Rafe Mair Calls For Getting BC Out of Canada


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
I was born and raised in British Columbia and I have always been a British Columbian, and as I grew up I kind of wondered why I was learning about Iroquois and Algonquin and Hurons, and never anything about local “Indians” as we called them. I always seemed to be getting a history of somewhere else that was being passed off as mine. Champlain and all the rest of them, Cartier and so on. You never heard about Cook or Vancouver... I grew up kind of resenting this as time went on.

I kept on wondering, what was the matter? Did I have to love the Toronto Maple Leafs to be a Canadian? Was that the rule? That I had to love all the things I’m being told? The Toronto Star weekly and so on... I know that sounds silly.

I’ve gone right through life always thinking, why can’t I be a good solid, sound loyal British Columbian and still be a Canadian? Why do I have to believe these other things? But it never really bothered me that much, I never thought of taking up the pikes and heading to the streets. It was just emotionally, I wonder why all my friends, most of us, felt the same way…

Now we fast forward to the more recent days and for the first time in my life it became very serious, because when I thought of what was going to happen with [liquefied natural gas] plants in Howe Sound, more particularly with the Kinder Morgan going through to Vancouver and right across our Salish Sea and so on, I began to be horrified.

Then when I heard Mr. Trudeau talk, I thought, we are not on the same wavelength at all. We’re like two different countries; he cannot understand that we hold these things in B.C. to be sacred. We hold them to be just as sacred as I’m sure he regards things in Quebec. You just don’t mess with them. And yet we’re not discussing on that level, just on the economic level.

Finally, being an old man and not giving a damn about anyone throwing me in jail anymore I thought, “Goddamn it, I’m gonna say what I think.” And I’ve gotten to the point where if British Columbia left the country, I’d be delighted.



Rafe Mair Online » Blog Archive » A British Columbian


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
I think Justy may not like it. Not because he's PM. Some of his family are from there. He'd be scared that if BC separated there would be an ocean between him and the Sinclair side of his family. The, um, Indian Ocean...


House Member
May 18, 2010
Many in AB would also like to leave Canada.
But in this case it's mostly economic and preference in Laws.

AB has pipelines running all over the province as well as the Oil Sands, everything is just here, place is clean and environmentally friendly.

BC has to realize that as we get more people into Canada, everybody has to learn to accommodate infrastructure stuff.
If BC does not want this, tell the Libs to stop bringing in 300k people every year.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
True. And Vancouver Island residents would be your rulers. All the best and brightest can be found near Courtenay, breathing in the smoke from Powell River, when it blows that way. Denman or Hornby Island could be your nation capital region.

The possibilities are endless.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
We could become a colony of China.
I would prefer an independent nation. If Washington and Oregon wanted to join that would be OK with me, but Alberia can stay over there with their dirty oil. I think most of them are brain damaged from breathing sour gas.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
BC cannot be independent. The Chinese would strenuously object. They are, after all, your betters. They will decide your future.

And here's the late Nat Cole, singing a pretty sing designed to give you a sense of hope, even though your life is one of hopelessness and despair. It's called, Smile.


Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
[B.C. National anthem sung to the tune of "O Tannenbaum"]

Oh Lotus Land

Oh Lotus Land

We love your sinsemilla.

The Kootenays, the Cascade range

are foreign to Vancouver.

The Hindustan, the Mandarin

The Japanese and White Men

have turned the native peoples there

to drinking for a living.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Personally, if you wish to separate, that's fine, but just remember that you will probably end up like Cliffy. :lol: