Refuting the objections of the Zionist

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The Zionist DaSleeper, in his attempt to violate some of my threads, he quoted many websites, such websites have been made in order to disprove the Quran and the Islam so as to impede its progress.

Actually, most of such websites exploited the ignorance of many people about Arabic which is the language of the Quran, and also by giving misinterpretations to crook the truth to people.

Objection 1
He takes the ayat 5: 101-102 to indicate the Quran is against knowledge and science,

"101. O you who believe! Ask not about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble. But if you ask about them while the Qur'an is being revealed, they will be made plain to you. Allah has forgiven that, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Forbearing.

102. Before you, a community asked such questions, then on that account they became disbelievers."

While if we know the true explanation of these ayat, and the reason for their revealing, the truth will be evidently obvious:

Quran interpretation by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly:

[A Muslim asked the Prophet – salam to him: "My father died as an idolater, following the religion of the pre-Islam pagandom; will he go to Paradise or to Fire?"

The Prophet said: "Every (idolater or) associater is in the Fire."

The man said: "How can that be, while he used to feed the poor and make pilgrimage to the House of God at Mecca!?"

Another man said: "My brother followed the religion of the pre-Islam pagandom; so is he in the Fire?"

The Prophet said: "Every (idolater or) associater is in the Fire."

Then when Khansa [who was a female poet] converted to the Islam, she too asked the Prophet about her brother Sakh'r, and the Prophet said: "He is in the Fire."

She said: "You have increased my sadness."

And so on, they asked the Prophet about their fathers and grandfathers [who were idolaters: will they go to Paradise or to Hell; therefore, this aya was revealed about them:]

(Quran 5: 101. O believers, ask not about matters which, if they are shown to you, will vex you; yet if you ask [the prophet] about them [once again, he will not answer you, but] in light of the Quran, they will become obvious to you.
God has pardoned that; for God is Most Forgiving, All-Clement.

102. Some people before you asked [their messengers] such questions, then [likewise] did they deny them [of their messengers.])

[It means: the past nations had asked their prophets the same questions, then they denied the answer of their prophets as have you denied of your prophet.]

More explanation is in the link:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Quran 27: 91, which means:
([Say to them, O Mohammed:] "For me I have been commanded to serve the Lord of this city [of Mecca] a, Him Who has assigned it inviolable b, and to Whom [belong] all things [in the universe], and I am commanded to be of those who submit themselves [to God, and comply with His religion.]")

91 a The meaning: I have been commanded to worship God its Lord, but not to worship its idols which you put over the Kaaba [in the Inviolable Mosque of Mecca.

91 b In which no human blood may be shed, and in which the beast and the bird is safe.

So he cited this great aya to indicate that the Quran is not from God, but that Mohammed himself said it from his own... I don't know his weird way of thinking, but he may not read what he quotes: only copy, paste.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
He said the Quran tell that the sun set into a spring (that is according to some hadiths of the Prophet)

This is the interpretation of this blessed aya 18: 86

([And Alexander went westward in his march] until when he reached at sun-set [time];
he found the [sun] setting under the observation of a black woman, and he found with her a people;
We said: "O 'Zul-qarnain', you have either to punish [these people who worship the sun if they do not believe], or to show them kindness [if they believe.]"

For more explanation of this great aya, see the following link:

See also the answer for this objection in the book The Universe and the Quran, by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
This post has been posted in another thread, while its proper site is here:

Quote: Originally Posted by DaSleeper View Post
Why the Quran is
Not from Allah:
10 Reasons

According to the sahih (authentic) hadith, Muhammad believed that the sun set each day in a spring of water. As the creator, God would know the truth.
So... whose version made it into the Quran? Muhammad's, of course! (see verse 18:86) He was the one who wrote the Quran - not God.

The answer:

Quran 18: 86, which means:
(86. [And Alexander of Macedon went westward b in his march]
until when he reached at sun-set [time];
he found the [sun] setting under the observation of a black woman, and he found with her a people
We said: "O 'Zul-qarnain'e, you have either to punish [these people who worship the sun if they do not believe], or to show them kindness [if they believe.]")
86 b Of Macedonia, his country.
Alexander set from Macedonia to conquer Turkey then to Egypt where he built Alexandria city. Then he continued his march to Sudan, [and he reached to a region in Sudan at the sun-set time.]
86 c The black woman was their queen.
The meaning: He found the sun set on a people watching the sun at its sunset time, and they prostrated themselves to it. They had a black queen leading them in prayer.
That is because when Alexander reached to Sudan, he found the citizens of that country worship the sun; so they gathered on the day of their festival outside the city at the sunset time, watched the sun, and hymned their religious hymns; then when it was about to hide from sight [behind the horizon], then all of them would prostrate themselves to it.
So the Arabic word in the aya here means the ‘observation and watching’, [not the ‘water spring’.]
86 d It means: Alexander found with the black woman a people who acted like her act and imitated her in her prostration to the sun.
86 e Which is the surname of Alexander.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
This post has been posted in another thread, while its proper site is here:

Quote: Originally Posted by DaSleeper View Post
Why the Quran is
Not from Allah:
10 Reasons

So much of the Quran is devoted to redundant claims and threats about Muhammad’s status as a prophet, yet there is not a single original moral value. Nowhere does it tell men not to rape women or refrain from sex with children. In fact, it gives men permission to rape their slaves and implies that sex with children is permissible (verse 65:4).
Wouldn’t a perfect book teach perfect morality?

The answer:

The aya 65: 4 and the two ayat preceding it speak about the divorce and the "idda" or the "divorce interim"

"The meaning: Do not hasten, O man, to divorce your wife, while you do not know whether she is pregnant or not, but wait until her days of the cyclical period or ‘Idda’ come; so if she menstruates, it will be obvious that she is not pregnant; but if her days of the cycle end and she does not menstruate, it will then be obvious that she is pregnant. Afterwards you may divorce her in order to be certain whether she is pregnant or not.

Then you should bring witnesses to that; so that she may not ascribe the child to you, if she becomes pregnant from anyone else; and so that she may not hide the pregnancy if she is pregnant by you.

One may ask: what is the benefit of the ‘Idda’ or the days of the cycle, and for what purpose is this?

The answer: The reason for that is in order that we may know about the divorced woman: is she pregnant or not pregnant; so if a man divorces his wife and he does not know that she is pregnant, and she goes to her family, and she will later be known to be pregnant, the husband may doubt about her pregnancy, and he may say: This pregnancy is not by me, because I divorced her when she was not pregnant; and by saying such words, he will accuse his ex-wife with adultery.

Or the ex-wife may be a profligate, so she will adulterate and become pregnant by someone other than her husband, but the pregnancy will only be obvious after the divorce, and by that she will wrong her ex-husband and he will lose a ‘Nafaqa’ for her child.

So for this reason, God – be glorified – told us: (divorce them when they have reached their cyclical period.)"

This is the explanation of this aya, by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly:

Quran 65: 4, which means:
(As for your women who are despaired of further menstruation [because of a disease or affliction], if you are in doubt [concerning their pregnancy a ], their prescribed period [or interim or Idda] shall be three months, as [shall the interim be of] the [old women in or after the menopause] who menstruate not b .

And those pregnant women, their appointed term [: interim or Idda] is when they are delivered of their born [child.]

Whoso wards off God’s [punishment], [God] will appoint for him easiness of his affairs.)
.................................................. .............................

4 a So that you do not know whether they are pregnant or not pregnant.

4 b Because of their old age; their Idda [or prescribed interim] will also be three months.

4 c This means: The Idda [or interim] of such women will be until she is delivered of her born child, and she is then allowed to marry, one month following the delivery.

Therefore, the reason of the "idda" is to ascertain that the divorced woman is not pregnant, and if she is pregnant, then the son or daughter she bears will belong to his or her father in lineage and in rights.
Moreover, if the divorced woman proved to be pregnant, then her husband is more worthy of restoring his wife back.​

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Despite being a relatively small book, the Quran contains unnecessary repitition. Moses is mentioned 136 times. Some passages of misquoted Bible stories are nearly word-for-word identical (eg. Suras 20 & 26).
Why would God waste space saying essentially the same thing about something obscure when he could have offered clear moral principles about peace, tolerance (or a law against sex with children)?

The answer:

The Quran is a concise book, the meaning of which increases by the interpretation and explanation.

The reason for repeating the story of Moses and other similar stories is to confirm the prophet: to tell him: Be like Moses who did not dread Pharaoh and he forbore the hurt for God's sake.. so do like him and forbear patiently the hurt of your people until God gives you victory over them.

