So You Think You Know Whats Really Going On In Iraq?


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
ITN I'm reading a book right know where the guy says that Russia was courting Nasser But had no real influence Its called Breaking With Moscow very interesting look at the world through .The Russian goverments eyes 8)

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
I've actually read it mrmom. I don't buy alot of the things it says, but I always pick and choose things that are common sense. And it does raise certain points. The Soviets at that time were supplying everything from a bullet to jet aircraft to Egypt. When Nasser kicked the bucket and Sadat (or however his name is spelt) took over, the KGB was all over the place. In fact, Sadat had to meet with the US ambassador in private so the KGB wouldn't notice. Bah, this is about the neocons, burn the f***kers.

Never Give Up

New Member
Apr 27, 2005
Re: RE: So You Think You Know

Reverend Blair said:
Everybody should watch The Power of Nightmares if they get a chance. It shows the history of neo-conservatism and points out just how long these bastards have been lying to us.

Check out Gwynne Dyer's book, "Future: Tense - The Coming World Order" Excellent book on the neo-con's agenda.


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
Check out Gwynne Dyer's book, "Future: Tense - The Coming World Order" Excellent book on the neo-con's agenda.
I like him 8) He's a real thorn in the side of the Neocons :D I wish there were more old school reporters like him .All we have now are guys on the take :x


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
The neo-cons had a secret agenda ?

Then how do all of you significant people know about it?

Your agenda would put complete faith in the porous containment of Saddam which would:

1. allow the UN Food for Oil to finance another palace.

2. pay off another family losing a child wanting to be a suicide bombers to the ultimate liars of the world, the hate-minder of the Palestinian terrorism industry.

3. pay for the continual state sponsoring of hate

4. pay for the nazi nightmare of families not trusting their own members for fear of being "turned in" to Saddam.

5. maintain this festering status quo until Saddam dies and so we face 5 to 10 years from now a worse situation than what we face now.

6. and give France (if you look back at the headlines 2 years before the war) wanting to end the embargo so it can recoup the debt Saddam owed them

And now Europe in its moral indignation, far from wanting to give this new Iraq, this new country a chance, still want back some of the debt Saddam owed them.

Not all the debt of European contracts has been forgiven.

There's a lot of evil here to ponder.

But it's fashionable to ponder only that evil which is fashionable.

Moral indignation on this board is correct on many of its misgivings of American actions, but has HUGE gaping blind spots.

But beyond looking at the current situation where we consider nationalism and jingoism to be bad so much that we support worldwide government, we will beget a new paradox, where terrorism will be the only real check on that worldwide govt.

Be careful what you wish for when nations no longer exist.

I'd rather have the nation-state conflict of checks than something we have not even remotely imagined.


New Member
May 4, 2005
Corporations have a huge role in many issues, and it's usually a role that controls even the governments decisions. I'd suggest readin Naomi Klein's "No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies." It's definately changed the way I myself look at the world.


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
US checkpoints in Iraq ?

Well, that is interesting, accurate, truthful, but still not the whole story.

Whenever the whole story is included in an honest fashion, it will most notably note 20 to 30 years from now comment on the fact that the entire world did not want to dirty one finger, risk one life, to help this new country of Iraq gain a new chance.

Of course it will be noted that the world's reason for not helping is because of American lies.

But think about that.

Just think about that.

The indignation that will be most honored is not yours about American bungling, but rather the indignation that is most misunderstood by the entire world is the indignation of native Iraqis, be they the Kurds (who asked Woodrow Wilson at the Versailles peace treaty to support giving them a nation), or Sunnis over the de-Bathification, or by the Shiites who are the significant majority.

The process has started, thankfully.

The process of native Iraqi indignation is how could their neighbors and their own people kill fellow Iraqis?

If the insurgency is to survive ultimately, it would do better for their cause to continue to kill Americans and not their fellow sisters and brothers.

And for their cause to survive I will know in my heart that killing Americans will not give their country a new real chance.

And so do all of you.

All of you know it.

But you are still too stuck on American sin to give a higher priority for the older generations of Iraqis who want to have a new life while threatened by their own progeny paid for by rich Arab neighbors.

What I've said here doesn't play well.

But if you were all sincere, you would consider it to be the biggest elephant in the room.


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
Go read my post in the thread so it's not about the oil Jim .Give it up man their own documents say it was about the oil !They planned the whole thing from the moment Bush was elected get your head out the sand and own up to the fact you have a group of organised criminals running your goverment :roll:


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
Since you know internal Canadian politics and I know American internal politics, I might apprise you of knowing that Senator Biden, Democratic Senator, and ardent opponent of Bush, has thoroughly understood that this war in no way promised oil revenue or oil profit to America.

He attacked that assumption in the most emotional tirade and intellectual anger I have ever seen an American Senator do.

We all live in our little bubbles and trust me my friend, little do we know what is said beyond our own borders.


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
Go read the official documents Jim. Biden is bought and payed for like most of your politicians and ours of course :wink: Those documents state it's all about the oil read them :p


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
You know what the irony of American power is?

Only Americans more than anybody else really believe there are limits to American power.

Third world countries believe the CIA can do anything.
And a little bit of truth sits in every lie that has an extended life.

Regarding the issue of oil, the matter is less simple than your rush to judgement.

Time will tell.

Joe Biden correctly pointed out that our return on investment in oil infrastructure will take years to make back what we are spending now.

And by the time those years fly by, you can better damn well believe the new Iraqi government will gain control of that oil revenue.

You don't believe that?

Stay tuned.

Psychology does not inform your political bias.

You will also do well by looking into the Russians, French and Germans who colluded to create a nuclear and oil power house as their own personal Saudi Arabia.

Sin knows no borders, but that's not what the world crowd psychology believes.


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
By the way, checkpoints guarding the oil infrastructure is a good thing.

Or, to put it another way, let's not guard the oil infrastructure and let the terrorists destroy the pipelines and then tell me that such a result is good for anybody?

Don't linger too long, for it goes contrary to your herd instinct.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
Corporations have a huge role in many issues, and it's usually a role that controls even the governments decisions. I'd suggest readin Naomi Klein's "No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies." It's definately changed the way I myself look at the world.

No Logo is excellent. If you get a chance, you should also see a documentary called "The Take". Naomi Klein and Avi Lewis put it together. It's about workers in Argentina taking back factories that were abandoned. It kind of shows where Canada is headed if we don't smarten up soon.

Whenever the whole story is included in an honest fashion, it will most notably note 20 to 30 years from now comment on the fact that the entire world did not want to dirty one finger, risk one life, to help this new country of Iraq gain a new chance.

Maybe nobody wants to go there because the incompetence and greed of the Bush regime has created a situation so dangerous and confused that not a lot can be done. Either that or they are afraid the Americans will shoot them at a check-point.

By the way, checkpoints guarding the oil infrastructure is a good thing.

Nice way to show that you didn't bother reading the link at all.

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
Re: RE: So You Think You Know Whats Really Going On In Iraq?

jimmoyer said:
By the way, checkpoints guarding the oil infrastructure is a good thing.

Or, to put it another way, let's not guard the oil infrastructure and let the terrorists destroy the pipelines and then tell me that such a result is good for anybody?

Don't linger too long, for it goes contrary to your herd instinct.

...or to look at if from a different angle, if the "terrorists" didn't believe that the Americans are stealing oil, what would be their reason to blow up that which would help their countrymen?

...these "terrorists" are not stupid, for if we are to believe the official line, they've already beaten your best and brightest at a number of turns...


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
RE: So You Think You Know

To be honest I don't think "W" has a real clue on whats going on in Iraq. He does not even have any long term or short term plans either. But they will take oil for "payment" for bringing so called "Democracy" to Iraq.

I think the ultimate goal is to get a seat on OPEC and control the Iraqi oil.