What do we want:
Organize for
If we listen to what politicians and big mouths are telling us in
the media, there is no such paradise as Canada, a model of compassion
and generosity, where it feels good to live and where the
State is making sure to protect everybody! But actually, when we
look behind the mirror to see what is really happening, we are
obviously far from such a nice picture.
What these people are never telling us (or so rarely) is that 20%
of the population in Canada is permanently suffering from poverty.
Millions of people are regularly loosing their jobs, keeping on
being poorly paid with fragile conditions. More particularly the
youth, the women, the immigrants and the Native people are the
most at risk for not having enough revenues to live.
The gap is becoming larger and larger between the poor and the
rich: in 1960, the 20% richest people were enjoying 30 times the
revenues of the 20% poorest; in 1994, it was 78.6 times! In fact,
all the wealth that we produced over the last years has been concentrated
in the hands of the 5% richest people in the country.
This reality of oppression and exploitation can not be diminished,
nor prevented by any Charter of Rights, should it be the best in
the world!
Canada is under the rule of a small group of people who own
the real power and capital; they do exist and they are rich because
they exploit the majority of the people here and in the oppressed
countries where Canada is dominant. The millions of workers and
poor, the hundreds of thousands of Natives to whom land and
wealth have been robbed, these don’t have a word to say in political
decisions and must fight everyday just to survive.
Moreover, that minority which we call the bourgeoisie totally
controls the State and its ruling machinery. When feeling in danger,
the bourgeois don’t hesitate to use the police, the army and the
criminal courts in order to impose their law and order. The State
and the education system, as well as cultural and communication
industries are being used to impose one single point of view, the
bourgeois’ one, and to better control unions and community
groups, which are supposedly opposing that power and representing
our rights.
They are telling us that we live in the most democratic system
that history has ever generated. But democracy does only exist for
those who can afford it! For the majority, democracy is reduced
to a ballot paper every four years, in order to choose which of the
bourgeois will continue to sit in Parliament. And for the rest of
the time, all we can do is shut up!
Still, we are the ones producing this wealth that some of these
guys show off and spend so arrogantly. It comes directly from the
work of the working class, for the most of it. And together,
employees, workers, unemployed, pensioners both wife, husband
and children, we are the majority–more than 65% of the Canadian
It is now clear that such a system and its rulers who maintain so
much people in misery and poverty; who keep on exploiting
Native peoples and those in oppressed countries; who persist in
waging unfair wars, destroying environment and natural resources
just for the profit of a handful of rich: well such a system does not
have any right to be and must be overthrown, as soon as possible!
Some people pretend that we just need to put an end to the
worst of capitalism, in order to make it more “human”, like by
voting/electing a few leftists such as the “nice Jack” (Layton) and
all of a sudden, every issues would be solved. But if we don’t go
at the root of the current problems, which is for Maoists like us,
the fundamental contradiction between the social character of
production and the private appropriation of its fruits, then the
pains generated by capitalism will continue endlessly.
*Advertising your organisation is only allowed in the "Offers, Web Sites and Advertising" forum*
➨ It is like a doctor who only gives you
drugs to control your pain when you suffer
from a cancer. Norman Bethune, a great
Canadian hero who was a doctor himself,
understood perfectly this simple rule during
the Great Economic Crisis in the 30’s:
he stated that in order to cure a sick person,
one must attack the cause of the sickness:
this is why he became a communist and
even gave his life for revolution!
If we really want to break our chains; if
we want to put an end to exploitation and
overthrow the current power; if we want
the power for those who are currently supporting
all of the structure of the society
without controlling it, so they can regain
the capacity to improve their lives and
determine their own future: then we need a
true revolution! Small reforms won’t
change anything….
That revolution, led by and made for
those who don’t have any interest to
oppress or exploit anybody–the majority–
will lead us to a communist society, where
exploitation won’t exist and where everybody
will contribute to the social life
according to their own capacities, and will
be able to satisfy their needs.
We need a true revolution because we
know, deeply in our minds, that having a
new king to replace the old one, even
though the new one looks better or nicer,
just won’t change anything. Worst: in some
cases when these nice guys come into
power, we see them betraying our dreams:
remember Bob Rae in Ontario, René
Lévesque in Quebec. At the best, if they try
to attack the most powerful interests, they
are kicked out of the Parliament, just like
what happened to only communist MP of
the Canadian history, Fred Rose: he lost his
parliament immunity, was put in prison and
then deported to Poland after being falsely
accused of “spying” for the Soviet Union
(too bad for our great “Parliament
In front of the power of money and the
ruling of the bourgeois State, it is important
to protest and to do everything to make the
mobilization bigger and show the power of
the street. But this is not enough and it will
never be! We must organize ourselves in a
way that will be as powerful as the bourgeoisie
can be and most important, organize
ourselves outside of the bourgeois’
power machine.
