Scientists: Earth May Exist in Giant Cosmic Bubble


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I'm shortsighted enough to see that the 8 billion dollars being spent on CERN will produce nothing useful because it is chasing a phantom, and original particle or its residue that caused the Big Bang, something the scientists will claim casts shadows, but they would have no idea how to interpret one if they saw it. Much of the verbiage and rationale for CERN and Cosmology, which appropriates the lion's share of Physics grants these days, doles out the same amorphous, mystical phrases that you use. I heard one state that this might allow people to be transported through space, like in Star Trek. These people are besotted with science fiction and psuedo religious rapture. This doesn't meet the definition of pure science, that which deals with understanding the forces of nature through hypothesis and testable experiment, because the big bang is a religious concept, not a scientific one. It is thus immune to experiment, which is why it has become so entrenched and closed off to real science. It's no surprise that the best, brightest, the most honest and insightful young scientists today are giving wide berth to the Cosmology cult, which leaves the field to the vanity of self absorbed bureacrats. But there is a steady insurgency against the fraudulent framework that has overtaken modern Physics.
I was reading something the other day that mostly agrees with your acessment of cosmology keeping in mind the control mechanisms on other aspects of our civilization. There is apparently interests other than science being served first and foremost especially in establishment. The big bang is a big fizz I guess. There are many professionals and scientists not in agreement with the establishment. Appreciation of that situation is difficult for lay men like myself still it exists nonetheless. As with other human endeavours the establishment becomes selfsustaining through means other than directly demonstratable progression.