Religulous the movie


House Member
Nov 10, 2005
Why would you think that came from the teachings of the NT?

The God of the OT is different? The NT is just a continuation of the same God, no? So how would he be right in all his mass murders (the OT is full of em) and still be right in promising everyone love and salvation in the NT? Why not come out with the correct message first?


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
The God of the OT is different? The NT is just a continuation of the same God, no? So how would he be right in all his mass murders (the OT is full of em) and still be right in promising everyone love and salvation in the NT? Why not come out with the correct message first?

In the old Testament god is angry and jealous.

In the new Testament he is laid back and lovey.

What happened in between? Not sure, but Mary popped out his kid so one can guess.:lol:

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
This Thread was originally started about this Movie about religion. How many people on this
Thread have actually seen this Movie???

Perhaps one could qualify their arguments before jumping in with both feet by stating that
they've either "seen" or "not seen" the Movie first. Is this an unreasonable request???


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
The God of the OT is different? The NT is just a continuation of the same God, no? So how would he be right in all his mass murders (the OT is full of em) and still be right in promising everyone love and salvation in the NT? Why not come out with the correct message first?

Quite right, Tracy, OT and NT form a seamless continuum. Indeed, religious right quotes OT when it suits them. Thus the opposition to homosexuality is largely based upon OT (Leviticus).

The medieval witch burnings and Salem witch trials were based on OT, ‘Thus shalt not suffer a witch to live’ (Exodus).

The angry and vengeful God fits the temperament of religious right perfectly. Right wing Christianity is characterized by opposition to abortion, opposition to homosexuality, to contraception, support for Creationism etc.

New Testament advocates compassion, charity, love thy neighbour, help the needy, poor etc., these are not religious right issues.

So when religious right supporters like MHz claim that OT does not represent the Bible, they are being disingenuous, dishonest (why, his God even gives him brownie points for insulting others).


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Even in humans, parenthood tends to mellow out the male of the species. Perhaps god got all maternal on us after JC came on the scene. But them he made him die a horrible painful death. Maybe by then his old patterns were coming back into play. After all, JC was supposed to die for our sins but we still get to go to hell if we don't bow down and kiss his butt. Weirdness, I tell you. Weirdness!