The working class, and all the exploited
masses must build a new power and new
organizations outside of the ruling framework
of the bourgeoisie: organizations for
class struggle, independent from states and
companies. We must organize new struggles
to mobilize strongly and unite the
exploited people. This can not be done
with timid ideas that are “realistic” from a
capitalist standpoint, but with a convincing
and powerful program that truly expresses
the needs of the most oppressed people, of
the workers and of the majority in Canada:
a program for revolution! In one word, we
must build a Revolutionary Communist
Party, our party, the one of all of those
who want not only to resist, but who wish
to overthrow capitalism and destroy the
power of the capitalists!
A Revolutionary
The Revolutionary Communist Party
(Organizing Committees) was created in
November, 2000 in Montreal by activists
and people from different cities and
regions of the country and from different
sectors of the working class. By deciding
to build a new organization, we wanted to
give ourselves the means to concretely
fight and overthrow the bourgeois’ power,
destroy the capitalist system and build a
new society that will lead to communism
–a free society with no oppression nor
Therefore this party has really nothing
to do with all those old workers’ party
now being totally under the control of the
bourgeoisie, and that still pretend to talk
on workers’ behalf but which are in fact
totally embedded to the bourgeois State. It
has nothing to do neither with all the
range of “parties” and organizations with
“revolutionary” or “communist” labels
(such as the former Communist Party of
Canada) for which the only perspective is
to keep on participating to every upcoming
election farce and its parliamentary
We have in front of us a solid bourgeoisie,
well organized with State machine,
police, army and parties. If we want to
fight seriously against it and put forward
the struggle for our liberation, we need as
well to be organized with a solid party,
one vision, one ideology and one clear
strategy which will lead us to socialism.
Feel free to contact us for more information.
Read our program, and discuss it
with your friends and comrades; organize
your own study group and join an organizing
committee of the RCP(OC)!
*Advertising your organisation is only allowed in the "Offers, Web Sites and Advertising" forum*
People’s War Digest (PWD) is entirely dedicated to advocate and
promote people’s war. With PWD, we want to bring our contribution in
producing a true and genuine liaison between the Maoists across
Canada, a tool at the service of all activists who wish to develop a
significant revolutionary practice.
*Advertising your organisation is only allowed in the "Offers, Web Sites and Advertising" forum*
Why Maoism?
From an ideological
standpoint, the
RCP(OC) is relying
on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. Why
are we talking about Maoism here in
Canada? Since 150 years, the working
class has led numerous struggles against
capitalism and exploitation. In Russia
and China, great revolutions have shaken
the bases of the bourgeois system.
Significant victories came out of these
revolutions, although the new bourgeois
who took the power there set them
aside. Maoism is the synthesis of the
whole communist movement experience,
which is made up of both positive
and negative lessons. This is why it will
allow us to go deeper and further in the
struggle for our liberation.
Organize for
If we listen to what politicians and big mouths are telling us in
the media, there is no such paradise as Canada, a model of compassion
and generosity, where it feels good to live and where the
State is making sure to protect everybody! But actually, when we
look behind the mirror to see what is really happening, we are
obviously far from such a nice picture.
What these people are never telling us (or so rarely) is that 20%
of the population in Canada is permanently suffering from poverty.
Millions of people are regularly loosing their jobs, keeping on
being poorly paid with fragile conditions. More particularly the
youth, the women, the immigrants and the Native people are the
most at risk for not having enough revenues to live.
The gap is becoming larger and larger between the poor and the
rich: in 1960, the 20% richest people were enjoying 30 times the
revenues of the 20% poorest; in 1994, it was 78.6 times! In fact,
all the wealth that we produced over the last years has been concentrated
in the hands of the 5% richest people in the country.
This reality of oppression and exploitation can not be diminished,
nor prevented by any Charter of Rights, should it be the best in
the world!
Canada is under the rule of a small group of people who own
the real power and capital; they do exist and they are rich because
they exploit the majority of the people here and in the oppressed
countries where Canada is dominant. The millions of workers and
poor, the hundreds of thousands of Natives to whom land and
wealth have been robbed, these don’t have a word to say in political
decisions and must fight everyday just to survive.
Moreover, that minority which we call the bourgeoisie totally
controls the State and its ruling machinery. When feeling in danger,
the bourgeois don’t hesitate to use the police, the army and the
criminal courts in order to impose their law and order. The State
and the education system, as well as cultural and communication
industries are being used to impose one single point of view, the
bourgeois’ one, and to better control unions and community
groups, which are supposedly opposing that power and representing
our rights.
They are telling us that we live in the most democratic system
that history has ever generated. But democracy does only exist for
those who can afford it! For the majority, democracy is reduced
to a ballot paper every four years, in order to choose which of the
bourgeois will continue to sit in Parliament. And for the rest of
the time, all we can do is shut up!
Still, we are the ones producing this wealth that some of these
guys show off and spend so arrogantly. It comes directly from the
work of the working class, for the most of it. And together,
employees, workers, unemployed, pensioners both wife, husband
and children, we are the majority–more than 65% of the Canadian
It is now clear that such a system and its rulers who maintain so
much people in misery and poverty; who keep on exploiting
Native peoples and those in oppressed countries; who persist in
waging unfair wars, destroying environment and natural resources
just for the profit of a handful of rich: well such a system does not
have any right to be and must be overthrown, as soon as possible!
