour until we got to Manitoba's four lane highway, and then guess what? He put his foot into it was gone! What did I feel like doing? We won't go there!


New Member
Oct 6, 2007
I was reading this post and just thought I would mention http://www.autoprocanada.com
They have a great article on this issue. The youth are driving way too fast these days.
Check it out its a pretty big debate.
Cheers, BillyK