Pro-Palestine Anti-Israel College Campus Protests


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yep…& take out infrastructure, agriculture, greenhouses, livestock, livelihoods & future economic success, etc…’cuz money for nothing & chicks for free…& UNRWA will provide anyway (Blessed be upon them).

A D9 would create a huge mess (unless the job is finished and cleaned up after) that could be blamed on Israel, increasing UNRWA funding, and everybody wins!! And everybody wins…everybody…in our ongoing struggle against the Jews who in the 1930’s underwent massive infrastructure construction from the NE of what should be Palestine (“Free Palestine!!”) across that area between the (Jordan) River & the (Mediterranean) Sea…irrigating it & planting millions of trees (angrily spits over left shoulder). Damn dirty Apes Jews.

Our Syrian and Lebanese brothers (blessed be upon them) to help us win our freedom from Britain Egypt Jordan Israel, in conjunction with the Arab League decided to turn off the water taps to the entire (Stolen land, etc…) region that would’ve parched all of Palestine (that Israel was pretending to be a nation in) that would’ve parched the land and killed the Jews (& us Palestinians, who weren’t calling ourselves Palestinians yet, but we’re martyrs to be martyred for the betterment of Islam so that’s cool. We’re down with that shit!!

The Israelis Stopped that though, and kept us from dying of thirst (pack of Jew bastards…spits over left shoulder again) selfishly just ‘cuz it also prevented their own demise. Happy Father’s Day!!

(I’ve already scrubbed the bathroom sink and shower and bathtub, and I’m doing this on my break, but I’m gonna go back and clean the toilet and the floor… and then I will come back to the history of my people after brunch)
In the words of Rabbi Karl Marx, "fuck the kulaks, just take it all, these people are unworthy subhuman parasites".

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I’ve got a few minutes… so let’s jump into the PLO (blessed be upon them!) and Yessir Areofat (blessed…you know the drill) and our brotherhood with our brothers in Jordan (who annexed the entire Westbank for decades and never offered us statehood, but that was for our own good I guess) who gave the name Westbank to the Westbank not because it was the eastern portion of our land…but that’s a different story for another time.
In the words of Rabbi Karl Marx, "fuck the kulaks, just take it all, these people are unworthy subhuman parasites".
Ah yes. Those Russian Jews, like the German Jews, & the American Jews, and the everywhere else Jews descended upon Palestine (“Free Palestine from the Ottomans French British ah..just Free Palestine!!) descended upon our land like locusts upon something that locusts descend upon!!
Sorry, wrong map above. Picture the same map but the arrows pointing the other way. The above map is Jewish propaganda not to be believed or trusted ‘cuz…you know…

(Brunch has turned into Supper plans so schedule modified)


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I’ve got a few minutes… so let’s jump into the PLO (blessed be upon them!) and Yessir Areofat (blessed…you know the drill) and our brotherhood with our brothers in Jordan (who annexed the entire Westbank for decades and never offered us statehood, but that was for our own good I guess) who gave the name Westbank to the Westbank not because it was the eastern portion of our land…but that’s a different story for another time.

Ah yes. Those Russian Jews, like the German Jews, & the American Jews, and the everywhere else Jews descended upon Palestine (“Free Palestine from the Ottomans French British ah..just Free Palestine!!) descended upon our land like locusts upon something that locusts descend upon!!
View attachment 22590
Sorry, wrong map above. Picture the same map but the arrows pointing the other way. The above map is Jewish propaganda not to be believed or trusted ‘cuz…you know…

(Brunch has turned into Supper plans so schedule modified)
But if course. With the leadership of the Polack atheist Mileikowsky us Russian Jews have taken control and will not just push the subhuman Arabs out but we will go after the secular people who call themselves Jews with full intent of recreating the kingdom of Judea.

Fuck the Israelite goyim.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Where were we…oh, yeah, plague of locusts…
But if course. With the leadership of the Polack atheist Mileikowsky us Russian Jews have taken control and will not just push the subhuman Arabs out but we will go after the secular people who call themselves Jews with full intent of recreating the kingdom of Judea.

Fuck the Israelite goyim.
Remember, you’re on Team Israel/Zion America, etc…& I’m on Team Hamas/Palestine/Arab/etc…😉…anyway, locusts…or was I at PLO (later Fathead political party in East Palestine West Bank), there’s just so much to cover…

(gonna go clean the toilet, and come back)

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
You could eat off of that toilet now (I wouldn’t but the offer is open), & on that note let’s talk about Muslim brotherhood (not that “Muslim Brotherhood” but the concept in general).

The Kingdom of Jordan (or TransJordan, or just Jordan) opened its arms to us Palestinians (who weren’t Palestinians yet) and then annex’d the…let’s call it the West Bank…saving it from being overrun by…well, the wrong people…from 1948-ish to 1967-ish when the so called Israel stole it just because Syria and Jordan and Egypt and Lebanon and other brothers from other Islamic mothers where going to attack Palestine Israel while also damming up the water before it entered…the region.

