Quick, pa! Get the gun! It's a right wing headcase!
Memorable quotes:
"It would be the equivalent . . . of people that are smoking saying that this is a positive to society and that we shouldn't be taxing cigarettes, that we should be encouraging people."
Hinman said the issue is the No. 1 concern among his constituents in the southern Alberta riding of Taber-Warner. He argued that homosexuality is unhealthy and should not be encouraged by legalizing same-sex marriage.
Hinman dismissed suggestions it would be difficult for Alberta not to recognize same-sex marriages from other provinces.
"If a Muslim that's married to three women moves here from another country, when he comes here, if he brings all three women do we recognize them here?"
Memorable quotes:
"It would be the equivalent . . . of people that are smoking saying that this is a positive to society and that we shouldn't be taxing cigarettes, that we should be encouraging people."
Hinman said the issue is the No. 1 concern among his constituents in the southern Alberta riding of Taber-Warner. He argued that homosexuality is unhealthy and should not be encouraged by legalizing same-sex marriage.
Hinman dismissed suggestions it would be difficult for Alberta not to recognize same-sex marriages from other provinces.
"If a Muslim that's married to three women moves here from another country, when he comes here, if he brings all three women do we recognize them here?"