Soldier: Commander Tried to Change Report


New Member
May 16, 2004
moghrabi said:
I agree with Numure. French is suppossed to be my first language. I live in BC. Can I go to a retaurant and order something in French. NO, I can't. So why are we saying that Canada is bilingual. Only by name. not by action. Most canadians do not speak French. Yet most French, if not all, speak English. Let's get real here.

Do you beleive in democracy or are you a fascist who wants to bend the will of the magority to your ideal? Seriously do you even need to ask why private businesses and individuals dont have to speak French.
You can access government services in French in all of Canada.
But your right, its ridiculous to have two official languages like this when its only recognized by a very small minority. And its so much money spent so a small part of the population can have it.
Thats why should just make one official language. Unless of course you wan to force the rest of Canadians to speak French. IS that what you are suggesting?
The French need to recognize they lost Canada to the Brittish. The war is over, stop the bleeding.
By your logic since the natives were here first we should give it all back to them and turn all of Canada upside down.
So are you willing to learn Ojibway??


House Member
May 25, 2004
ThorsHamburger, I am not from Quebec. I am a Canadian Immigrant. However, I do support the Quebec movement for seperation if this is the will of the people.


New Member
May 16, 2004
moghrabi said:
ThorsHamburger, I am not from Quebec. I am a Canadian Immigrant. However, I do support the Quebec movement for seperation if this is the will of the people.

The will of which people all Canadians or a small minority of French speaking people. So you dont believe in democracy I guess?


Council Member
Apr 30, 2004
Montréal, Québec
ThorsHamburger said:
moghrabi said:
ThorsHamburger, I am not from Quebec. I am a Canadian Immigrant. However, I do support the Quebec movement for seperation if this is the will of the people.

The will of which people all Canadians or a small minority of French speaking people. So you dont believe in democracy I guess?

Seperation, isnt Us against you. Its for us only. So Canadians have no say in it. It reamins an issue between Québécois. The seperatist movement, has always attracted between 40-50% of the Québec population. A minority, huh?


Council Member
Jun 12, 2004
Numure said:
ThorsHamburger said:
moghrabi said:
ThorsHamburger, I am not from Quebec. I am a Canadian Immigrant. However, I do support the Quebec movement for seperation if this is the will of the people.

The will of which people all Canadians or a small minority of French speaking people. So you dont believe in democracy I guess?

Seperation, isnt Us against you. Its for us only. So Canadians have no say in it. It reamins an issue between Québécois. The seperatist movement, has always attracted between 40-50% of the Québec population. A minority, huh?

By definition, seperation does include the rest of Canada.

After all, Canada as a nation has vested interests in Quebec (currrency, federal programs, federal facilities, binding trade ties, etc etc).

Without commenting on the merits of seperation, that is, for or against, the 'divorce' would have have to take into account each parties varied interests.

Then there is the matter of the unilateral-- if Quebec wants to seperate by majority vote, shouldn't regions WITHIN Quebec have that same right?

Again, I'm not advocating one position or another but rather pointing out the fact that unilateralism is a double edge sword.


Council Member
Jun 12, 2004
moghrabi said:
We are happy with the syrians in Lebanon. Without them, we would've become the north Bank of Israel. They are occupiers. They were sent for peace purpose to prevent more killings but the Israeli Phalangist.

You are talking to a lebanese by origin. I have scares on my body. I still remember the Isreali soldier stepping on my arm when I was only 8 years old with my family's blood running on the floor. Eleven memebers were gone. The reason: We lived 2 blocks away from the Shatila Refugee Camp.

Please do not tell me that Sharon Is the Pope or Bush is Mother Teresa.

It wa sthe Christian Phalange that attacked at Sabra and Shatilla.

As for approving of Syrian occupation of Lebanon, youre in a minority. about protsts INSIDE lebanon more on protest

There are many other examples of clearly referancing Syrias occupation of Lebanon, by various Lebanese media and internal Lebanese organizations.


House Member
May 25, 2004
All these links are written and posted by pro-phalangist in Lebanon. They consider the Syrain presence an occupation. As for being a minority, I disagree since I represent the moslem population in lebanon which is far greater than the Christians.

Israel had its hands in the massacre. What were they doing inside our homes. They were not Lebanese. ie not christians.

