Soldier: Commander Tried to Change Report


Council Member
Jun 12, 2004
moghrabi said:
I am not not a little obsessed. Actually, I am very obsessed on bashing the US. Don't you think they are bashing us enough for not supporting them in Iraq. I can give few links to read if you are interested about US bashing Canada.

If you are not interested in what I post, then there are a lot of other topics for you to read.

I agree that there are times to be obsessive.

I'm obsessed with Saddam and his sons who used to put people into wood chippers.

I'm obsessed with the slaughter in Darfur.

I'm obsessed with the slaughter in Sudan and Mauritania.

I'm obsessed with with the GIA in Algeria-- using rape and dismemberment of children to further a cause.

If I'm going to obsess, it will be based on the scale of the horror perpetrated.


Council Member
Apr 30, 2004
Montréal, Québec
I'm not an economiste, ask one. I know many seperatist economiste that would gladly give you an answer, provided you speak french. Our protectionisme laws we're put in place by ourselves, not by Ottawa. René Levesque put them there in the 70's and 80's. You know how it was before? Everything was in english. And I mean EVERYTHING!

Even when the people protested, nothing was done. It took a Seperatist goverment, to put in place laws that protect our culture and language. You are a fool. A true fool at that.


Council Member
Jun 12, 2004
Numure said:
I'm not an economiste, ask one. I know many seperatist economiste that would gladly give you an answer, provided you speak french. Our protectionisme laws we're put in place by ourselves, not by Ottawa. René Levesque put them there in the 70's and 80's. You know how it was before? Everything was in english. And I mean EVERYTHING!

Even when the people protested, nothing was done. It took a Seperatist goverment, to put in place laws that protect our culture and language. You are a fool. A true fool at that.

Numure, c'est la verite! I was in Montreal at the time.

You're right. I can't say Bill 22 was a masterpiece, but in the end, the pendulam seems to have returned to workable middle-- and everyone has benefited.

I have this theory-- if no one is completely happy, things are probably for the best.


Council Member
Jun 12, 2004
Numure said:
I'm talking about bill 101. The one that replaces the piece of garbage bill 22 was.

LOL...fair enough.

Seems to me things have settled down quite a bit, save the referendum stuff.

Do you agree?


Council Member
Jun 12, 2004
Numure said:
I'm talking about bill 101. The one that replaces the piece of garbage bill 22 was.

LOL...fair enough.

Seems to me things have settled down quite a bit, save the referendum stuff.

Do you agree?


House Member
May 25, 2004
researchok said:
moghrabi said:
I am not not a little obsessed. Actually, I am very obsessed on bashing the US. Don't you think they are bashing us enough for not supporting them in Iraq. I can give few links to read if you are interested about US bashing Canada.

If you are not interested in what I post, then there are a lot of other topics for you to read.

I agree that there are times to be obsessive.

I'm obsessed with Saddam and his sons who used to put people into wood chippers.

I'm obsessed with the slaughter in Darfur.

I'm obsessed with the slaughter in Sudan and Mauritania.

I'm obsessed with with the GIA in Algeria-- using rape and dismemberment of children to further a cause.

If I'm going to obsess, it will be based on the scale of the horror perpetrated.

Keep your obssessions. They might come back and haunt you oneday. Maybe you should visit some of these countries and see the suffering they go through.

You are anti-Islamic anti-Arab. I got that from your obssessions.


Council Member
Jun 12, 2004
moghrabi said:
researchok said:
moghrabi said:
I am not not a little obsessed. Actually, I am very obsessed on bashing the US. Don't you think they are bashing us enough for not supporting them in Iraq. I can give few links to read if you are interested about US bashing Canada.

If you are not interested in what I post, then there are a lot of other topics for you to read.

I agree that there are times to be obsessive.

I'm obsessed with Saddam and his sons who used to put people into wood chippers.

I'm obsessed with the slaughter in Darfur.

I'm obsessed with the slaughter in Sudan and Mauritania.

I'm obsessed with with the GIA in Algeria-- using rape and dismemberment of children to further a cause.

If I'm going to obsess, it will be based on the scale of the horror perpetrated.

Keep your obssessions. They might come back and haunt you oneday. Maybe you should visit some of these countries and see the suffering they go through.

You are anti-Islamic anti-Arab. I got that from your obssessions.

Excuse me?

You missed the point of my post!

I was trying to point out (as you say) the horrific suffering these people go through. By contrast, the issues in Iraq are minimal.

THAT was my point.


Council Member
Apr 30, 2004
Montréal, Québec
ThorsHamburger said:
I see you fail to recognize Trudeau making the Official languages Act which made French an official language.

The only difference that made, as that we have to learn english, yet almost no anglophones speaks french. Francophones outside Québec still don't receive services in french (excluding the Acadiens).


House Member
May 25, 2004
I have to disaggree about the point you were trying to make. You only listed Arabic and/or Islamic countries. So your point was very clear.


New Member
May 16, 2004
Numure said:
ThorsHamburger said:
I see you fail to recognize Trudeau making the Official languages Act which made French an official language.

The only difference that made, as that we have to learn english, yet almost no anglophones speaks french. Francophones outside Québec still don't receive services in french (excluding the Acadiens).

