Right Wing Bigotry From Alberta

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Electoral Member
Feb 8, 2005
Quick, pa! Get the gun! It's a right wing headcase!


Memorable quotes:

"It would be the equivalent . . . of people that are smoking saying that this is a positive to society and that we shouldn't be taxing cigarettes, that we should be encouraging people."


Hinman said the issue is the No. 1 concern among his constituents in the southern Alberta riding of Taber-Warner. He argued that homosexuality is unhealthy and should not be encouraged by legalizing same-sex marriage.


Hinman dismissed suggestions it would be difficult for Alberta not to recognize same-sex marriages from other provinces.

"If a Muslim that's married to three women moves here from another country, when he comes here, if he brings all three women do we recognize them here?"


Electoral Member
Dec 5, 2004
Was Victoria, now Ottawa
When I was in Calgary, i read a few papers and they were all right wing bias. They said that global warming was not happening, gay marriage would lead to polygamy, ect. Alberta is beautiful, but extremely right wing.

Jo Canadian

Council Member
Mar 15, 2005
PEI...for now
While Torontonians are like Canadian new-yorkers. Albertans are Canadians with the closest comparisan to the American Mentality, but not as harsh. There are a few more right wingers there than average but it depends where you are:

In Ft McMurray, it's mostly Newfoundlanders there so the cowboys are more of a minority there.

Edmonton is smack in the middle. It is a city that is coming to terms with "Liberal" ideas but is also surrounded by many, many small communities that would be considered more right winged so they balance themselves out...to a degree.

Calgary, well Calgary is full of cowboys and most cowboys fill the stereotype that cowboys fall under which is more redneckey and right winged than your average yokel.


Electoral Member
Dec 5, 2004
Was Victoria, now Ottawa
Perhaps if the media wasn't so full of right wing lies Alberta wouldn't be so conservative. I think BC should move it's borders a bit more east and take over Banff. I wish the Rhinoceros party where still around.


Electoral Member
Mar 28, 2005
Whitby, Ontario
Perhaps if the media wasn't so full of right wing lies Alberta wouldn't be so conservative. I think BC should move it's borders a bit more east and take over Banff. I wish the Rhinoceros party where still around.

How could you possibly complain about media bias when it's a well established fact that media in general is left-wing biased. You only need to watch the CBC (Communist Broadcasting Corporation) to acknolwledge this.


Electoral Member
Dec 5, 2004
Was Victoria, now Ottawa
Bullshit. I bet you think FOX is fare and balanced. Most of our newspapers are right wing bias and are owned by Canwest and the CEO, Leonard Asper. They fire any dissenting journalist who does not conform to their right wing mentality. So don’t give me that shit that media is left wing.


Electoral Member
Mar 28, 2005
Whitby, Ontario
Bullshit. I bet you think FOX is fare and balanced. Most of our newspapers are right wing bias and are owned by Canwest and the CEO, Leonard Asper. They fire any dissenting journalist who does not conform to their right wing mentality. So don’t give me that shit that media is left wing.

FYI, using profanity doen't make your lies truths.

You must be the first person I have ever met that believes media in Canada is right wing biased. How many newspapers favoured the Conservatives in the last election? Look at the CBC for crying out loud. And they're supposed to be the voice of the nation. Instead they're just a mouthpiece for the Fiberal Party.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Right Wing Bigotry Fr

Who the hell teaches these apes to use computers? The media in Canada has a right-wing bias. Look at the facts, not the lunatics accusations from those on the far right.

Jo Canadian

Council Member
Mar 15, 2005
PEI...for now
I can't seem to see how the CBC is considered left wing. They cover the good the bad and the ugly, I would even go as far as calling it close to balanced. They'll have documentaries on the "american" point of view, then the show right after that would be something on the muslem world.

How could you possibly complain about media bias when it's a well established fact that media in general is left-wing biased. You only need to watch the CBC (Communist Broadcasting Corporation) to acknolwledge this.

If anything people usually cry bout the left wing agenda if there's any critisism on the current situation in our western hemisphere. The last time I checked critisism is to be used constructivly to make one reflect on oneself and come to a personal opinion. Only those who don't want to think for themselves will take critisism offensivley.

it's a well established fact that media in general is left-wing biased

Media in General? Most of the damn media in Canada is american, or american influcenced. Global is just Fox's mini me, and CTV has an americanized style to it. Other than that we're saturated with all the american channels and this myth about the LW bias I can't see for the life of me in any of these channels...usually it's just the opposite.
So what does that leave us? Just the CBC, and if they were hardcore commie left wing they'd be trashing everthing the conservatives or what the states do, but they don't. They just seem to poke at everyone. (including the hand that feeds them)

I admit though, I'd Puke If I had to watch road to avonlea their entertainment programs (except comedy) is,-er...something to be admired.