Some people pretend that we just need to put an end to the
worst of capitalism, in order to make it more “human”, like by
voting/electing a few leftists such as the “nice Jack” (Layton) and
all of a sudden, every issues would be solved. But if we don’t go
at the root of the current problems, which is for Maoists like us,
the fundamental contradiction between the social character of
production and the private appropriation of its fruits, then the
pains generated by capitalism will continue endlessly.
*Advertising your organisation is only allowed in the "Offers, Web Sites and Advertising" forum*
➨ It is like a doctor who only gives you
drugs to control your pain when you suffer
from a cancer. Norman Bethune, a great
Canadian hero who was a doctor himself,
understood perfectly this simple rule during
the Great Economic Crisis in the 30’s:
he stated that in order to cure a sick person,
one must attack the cause of the sickness:
this is why he became a communist and
even gave his life for revolution!
If we really want to break our chains; if
we want to put an end to exploitation and
overthrow the current power; if we want
the power for those who are currently supporting
all of the structure of the society
without controlling it, so they can regain
the capacity to improve their lives and
determine their own future: then we need a
true revolution! Small reforms won’t
change anything….
That revolution, led by and made for
those who don’t have any interest to
oppress or exploit anybody–the majority–
will lead us to a communist society, where
exploitation won’t exist and where everybody
will contribute to the social life
according to their own capacities, and will
be able to satisfy their needs.
We need a true revolution because we
know, deeply in our minds, that having a
new king to replace the old one, even
though the new one looks better or nicer,
just won’t change anything. Worst: in some
cases when these nice guys come into
power, we see them betraying our dreams:
remember Bob Rae in Ontario, René
Lévesque in Quebec. At the best, if they try
to attack the most powerful interests, they
are kicked out of the Parliament, just like
what happened to only communist MP of
the Canadian history, Fred Rose: he lost his
parliament immunity, was put in prison and
then deported to Poland after being falsely
accused of “spying” for the Soviet Union
(too bad for our great “Parliament
In front of the power of money and the
ruling of the bourgeois State, it is important
to protest and to do everything to make the
mobilization bigger and show the power of
the street. But this is not enough and it will
never be! We must organize ourselves in a
way that will be as powerful as the bourgeoisie
can be and most important, organize
ourselves outside of the bourgeois’
power machine.
The working class, and all the exploited
masses must build a new power and new
organizations outside of the ruling framework
of the bourgeoisie: organizations for
class struggle, independent from states and
companies. We must organize new struggles
to mobilize strongly and unite the
exploited people. This can not be done
with timid ideas that are “realistic” from a
capitalist standpoint, but with a convincing
and powerful program that truly expresses
the needs of the most oppressed people, of
the workers and of the majority in Canada:
a program for revolution! In one word, we
must build a Revolutionary Communist
Party, our party, the one of all of those
who want not only to resist, but who wish
to overthrow capitalism and destroy the
power of the capitalists!
A Revolutionary
The Revolutionary Communist Party
(Organizing Committees) was created in
November, 2000 in Montreal by activists
and people from different cities and
regions of the country and from different
sectors of the working class. By deciding
to build a new organization, we wanted to
give ourselves the means to concretely
fight and overthrow the bourgeois’ power,
destroy the capitalist system and build a
new society that will lead to communism
–a free society with no oppression nor
Therefore this party has really nothing
to do with all those old workers’ party
now being totally under the control of the
bourgeoisie, and that still pretend to talk
on workers’ behalf but which are in fact
totally embedded to the bourgeois State. It
has nothing to do neither with all the
range of “parties” and organizations with
“revolutionary” or “communist” labels
(such as the former Communist Party of
Canada) for which the only perspective is
to keep on participating to every upcoming
election farce and its parliamentary
We have in front of us a solid bourgeoisie,
well organized with State machine,
police, army and parties. If we want to
fight seriously against it and put forward
the struggle for our liberation, we need as
well to be organized with a solid party,
one vision, one ideology and one clear
strategy which will lead us to socialism.
Feel free to contact us for more information.
Read our program, and discuss it
with your friends and comrades; organize
your own study group and join an organizing
committee of the RCP(OC)!
*Advertising your organisation is only allowed in the "Offers, Web Sites and Advertising" forum*
People’s War Digest (PWD) is entirely dedicated to advocate and
promote people’s war. With PWD, we want to bring our contribution in
producing a true and genuine liaison between the Maoists across
Canada, a tool at the service of all activists who wish to develop a
significant revolutionary practice.
*Advertising your organisation is only allowed in the "Offers, Web Sites and Advertising" forum*
Why Maoism?
From an ideological
standpoint, the
RCP(OC) is relying
on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. Why
are we talking about Maoism here in
Canada? Since 150 years, the working
class has led numerous struggles against
capitalism and exploitation. In Russia
and China, great revolutions have shaken
the bases of the bourgeois system.
Significant victories came out of these
revolutions, although the new bourgeois
who took the power there set them
aside. Maoism is the synthesis of the
whole communist movement experience,
which is made up of both positive
and negative lessons. This is why it will
allow us to go deeper and further in the
struggle for our liberation.