As for General Aoun link, he is the person that Israel wanted to be the president of Lebanon. He's been kicked out ever since and can't return. So of course, whatever he says is pro Israel.

You might say that my opinions are just opinions and are not based on facts. But my opinion becomes a fact if I was part or a witness to whatever happened.

I have been back to Lebanon several times and it looks more beautiful than ever. Maybe you can for a visit with me oneday and meet the real players and not judge the situation with what you read on the internet or western news.


Council Member
Jun 12, 2004
The vast majority of Lebanese want the Syrian occupation to end, whether they are Chriatian or Muslim.

Your referance to your experience is indeed sad, but again, it is anecdotal. That you experienced what you did in no way changes the fact that the Phalange did what they did, for whatever reasons they had. Th ethe Phalange are responsible is in no doubt. To this day, sadly, Christians are still 'under the gun' in Lebanon. That too has been well documented.

There are a number of other sources that I can post.

There are very few organizations or web sites (not related to Hizbollah!) if any that actually support the Syrian occupation of Lebanon.

I have been to Lebanon. I thought Beirut was great. There does seem to be a resurgance. The Lebanese deserve this. What I did find in Lebanon (at least in Beirut) was an undercurrent of resentment towards Arafat. He is blamed (rightly so) for at the very least extending the civil war, if not instigating it. I think it will be along time before the PLO will be forgiven by Lebanese, both Muslim and Christian.

Here are a few more links. There are literally hundreds.


House Member
May 25, 2004
As I said before, I am not a PLO supporter by any means. Byt if we are going to blame, we have to put the blame on all parties. Christians were not happy with the pals in Lebanon. In 1975 they massacred a bus full of Pals. this is what started the civil war. But the actual atrocities were done partly by the Phalagist and partly by the Israeli army. I have seen them face to face. If What I have seen personally is not going to convince you that the Israeli army was inolved, I don't think anyone can.


Council Member
Jun 12, 2004
moghrabi said:
As I said before, I am not a PLO supporter by any means. Byt if we are going to blame, we have to put the blame on all parties. Christians were not happy with the pals in Lebanon. In 1975 they massacred a bus full of Pals. this is what started the civil war. But the actual atrocities were done partly by the Phalagist and partly by the Israeli army. I have seen them face to face. If What I have seen personally is not going to convince you that the Israeli army was inolved, I don't think anyone can.

If you personally have any evidence of Israeli complicity in the participation o fwhat occured at Sabra and Shatilla, you need to forward that credible evidence to responsible authorities.

In addition, re Syrian occupation of Lebanon, see UN 520.


House Member
May 25, 2004
I'll send myself in a box to them and tell them. Just kidding. I am well aware of UN 520. I will welcome the withdrawl of syrian forces from lebanon under UN 520 when Israel complies with at least one UN resolution regarding Lebanon, Golan heights and all occupied land. Is that fair?


Council Member
Jun 12, 2004
moghrabi said:
I'll send myself in a box to them and tell them. Just kidding. I am well aware of UN 520. I will welcome the withdrawl of syrian forces from lebanon under UN 520 when Israel complies with at least one UN resolution regarding Lebanon, Golan heights and all occupied land. Is that fair?

No problem. It is up to the Syrians to leave, unilaterally.

Though your reference to UN resolutions is a bit of a stretch.

Israel must and will comply with UN 242, 338, etc. By UN mandate, they require negotiations with Israel, secure borders and normalization, a position rejected by Arab states in the Khartoum declaration. Until that happens, the status quo will remain.


House Member
May 25, 2004
I hope this happens soon then lives can be saved and we become humans again. I think we can agree at least on this. I believe both of us, regardless of our disagreements, want the best for this world. Enough wars, killings, injustices from all parties and with no exceptions.


Council Member
Jun 12, 2004
moghrabi said:
I hope this happens soon then lives can be saved and we become humans again. I think we can agree at least on this. I believe both of us, regardless of our disagreements, want the best for this world. Enough wars, killings, injustices from all parties and with no exceptions.

No argument there.


House Member
May 25, 2004
Thank you. Maybe now we can both make this world a better place and learn from each other. Share thoughts and ideas. Become friends. I welcome your friendship if you accept my invitation.