The Jews (spits…etc…generally leftish) selfishly (in six days, but that’s a different story) bombed the dams that would’ve dehydrated…the…Uhm…entire area, and then cowardly attacked everyone before we could push them into the (mediterranean) Sea. They should read the Koran to know Allah’s gameplan. Anyway…

After we attacked Jordan (oh yeah, we attacked Jordan), they kicked many of us out (like those selfish pricks in that country we won’t mention but that Sadist Hussain lit on fire, but that’s a different story). Can you believe that? After we culturally enriched them? Then Egypt built a big fence-type wall, but that’s a different story.

(I’m gonna go scrub the bathroom floor)

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You could eat off of that toilet now (I wouldn’t but the offer is open), & on that note let’s talk about Muslim brotherhood (not that “Muslim Brotherhood” but the concept in general).

The Kingdom of Jordan (or TransJordan, or just Jordan) opened its arms to us Palestinians (who weren’t Palestinians yet) and then annex’d the…let’s call it the West Bank…saving it from being overrun by…well, the wrong people…from 1948-ish to 1967-ish when the so called Israel stole it just because Syria and Jordan and Egypt and Lebanon and other brothers from other Islamic mothers where going to attack Palestine Israel while also damming up the water before it entered…the region.

The Jews (spits…etc…generally leftish) selfishly (in six days, but that’s a different story) bombed the dams that would’ve dehydrated…the…Uhm…entire area, and then cowardly attacked everyone before we could push them into the (mediterranean) Sea. They should read the Koran to know Allah’s gameplan. Anyway…

After we attacked Jordan (oh yeah, we attacked Jordan), they kicked many of us out (like those selfish pricks in that country we won’t mention but that Sadist Hussain lit on fire, but that’s a different story). Can you believe that? After we culturally enriched them? Then Egypt built a big fence-type wall, but that’s a different story.

(I’m gonna go scrub the bathroom floor)
What happened to your Christians that amassed in Lebanon and attacked bringing along the keys to the homes we stole err I mean they abandoned? What a good deal. We force the goyim out then with train loads of guilt and Hollywood we duped nondenominal US Goyim into funding our terrorism. We have nukes. Who can stop us? International goyim law doesnt apply to us and we don't have to follow. They'll just keep funding us anyway. Fucking morons.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
What happened to your Christians that amassed in Lebanon and attacked bringing along the keys to the homes we stole err I mean they abandoned? What a good deal. We force the goyim out then with train loads of guilt and Hollywood we duped nondenominal US Goyim into funding our terrorism. We have nukes. Who can stop us? International goyim law doesnt apply to us and we don't have to follow. They'll just keep funding us anyway. Fucking morons.
My Christians? I thought they were your Christians? Well when we’re done with you Jews we’ll deal with the Christians next I guess if Hezbollah (Hamas -North) doesn’t address them first. Can Christians swim? From the river to…well…you know.

If we didn’t hate you so much for just existing, we’d probably get along famously!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
My Christians? I thought they were your Christians? Well when we’re done with you Jews we’ll deal with the Christians next I guess if Hezbollah (Hamas -North) doesn’t address them first. Can Christians swim? From the river to…well…you know.

If we didn’t hate you so much for just existing, we’d probably get along famously!
They are your Christians in Lebanon, we don't have Christians only despicable goyim. Born Again goyim aren't our either. They are like goats to us. Only useful for milking and raw meat to throw at our enemies.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
They are your Christians in Lebanon, we don't have Christians only despicable goyim. Born Again goyim aren't our either. They are like goats to us. Only useful for milking and raw meat to throw at our enemies.
Can we flip for them (assuming you can be trusted with the coin?)? If these Christians are in Lebanon we’ll have Hezbollah chase them into the Med so Iran Hamas Palestinians have plausible deniability. 😉

Plus, you can’t run with the big terrorists dogs if you allow this in your own (well, ours actually) backyard:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Can we flip for them (assuming you can be trusted with the coin?)? If these Christians are in Lebanon we’ll have Hezbollah chase them into the Med so Iran Hamas Palestinians have plausible deniability. 😉

Plus, you can’t run with the big terrorists dogs if you allow this in your own (well, ours actually) backyard:
View attachment 22595
They fully back your Shiite Hezbollah or are in Hezbollah.

All we have is the American low life goyim who are so low even Protestants won't affiliate.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
They fully back your Shiite Hezbollah or are in Hezbollah.

All we have is the American low life goyim who are so low even Protestants won't affiliate.
Shiite man….that Sunni/Shiite stuff doesn’t matter if we have someone else to focus on.

Once you & the Christians are swimming in the sea, we’ll then fight out the Shiite/Sunni beef amongst ourselves again still infinitely . Iranically Ironically with the Koran coming directly from Allah and being infallibly whispered in the ear of Muhammad (who was not blessed with literacy, blessed be upon the illiterate) and then another guy started writing Shiite down 30 years after Moe passed, and then 1300 years later everyone else is interpreting it wrong (except us, of coarse) but we’ll learn them up once you and the Christians are swimming.