And the reason for many repetitions is to let man understand by various displaying of the exclusive devotion to God alone, and the gratitude to God until man comes more and more to understand such teachings and their implication.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The Quran confuses Mary the mother of Jesus with Mary the sister of Aaron (and Moses) in verses 19:27 and 66:12.
Despite tortured apologetics, the simplest and most obvious explanation is that Muhammad was mistaken. This would also explain why the Quran that he narrated erroneously states that Christians worship the Virgin Mary as a god (5:75, 5:116) when they never have.
The answer:

The name of the sister of Moses and Aaron was the same name of Mary the mother of Jesus Christ.

And it is a custom among the Arab (and the Children of Israel) like them, to boast about the honor of their sisters: implying they are like Meriam the sister of Moses in piety and honor.

The indication of this is that people till now name their daughters and sons in the same name of the pious religious prophets and saints (this is true for all Jews, Christians and Muslims.)

Quran 19: 27-28, which mean:
(27. Then she brought the [Christ] to her people, carrying him [in her arms]; and [when they saw him] they said: "Mary, you have surely committed a grievous thing n."
28. Sister of Aaron [in righteousness and devotion], your father [Amram] was not any evil man, nor was [Ann] your mother any harlot. o ")

27 n i.e. A reprehensible thing which is so hard to us.
28 o i.e. she was not adulteress, so that you may become like her.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The Quran tells Muslim men that they may have sex with women captured as slaves. Even worse: the passage is repeated in four different places.

Tell us about such ayat of the Quran, so that I may refute your point. This indicates that the Wicked Zionist does not read and does not want to understand.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
By contrast, there is not a single verse that tells Muslims that they are to pray five times a day.

The prayers five times a day
are mentioned in two ayat of the Quran 11: 114 and 17: 78

Quran 11: 114, which means:

(And establish the prayers [to your companions, Mohammed m] at the two ends of the day n and at the approaches of the night o.

Surely, righteous [works] avert the evil

Such [establishing of the prayers] is a reminder to the mindful [who remember God and worship Him.]

114 m i.e. pray with them in congregation.

114 n i.e. before sunrise, which is 1- the morning [or dawn] prayers; and before sunset which is 2- the afternoon prayers.

114 o i.e. close to the night, which is 3- the sunset prayers.

While the noon prayers and the night [: Isha] prayers have been mentioned in the Quran 17: 78, that is His saying – be glorified, and which means:

(Establish the prayer from [the time of the] sun's decline till the darkness of the night.)

So the ‘sun's decline’ is 4- the noon prayers, while the ‘darkness of the night’ is 5- the Isha prayers.

Anyhow, it is allowed - for one who is busy in an official job or in a factory and cannot pray the noon prayers at its due time - that he may perform it together with the afternoon prayers, i.e. minutes before it.

114 p It means: if man prays, God will avert from him some misfortune; and if he gives alms to a poor one, God will avert from him some mishap; and if he feeds a hungry one, God will save him from an expected evil.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The Quran says that it is “clear”, but then says elsewhere (3:7) that only Allah understands the meaning of some verses (which begs the question of why they are there). It says that it explains "all things" (16:89)

My reply in fact is not to this devil; but only it is an explanation for the God-fearing; certainly there is someone or more who read the words of the interpreter and may be guided therewith and have their faith increasing and getting more knowledge and firm belief.

The answer:
The Quran explains everything of the lawful and unlawful and the rites of the Muslim and his duties and tells him what he should avoid. Such ayat are the essence of the Quran.

On the other hand it includes many ayat which are like riddles or puzzles; such ayat are the "Mutashabihat" which none may know their true meaning until after a long period of time, when they will be interpreted by the Mahdi.

Such ayat have been a challenge for all human kind and genie kind to solve their puzzle and to know their true meaning, but they have been completely unable to comprehend their true meaning .. until Abu Abd Allah: the Mahdi: Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly gave their true meaning this is by means of inspiration from God Most Gracious.

More explanation of this point here:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
So the believer believes in the Quran ayat, both the clear and the ambiguous, although he does not know the true meaning of the ambiguous ayat, and says: God alone knows its true meaning.

While the disbeliever: the misguided disregards the clear ayat and goes after the ambiguous ayat so as to deny and mock them, and so he will lose completely.