Youre kidding right? Federal recognition has had a big impact on how business is done in ALL of Canada and inside Quebec among other things.The official recognition opened up the door for all further language and culture recognition to this day.
You are the minority remember, why should Canadians outside Quebec have to learn French. Do you think the Spanish in the US would dare complain about having to learn English since its the predominant language. You are very ungrateful. Most minoroity cultures in Canada preserve themselves unofficially and in small ways. You guys have been given your own province and official recognition and your still not happy.
Edit: and anywhere in Canada you can access french services.


Council Member
Jun 12, 2004
moghrabi said:
I have to disaggree about the point you were trying to make. You only listed Arabic and/or Islamic countries. So your point was very clear.

Well, I listed the most egregious cases, as per the UN. Do you think they are NOT the most egregious cases?

What do you think my point was? You didn't elucidate that.


Council Member
Apr 30, 2004
Montréal, Québec
No I dont get french services. I went to a restaurant in Manitoba, asked for service in french, and I was shown the door. This is your service in french, right?

We have been given our own province? We we're here before any of you "anglo-saxons". The first of my ancesters to arrive here, settled in Québec City in 1651-1652. Almost 400 years ago. We outnumbered the english community for 100 years after the conquest. Before, Canadian was francophones only. Ontario was even part of Québec. They seperated it because of the British Loyalist (came here after the war of independance)that settled in does lands.

But hey, after 200 years of attempted assimilation, repression and what not, its expect that we became the minority. I'll accept that. But I won't accept the fact that you go around saying this is a bilingual country, when in fact, it is not! Again, you're a complete fool.


House Member
May 25, 2004
You did not mention what Israel is doing to the palastinains on a daily basis. You forgot what the British did to Africa. You forgot what America is doing to Iraq, Afganistan and so on. Why aren't these so important in your opinion. Even the Europion Union said that Israel is the most dangerous country to peace.


House Member
May 25, 2004
I agree with Numure. French is suppossed to be my first language. I live in BC. Can I go to a retaurant and order something in French. NO, I can't. So why are we saying that Canada is bilingual. Only by name. not by action. Most canadians do not speak French. Yet most French, if not all, speak English. Let's get real here.


Council Member
Jun 12, 2004
moghrabi said:
You did not mention what Israel is doing to the palastinains on a daily basis. You forgot what the British did to Africa. You forgot what America is doing to Iraq, Afganistan and so on. Why aren't these so important in your opinion. Even the Europion Union said that Israel is the most dangerous country to peace.

Actually, by comparison and in point of fact, Israeli occupation has been the most beign occupation in history.

Israel has provided the Palestininans with electricty, health care, education, sanitation and infrastructure-- all of which we re virtually non existant when Gaza and the West Bank were under Egyptian and Jordanian adminstrations, respectively.

As for the British, their legacy was far better than the French. Ivory Coast, etc, comes to mind.

As for the US, they are rebuilding the countries, slowly but surely, despite insurrections.

In all the cases you mentioned, the horror and dstruction dont even come close to the devastation in Sudan, Mauritania, Darfur, Algeria, etc.


House Member
May 25, 2004
Israel builds to destroy. Just to put an image in the public opinion. Jordan gave the Westbank to the Pals and Egypt gave them the Gaza strip. They were deserts at that time. But Palastine itself had everything before occupation.

I have to ask you a frank question. Do you believe that Israel to be an occuping power - the only one that still exists - And do you think that the Israel's really want to give the palastinans anything. The only thing I see is by the end of so and so we will decide on so and so. What happened to UN resolutions that Israel must give back all land captured in 1967 to the Pals. That means ALL of West Bank and ALL of Gaza. The resolutions do say anything about keeping settlements all over the place.


Council Member
Jun 12, 2004
moghrabi said:
Israel builds to destroy. Just to put an image in the public opinion. Jordan gave the Westbank to the Pals and Egypt gave them the Gaza strip. They were deserts at that time. But Palastine itself had everything before occupation.

I have to ask you a frank question. Do you believe that Israel to be an occuping power - the only one that still exists - And do you think that the Israel's really want to give the palastinans anything. The only thing I see is by the end of so and so we will decide on so and so. What happened to UN resolutions that Israel must give back all land captured in 1967 to the Pals. That means ALL of West Bank and ALL of Gaza. The resolutions do say anything about keeping settlements all over the place.

Yes, Israel is an occupying power. That is th eresult of the refusal on the part of the Arab world to negotiate with her after the 1967 war. The Khartoum Declaration of 1968 stated that negotiation with Israel was verboten.

Isreal is NOT the only occupying power. Ask the Lebanese about the Syrians. Then there is the brutal occupation of Tibet by the Chinese. There is also the matter of the Kurds-- probably the most brutally treated in the last century.

Those are the ones that come to mind.

Lastly, there is is UN 242, which specifically does NOT demand the return of all the land (though I do agree, settlements must go). Also, 242 insists on the cessation of all hostilities, recognition of Israel bv Arab states, normalization of relations between Arab states and Israel.

The formula is rather clear-- land for peace-- not land BEFORE peace.


House Member
May 25, 2004
We are happy with the syrians in Lebanon. Without them, we would've become the north Bank of Israel. They are occupiers. They were sent for peace purpose to prevent more killings but the Israeli Phalangist.

You are talking to a lebanese by origin. I have scares on my body. I still remember the Isreali soldier stepping on my arm when I was only 8 years old with my family's blood running on the floor. Eleven memebers were gone. The reason: We lived 2 blocks away from the Shatila Refugee Camp.

Please do not tell me that Sharon Is the Pope or Bush is Mother Teresa.