Shots fired at officer live on fox!

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
What the black community needs is two parent (male and female) families.

The Lauterbrunnen–Mürren mountain railway is a terrorist organization?

Mein Himmel!


Council Member
Jan 30, 2016
I hope Canada's head of 'black lives matter' does go tweeting again, not a good time to say she wants to murder white guys!! OMG!!


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Johnson was an ex-soldier. Afghanistan vet. Just goes to show the advantage of good training.
that's nice.

Johnson was a private first class (E-3) at the time of discharge in April 2015, the Army said. His junior rank after so many years in the service may stem from a sexual harassment case he faced, a source told Johnson was a carpentry and masonry specialist


Officer Patrick Zamarripa, 32, survived three tours in Iraq. Likely doing more than let's say a 2T1 on a quiet base somewhere.

served on active duty for eight years before moving to the Navy Reserve, according to Navy spokeswoman Lt. Jackie Pau. While his family told The Washington Post that Master-at-Arms 2nd Class Zamarripa served in Iraq, Pau could not confirm his Iraq Campaign Medal came from service in the country.

Brent Thompson, 43, was also killed. He served in the Marine Corps for three years in the administrative field and left the service in 1994, according to a Marine Corps spokesman. He later helped train police in Iraq and Afghanistan as a contractor

Dallas shooter, 2 victims had military connections - U.S. - Stripes


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
As far as I am concerned the NRA is responsible for the carnage that Dallas had to endure last night and to the Blue Line they have to be proactive and keep it to one bullet instead of shooting all their bullets from their gun because shooting one group of people will eventually get them to shoot back at the Blue Line which will lead to uprising which no one wants, not in America where equality and diversity is the model.

The NRA is responsible because they want everyone to own guns and they let the people practice how to kill people on their shooting ranges. This is why gun control or gun free zones are important but the NRA refuses to listen to reason because they would lose money.