You’ve misread me my good fellow. I don’t fall into “traps” of any kind; my eyes are always wide open and my awareness honed.
This is of course antithetical to the construct of faith and obedience you seem to feel more utile to modern man.
Like the Moslem faith the Roman Catholic exercise of “faith” and dissemination of dogma are inexorably linked to times long gone and the acceptance of atrocities committed in the names of these faiths should be remembered as the product of willingness to surrender rational thinking to voodoo mumbo jumbo.
Residential schools in Canada were responsible for abuse on not only a physical and real world level, but on the psychological and cultural level as well. Investment by the Roman Catholic Church in re-making the world and human society into conformist mindless controllable fodder for monarchs and sympathetic governments would not abide the entertaining of any ideology that conflicted with the supreme and superior position the Vatican carved out for itself in the social organizing principles of a world dominated by imperialist regimes.
The basic tenets of love thy neighbour and do not return unkindness with same but return love and turn the other cheek etc. were convenient only when the coffers of the Roman Catholic Church were augmented by the plunder from French and Spanish looters sent across the planet to rape and pillage with the approval of the Holy See.
The wealth of the Roman Catholic Church would easily feed every starving child in the world, provide medical care and education for millions and yet the “Christian” kindness of this church (and most others) comes at the price of potential recipients voluntarily abandoning their beliefs traditions and cultures and whole-heartedly embracing the dogma of these money grubbing “religions”.
“Go forth and multiply”… the chant of the Vatican’s papal whores from the pulpits of enormous extravagant cathedrals regardless of the generations of poverty and legacy of vulnerability to the greedy governments of brigands and fortune-seeking governments who slaughtered in the name of Christ and the Holy Roman Church.
Put you’re faith in “god” and oh by the way don’t forget to send in your tithes and remember “god” doesn’t want his earthly messengers being driven around in anything less than Lincolns and Cadillac limousines!
Oral Roberts, Jim Swaggart, Jim Bakker and the entire roll call of conmen and grifters who’ve used the spiritual vulnerability of mankind for generations to steal from the “flock” while amassing enormous personal fortunes are all petty pikers compared to the Catholic Church.
These “godly” men and women (well no women in the Catholic church the Vatican’s been adamant about that for hundreds of years) have warped the measure and meaning of what it is to be a human being and placed a bounty on free speech and freedom of thought.
You buy their lies and invest in the same mindlessness as they approve of if you like, but don’t let the obscurity of the message and the exercises of the practices fool you for a moment.
This game like politics is entirely about power to control human thinking and fleece the faithful.
You mentioned earlier that the improvability of beliefs was the hallmark of many religions and in that you’re absolutely right. Unlike the immediacy of cause effect relationships easily comprehended by the great majority, religion relies on the special skills of translation and interpretation to build a fabrication of moral relativism that can be manipulated at will.
The “great religions” of this planet are lies and fabrications and to countenance any respect or permit of any rational foundation be applicable in examining them is to succumb to the mindlessness they champion.
You’ve misread me my good fellow. I don’t fall into “traps” of any kind; my eyes are always wide open and my awareness honed.
This is of course antithetical to the construct of faith and obedience you seem to feel more utile to modern man.
Like the Moslem faith the Roman Catholic exercise of “faith” and dissemination of dogma are inexorably linked to times long gone and the acceptance of atrocities committed in the names of these faiths should be remembered as the product of willingness to surrender rational thinking to voodoo mumbo jumbo.
Residential schools in Canada were responsible for abuse on not only a physical and real world level, but on the psychological and cultural level as well. Investment by the Roman Catholic Church in re-making the world and human society into conformist mindless controllable fodder for monarchs and sympathetic governments would not abide the entertaining of any ideology that conflicted with the supreme and superior position the Vatican carved out for itself in the social organizing principles of a world dominated by imperialist regimes.
The basic tenets of love thy neighbour and do not return unkindness with same but return love and turn the other cheek etc. were convenient only when the coffers of the Roman Catholic Church were augmented by the plunder from French and Spanish looters sent across the planet to rape and pillage with the approval of the Holy See.
The wealth of the Roman Catholic Church would easily feed every starving child in the world, provide medical care and education for millions and yet the “Christian” kindness of this church (and most others) comes at the price of potential recipients voluntarily abandoning their beliefs traditions and cultures and whole-heartedly embracing the dogma of these money grubbing “religions”.
“Go forth and multiply”… the chant of the Vatican’s papal whores from the pulpits of enormous extravagant cathedrals regardless of the generations of poverty and legacy of vulnerability to the greedy governments of brigands and fortune-seeking governments who slaughtered in the name of Christ and the Holy Roman Church.
Put you’re faith in “god” and oh by the way don’t forget to send in your tithes and remember “god” doesn’t want his earthly messengers being driven around in anything less than Lincolns and Cadillac limousines!
Oral Roberts, Jim Swaggart, Jim Bakker and the entire roll call of conmen and grifters who’ve used the spiritual vulnerability of mankind for generations to steal from the “flock” while amassing enormous personal fortunes are all petty pikers compared to the Catholic Church.
These “godly” men and women (well no women in the Catholic church the Vatican’s been adamant about that for hundreds of years) have warped the measure and meaning of what it is to be a human being and placed a bounty on free speech and freedom of thought.
You buy their lies and invest in the same mindlessness as they approve of if you like, but don’t let the obscurity of the message and the exercises of the practices fool you for a moment.
This game like politics is entirely about power to control human thinking and fleece the faithful.
You mentioned earlier that the improvability of beliefs was the hallmark of many religions and in that you’re absolutely right. Unlike the immediacy of cause effect relationships easily comprehended by the great majority, religion relies on the special skills of translation and interpretation to build a fabrication of moral relativism that can be manipulated at will.
The “great religions” of this planet are lies and fabrications and to countenance any respect or permit of any rational foundation be applicable in examining them is to succumb to the mindlessness they champion.