The Gays for Gaza support us too, but…


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Shiite man….that Sunni/Shiite stuff doesn’t matter if we have someone else to focus on.

Once you & the Christians are swimming in the sea, we’ll then fight out the Shiite/Sunni beef amongst ourselves again still infinitely . Iranically Ironically with the Koran coming directly from Allah and being infallibly whispered in the ear of Muhammad (who was not blessed with literacy, blessed be upon the illiterate) and then another guy started writing Shiite down 30 years after Moe passed, and then 1300 years later everyone else is interpreting it wrong (except us, of coarse) but we’ll learn them up once you and the Christians are swimming.

The Gays for Gaza support us too, but…
Your Arab Lebanese(& Syrian) Christians or my born yesterday domesticated America goyim Christians?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The university says they will be increasing security and pursuing legal action to bar SPHR from using the “McGill” name on social media.

Priorities. Come on down, bring the kids!!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
View attachment 22624
View attachment 22625
The university says they will be increasing security and pursuing legal action to bar SPHR from using the “McGill” name on social media.

Priorities. Come on down, bring the kids!!
View attachment 22626
Why is that alarming?

Israel kids flock to military-themed summer camps
5 years ago

Israeli school children watch a military exercise where a Palestinian target is killed and then get the opportunity to handle some of the weapons on 9 May, 2017 [Shehab News Agency]

The “new trend in summertime fun” for Israeli schoolchildren is “military-themed summer camps and courses”, reported Israeli publication Calcalist on Friday.

In one centre – “The Squadron” – a reservist brigadier general provides children with “briefing rooms” and flight simulators, where participants recreate the 1981 Israeli attack on an Iraqi nuclear reactor.

During week two, the children “have their first taste of air battles and air strikes”. One of the camp leaders told the paper:

They are not here to pass the time, they are here to receive values.

Another summer activity includes martial arts training – Krav Maga – for children as young as 12-years-old, with tasks named “preparation for operational fire” and “counterterrorism 101”.

A paintball company, meanwhile, offers daily activities based on the Israeli army’s “enlistment process and basic training”, moving children “through a military-style obstacle course and teaching them how to fire semi-automatic (paintball) weapons”.

One a recent day, Calcalist reported, “150 summer camp kids arrived here for bootcamp training”. Older children “come for daily activities in a special set designed for urban warfare: densely-built houses, burned vehicles, and sniper posts.”

Other centres offer courses in cyberwarfare for “tech-leaning kids”, with one child telling the reporter: “I want to serve in Unit 8200 [the military unit which conducts surveillance of Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territory].”

“I want to be a white hat, the one who stops the hackers with the black hats. White hats hack, say, for the Mossad, to find out things needed to protect the country, unlike black hats that are interested in criminal things like money or world domination,” he added.

According to Kobi Michael, a senior research fellow at Tel Aviv University’s Institute of National Security Studies (INSS) “these summer camps are an expression of the cultural militarism that characterises Israeli society”.


Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Why is that alarming?

Israel kids flock to military-themed summer camps
5 years ago

View attachment 22628
Israeli school children watch a military exercise where a Palestinian target is killed and then get the opportunity to handle some of the weapons on 9 May, 2017 [Shehab News Agency]

The “new trend in summertime fun” for Israeli schoolchildren is “military-themed summer camps and courses”, reported Israeli publication Calcalist on Friday.

In one centre – “The Squadron” – a reservist brigadier general provides children with “briefing rooms” and flight simulators, where participants recreate the 1981 Israeli attack on an Iraqi nuclear reactor.

During week two, the children “have their first taste of air battles and air strikes”. One of the camp leaders told the paper:

They are not here to pass the time, they are here to receive values.

Another summer activity includes martial arts training – Krav Maga – for children as young as 12-years-old, with tasks named “preparation for operational fire” and “counterterrorism 101”.

READ: ‘This is for Palestine’, says mum who gave birth through smuggled sperm

A paintball company, meanwhile, offers daily activities based on the Israeli army’s “enlistment process and basic training”, moving children “through a military-style obstacle course and teaching them how to fire semi-automatic (paintball) weapons”.

One a recent day, Calcalist reported, “150 summer camp kids arrived here for bootcamp training”. Older children “come for daily activities in a special set designed for urban warfare: densely-built houses, burned vehicles, and sniper posts.”

Other centres offer courses in cyberwarfare for “tech-leaning kids”, with one child telling the reporter: “I want to serve in Unit 8200 [the military unit which conducts surveillance of Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territory].”

“I want to be a white hat, the one who stops the hackers with the black hats. White hats hack, say, for the Mossad, to find out things needed to protect the country, unlike black hats that are interested in criminal things like money or world domination,” he added.

According to Kobi Michael, a senior research fellow at Tel Aviv University’s Institute of National Security Studies (INSS) “these summer camps are an expression of the cultural militarism that characterises Israeli society”.

This is at a university in Canada?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
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