Have you done research on accidents that have happened at NON-Nuclear plants? No, I didn't think so. You say you've found over 20 accidents at Bruce. And how many people were killed/injured? Define "accident" at a Nuclear plant.
And just for clarity, why don't we stick to Candu reactors, because PWRs are a whole different beast, and if you want to examine the dangers of Chernobyl and 3MI, you should know they are about as similar to Candu reactors as a 10ft sailboat is to a 12m racing boat.
That is, incidentally, one of the reasons that China doesn't want Candu reactors this time around. The end products of other reactors are more "useful" to other countries.
Greenpeace and the Sierra Club are like any organized group - their mission in life is now to keep themselves going, and if that means having a reporter write an article in the Boston Globe describing the seal hunt, written totally from a hotel room in Halifax, only to discover later that the seal hunt hadn't started yet, well, let's not let facts get in the way here, we're fundraising!!!!!!