Jo Canadian

Council Member
Mar 15, 2005
PEI...for now
it's a well established fact that media in general is left-wing biased.

it's a well established fact...

I would love to see this well established "fact" that gives you this opinion. Any resources? research? Anything that isn't on a copy/paste right wing spin site.

I'm willing to check it out if it can be provided. Unlike most right wingers I at least read any material that may contradict what I may know. Then It can be decided whether it's crap or not.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Right Wing Bigotry Fr

If you want to see how left wing the CBC is, meander over to rabble.ca and check out what they say about it on the boards there. They complain that the CBC is too right-wing. I tend to agree with them.

What everybody seems to miss though is that if the CBC is going to reflect majority opinion in Canada, they are going to come up the middle. That's where most Canadians are politically. The CBC does tend to provide more balance though, with some left and some right views being presented.

To me the biggest failing of the CBC is that it has bought into the corporatist agenda and provides very little coverage of those who speak out against it. What coverage they do provide tends towards the negative.

Just to head back to the topic though, instead of getting totally sidetracked....If you are considering supporting the Conservative Party at all, have a little look into the history of the Reform/Alliance people who very much control the party now.

Racism, religious bigotry, homophobia, xenophobia and general intolerance are not the values we need guiding this country, or even the official opposition. Those who efuse to be informed by science or intellectualism, instead preferring the regressive tenets of purposeful ignorance and mob rule have no business running this country.


Nominee Member
Mar 20, 2005
You know Rev, I frequent a couple of American forums where my point of view is considered one step to the right of Communism so coming to a forum where I actually form part of the Right wing voice comes as a new experience. Reading your messages spewing stereotypical garbage that the Liberals, NDP, and Progressive Conservatives used to attack the Reform party reminds me of the intollerance of the Americans towards anybody they consider 'liberal' .

I am a Conservative supporter and have been for nearly 30 years. Certainly they have their bad apples who come off as whackos but if you look at any political party you will find examples of "Racism, religious bigotry, homophobia, xenophobia and general intolerance" just as much as in the Conservative party. You will also find thieves, con artists, forgers, alcoholics, deadbeats etc. I certainly don't agree with all of the Conservative Party's policies but attacking members of the Conservatives using these stereotypes is as wrong as attacking the NDP as a bunch of backroom Communists or the Liberals as a bunch of Mafia controlled thieves. Let's try to keep the focus on actual policy rather than the fringe personalities.

Now, getting back on subject, Alberta has more than the average share of Right-wingers but I would hardly consider them as fanatics and bigots any more than any other Canadians. If you want an example of right-wing bigotry in Canada all you have to do is pick up the National Post (headquarters in Toronto) and read it's editorials - there's a reason I call it the 'Nazi' Post.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Right Wing Bigotry Fr

I was around when Reform was just forming, Walrus...back when it wasn't even a party, just a bunch of "grassroots" meetings sponsored by people like the Byfields. I noticed the racism, religious bigotry, homophobia, xenophobia and general intolerance back then. When I watch thing like the Conservative Party Convention I see the same faces that were up on stage screaming hate into microphones back then. They are the guys running the party now.

When I hear one of these so-called "fringe" elements spouting off I don't think "fringe", I think that he hasn't paid attention to the memos telling him to watch what he says. That tends to be backed up when I talk to Reform/Alliance/Conservatives in person.

They are full of hate. They like the idea of racial and religious profiling, they want to make same sex marriage illegal, they want to take treaty rights away from natives. The list goes on and on. The leadership couch things in politically correct terms now, but the faces are the same and the policies are the same.

I think the Progressive Conservatives were a valuable part of the political landscape. I never liked them, but they were a political party with acceptable political ideas that I didn't agree with. Reform/Alliance never was and after the hostile takeover of the PC party it became clear that they never would be.

Watching the convention this month just confirmed that for me. Another new name, but it's the same old party.

