Pete Buttigieg 👨*❤️*💋*👨 🏳️*🌈


Time Out
Jan 31, 2020
Re: Pete Buttigieg 👨*❤️*💋*👨 🏳️*🌈

Just because people protest Pete are gay doesn't mean squat, other than they don't think he's doing something right for them.
Being gay doesn't exempt you from being a moron or a bigot. I've experienced myself gays who are against other parts of the community all the time. Gays against Lesbians. Lesbians against Gays. Lesbians against Trans women (which is a huge issue).
It happens.
True dat. I've had lesbians and gays vilify me for being bi; I'm a traitor to either side is the vilification, which is totally ludicrous considering I KNOW we each of us are simply human beings and there's less than a tenth of one percent difference between us genetically. They might as well diss people with hearing problems, or small feet, or whatever. But then there are those "heteros" that also are ignorant of the genetic difference between humans.
The cure for that ignorance is education, but those in power would rather have kids taught the "correct" politics, the "correct" religions, the "correct" thinking, etc.
No wonder astrophysicists, cosmologists, etc. have their telescopes and whatnot pointed out into space looking for intelligent life - there doesn't seem to be much here on Earth. lol


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Re: Pete Buttigieg 👨*❤️*💋*👨 🏳️*🌈

That's right Gays or lesbians is no big deal for most people, unless the gay people make a big deal of it themselves by purposely flaunting it! And I don't mean they have to stay in the closet...

Unless they dare show they're gay in public where people might, you know, see it, or 'have to explain it to their kids' or some shit. Gods forbid a gay person hold their partner's hand and that have to be explained to poor little Johnny or Lucy.

Then it is a big deal which leads to gays hurt or dead.

We have a gay couple here in town that 99% of the population don't even know they are gay.
To most people they are just two old bachelors sharing an apartment.

Awesome, but that's likely bullshyte. People know but maybe for the most part, don't care.

Some do care though and maybe not in your town but in another, those two old bachelors might just have their lives risked for being gay and a couple.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
Re: Pete Buttigieg 👨*❤️*💋*👨 🏳️*🌈

Okay Boomer I'm curious. Will you be posting any anti-gay memes relating to Trumps latest appointee, Richard Grenell? I am genuinely curious.