The Seeds Of Suicide: How Monsanto Destroys Farming
After the war the Iraqi farmers were forced to buy their seeds from Monsanto:
Pay Monsanto, or starve.
“The American Administrator of the Iraqi CPA (Coalition Provisional Authority) government,
Paul Bremer, updated Iraq’s intellectual property law to ‘meet current internationally-recognized standards of protection’.
The updated law makes saving seeds for next year’s harvest, practiced by 97% of Iraqi farmers in 2002, and is the standard farming practice for thousands of years across human civilizations,
to be now illegal.. Instead, farmers
will have to obtain a yearly license for genetically modified (GM) seeds from
American corporations. These GM seeds have typically been modified from seeds developed over thousands of generations by indigenous farmers like the Iraqis, and shared freely like agricultural ‘open source.'”
Today, Monsanto is spread all over Canadian farms as well. In contrast, Russia strewn Monsanto and its GMO out the door!
It is all about exploitation and getting rich!
There is no health benefit to be found in GM-modified foods.