You want to be conservative, that's fine. You have the choice of joining the PCs (Progressive Canadians) or even getting behind whatever David Orchard does. For that matter you can even join Paul Martin's Liberals...they are pretty much what the PCs used to be. That will allow you not to be lumped in with the Conservatives.

I know those seem like little upstart parties, and the Liberals are distasteful, but as long as the Reform/Alliance controls the Conservatives that undercurrent of bigotry remains. As such they are unelectable anyway, so you might stand a better chance in a friendlier party.


Sep 10, 2004
Indiana, IN
two things:

1) left or right, everyone in this thread disgusts me on a primal level purely based on your intolerance of the opposition simply because they are your opposition.

2) there are no cowboys in calgary; there aren't even calgarians in calgary. less than 10% of the population of this city was born here, and less than 50% born in alberta.


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
Re: RE: Right Wing Bigotry From Alberta

fubbleskag said:
two things:

1) left or right, everyone in this thread disgusts me on a primal level purely based on your intolerance of the opposition simply because they are your opposition.

2) there are no cowboys in calgary; there aren't even calgarians in calgary. less than 10% of the population of this city was born here, and less than 50% born in alberta.
The only time everyone in Calgary is a cowboy is at Stampede time..or a wannabee.


Electoral Member
Mar 28, 2005
Whitby, Ontario
They are full of hate.

How do you appoint for left-wing fanatics that followed Harper all across Canada chanting words like Nazi and racist.

they want to make same sex marriage illegal,

Now you're starting to sound like Martin.

they want to take treaty rights away from natives.

The farthest left party BQ, has done more of that than any Consevative could ever dream of.

The point of the matter is, we have had a Liberal government in power for over a decade and it's been one scandal after another. Quite frankly it's embarrassing. I used to be a staunch Liberal supporter but at some point it's time to put your foot down and say enough is enough. I work too hard for Martin and his cronies to be pocketing my money. I pay too much tax and it pisses me off knowing that Martins steamships are registered outside of Canada so that he can pay less tax and pocket millions more in profits.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
How do you appoint for left-wing fanatics that followed Harper all across Canada chanting words like Nazi and racist.

Well, the fact that Harper supports policies like racial profiling do support those claims.

Now you're starting to sound like Martin.

Even with 1/3 of their delegates not showing up at the meeting, they voted to oppose same sex marriage. Martin didn't have a vote at the Conservative convention.

The farthest left party BQ, has done more of that than any Consevative could ever dream of.

Treaty rights fall to the federal government. The BQ will never be in power because they are a strictly regional party.

Besides, you remember what happened when the Quebec government went too far and tried to build a golf course on native land? The Conservatives would bring in an age of armed revolt by the natives all across Canada.

The point of the matter is, we have had a Liberal government in power for over a decade and it's been one scandal after another.

The last time there wasa PC government, there also scandal after scandal. Federal Conservatives now in the party have been involved in scandal at the provincial level. There is absolutely no evidence that a Conservative government would be any less prone to scandal than the Liberals are.


Electoral Member
Mar 28, 2005
Whitby, Ontario
Well, the fact that Harper supports policies like racial profiling do support those claims.

Do you have any facts to back your claims?

Even with 1/3 of their delegates not showing up at the meeting, they voted to oppose same sex marriage.

Even though I support same sex marriage, it's unfair to claim that the Consevatives "oppose" same sex marriage. They approve of same sex unions and ALL the benefits that go along with a marriage. What they oppose, is to change the legal definition of marriage. Let's not make a mountain out of a molehill.

The last time there wasa PC government, there also scandal after scandal. Federal Conservatives now in the party have been involved in scandal at the provincial level. There is absolutely no evidence that a Conservative government would be any less prone to scandal than the Liberals are.

How can you possibly compare anything to Adscam, the HR boondoggle, the gun registry, Judy Sgro allowing people into the country illegally as long they vote for her, the GG spending millions of tax dollars on lavish vacations, Chretiean forcing banks to give huge business loans to his friends, out and out lies..........

Enough is enough.


Nominee Member
Nov 23, 2004
Besides, you remember what happened when the Quebec government went too far and tried to build a golf course on native land? The Conservatives would bring in an age of armed revolt by the natives all across Canada.
I will remind you that the Quebec Government was not involved in the decision to built a golf course on native land. It was a private promotor who submitted the golf project to the City of Oka who had no choice to accept it as it was not against any municipal by-laws.
True, the Provincial Government ended-up with the problem when the natives started blocking roads and bridges in protest.
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