Here is the interpretation of these ayat to which this Zionist objected without studying them carefully:

Quran 3: 7, which means:
([God] is He Who has revealed to you [Mohammed] the Book [: the Quran] some of which being 'precise' ayat; they are the essence of the Book, [whereas] others being 'analogous'.

So those, in whose hearts is a deviation [from the truth]; these follow the 'analogous' [ayat] therein: seeking to seduce [people and turn them away], and seeking to interpret it.

[Therefore, God answered them:]
While none but God [only] knows its interpretation;

those – having sure knowledge – say: "We have believed in it: each [of the 'precise' and the 'analogous'] being from our Lord."

Surely, none may accept admonition save men having discerning hearts.

More explanation
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
And here is the interpretation of the aya 16: 89

(And We have sent down to you [Mohammed] the Book [: the Quran] explaining all things [of the religion], a guide [to those accepting its guidance], a mercy and glad tidings to Muslims [of admission into Paradise.])


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
The only one here that might believe your quran bullshite is NZDoug

Why don't you post directly to him in a PM a save yourself some aggravation you Camel humper!

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The only one here that might believe your quran bullshite is NZDoug
Why don't you post directly to him in a PM a save yourself some aggravation you Camel humper!

I don't mind who believe and who does not believe.. I have nothing to do with their dealing; their [and your] dealing is up to God alone.

Quran 39: 41, which means:
(Surely We have sent down upon you [Mohammed] the Book [: the Quran] for [teaching and guiding] mankind with the [religion of the] truth.

Then whosoever is guided, is only guided to his own gain
a, and whosoever goes astray, it is only to his own detriment b; you are not a guardian c over them.)

41 a i.e. the reward will be for his own gain.
41 b i.e. his sins will be against himself.
41 c The meaning: You, Mohammed, are not any guardian to save them of the chastisement, so that you may try hard to save them, but your duty is only to warn them.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
In practical terms, it is impossible to understand the Quran without references to external sources such as the Hadith and Sira (usually laid out in voluminous footnotes). Yet these sources are often contradictory and almost never agreed on.
Even in the Quran, devout Muslim scholars infer dramatically different meanings from the same verses. For example, most interpretations of 38:33 say that Solomon slashed at his own horses, severing their legs and necks. However, some contemporary translators, including one of the most respected (Yusuf Ali) say that Solomon really just passed his hand over their bodies in a loving way.

This is the interpretation of the Quran 38: 33
("Bring [the horses] back to me." Then he started to free [their] legs from the iron bonds] and necks [from the rope ties.])

And to understand this aya fully in the context of the related ayat; it is here:

Quran 38: 30-33, which mean:
(30. And We gave to David [his son] Solomon a; how excellent a servant [of God, Solomon was!] he was ever turning [to God, with repentance and obedience.]

31. When there were set before him, at evening, the ‘noble thoroughbred horses’ that 'stand with one front-extremity slightly raised'. b

32. And he said: "I have loved [the horses] as do I love the prayers [which lead to every blessing], so that the [horses] have distracted me from glorifying my Lord [in the prayers], until [the horses] were hidden in [the stable.]"

33. "Bring [the horses] back to me." d Then he started to free [their] legs from the iron bonds] and necks [from the rope ties. e])

30 a By his wife: Bathsheba, daughter of Eliam, who was the former wife of Uriah the Hittite.

31 b So when they were set before him, they distracted him from his prayers.

33 d So they brought them back to him.

33 e And to release them, and he said: “I don’t want such horses that distracted me from remembering my Lord in the prayers.”

It means: He abandoned his hobby with the horses and distributed his horses to his companions, because the horses distracted him from his prayers.

Here is about the Arabian horses

See more explanation of these wonderful ayat here:

Here is also a short recitation of these wonderful ayat of the Quran
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
More alarming (and unfortunately more typical) are verses like 5:33, which mandates crucifying those who "wage war on Allah"... without really explaining what this means.

This is the explanation of this aya in the Quran 5:33

[God – be glorified – explained about the dealing with those exceeding in their sins and transgression:]

(33. This is the recompense of those [Jews] who fight against God and His messenger, and strive to make mischief in the earth: they must be slaughtered or crucified or their hands and feet must alternately be cut off, or they must be banished from the land [where they dwell.]

That is degradation for them in this life of the World; and in the Next Life awaits them a mighty chastisement.

[Then God – be glorified – exempted, out of the Jews, those who repented and believed:]

34. Except those [Jews] who had repented [and converted] before you have overcome them, then know that God is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.)

More of the interpretation by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Unlike the Old Testament prophets, Muhammad narrated petty defenses of his claim as a prophet (and even his own sanity) that are remarkably redundant.
For example, no fewer than 8 passages (83:13, 27:68, 46:17, 16:24, 6:25, 26:137, 25:5 and 23:83) say that "Allah's messenger" is accused of repeating “tales of the ancients,” but that anyone who doesn’t believe him will burn in Hell. Why wouldn’t Allah just say it once and then use the remaining space for something more edifying?
Isn’t this more of what one would expect from an overly-defensive poseur than from an eternal revelation of God to man?

The repetition is necessary for affirming, confirming and augmenting the belief by displaying the topic by repeating and by displaying in various ways until the topic becomes clearly obvious, and the Quran is not the rigid and dry words of some philosophers but the Quran is the word of God to the Prophet and to people.

Quran 6: 105, which means:
(As such do We expound the revelations [of the Quran] in many [ways] e)

105 e In order that they may understand the revelations with their minds.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The Quran says that written copies of the Bible (Torah and Gospel) existed at the time of Muhammad (29:46, 3:3, 3:78) and a great many verses "confirm" that those copies are true (even if the Jews and Christians were later accused of misinterpreting them "with their tongues"). Parts of the Quran obviously rely on the Bible for completeness and many verses insist that the Word of God cannot be changed or corrupted.
Here's the problem:
There are hundreds of New Testament manuscripts that pre-date the time of Muhammad, all discovered at different times and different places by different people. There are hundreds more of the Torah. All agree almost perfectly with the modern version of the Bible, which contradicts the Quran.
At the same time, not a single copy or fragment of either the Torah or Gospel from any era has ever been found which deviates in a way that agrees with the Quran.
How is that the "true" Bible - the one that supposedly confirms the Quran - never survived in any form, while so many "corrupted" copies did?
Isn't it more likely that Muhammad simply made it up as he went along and later accused Christians and Jews as a cover story for his own mistakes?

Not the entire Bible is false, but a large part of the Torah (included in the Old Testament) and the Gospel (included in the New Testament) is distorted, which even led to the distortion of the base lines of the belied, that led to believing in the idolatry and the association with God.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
As mentioned, despite being a small book, the Quran is supposed to be the timeless, unchangeable word of God. Why would God use precious and valuable space on the personal life of one man - the same one who happens to be narrating the "revelation"?
Consider verse 33:53:
O you who believe! Enter not the Prophet's houses, except when leave is given to you for a meal, (and then) not (so early as) to wait for its preparation. But when you are invited, enter, and when you have taken your meal, disperse, without sitting for a talk. Verily, such (behaviour) annoys the Prophet, and he is shy of (asking) you (to go), but Allah is not shy of (telling you) the truth.​
That has to be immortalized on a tablet in heaven?
Substantial portions of the Quran (particularly suras 33 and 66) are equally self-serving and address the sex, money or respect from his wives to which Muhammad is entitled. Moreover, several such passages are repetitive.
Couldn’t Allah have thought of a more important message for mankind than telling us (several times over) that Muhammad may sleep with an unlimited number of women?

The importance of the person of the Prophet is not like other persons among Muslims; moreover, God teaches people the good morale and conduct; also He teaches them about the example of the past nations of believers, with Moses, Jesus and with the rest of God's messengers.

And here is the explanation of the aya of the Quran 33:53
[When the Prophet married Zaynab, he made a banquet for his companions, who started to eat and go out, except three of them who ate and sat after eating to talk among themselves; therefore, this aya was revealed concerning them:]

(O believers, enter not the houses of the prophet, unless permission is given to you for a meal, without waiting [for the prophet, in order to go out with him.]
But when you are invited, then enter; and when you have had the meal, then leave [after the eating],
neither [should you stay] lingering for any idle talk [among yourselves];
That is hurtful to the prophet, and he is shy [to dismiss] you; but God is not shy of the truth.
And when you ask [his wives] for any object [of the World], ask them from behind a screen; that is purer for your hearts and theirs [from doubts and from the suggestions of Satan.]
It is not for you to hurt God's messenger [with anything of that], neither to marry his wives after his [death], ever;
surely, that would be, in God's sight, a monstrous thing [so avoid it.]

More explanation: