you need to work on your talking points... deniers like to claim they are the only true skeptics... and liken themselves to Galileo, no less! :mrgreen: That you are so certain is a true testament to your knowledge and study! Which are your favoured denier blogs? /snarc
You seem to under the impression that their is some real science behind AGW, Waldo. I can assure you there is NOT. Real science in founded on the Scientific Method, which involves a hypothesis and rigorous, objective, empirical testing under controlled conditions to eliminate all prejudice and ambiguity from the results.
Nothing could be further from the truth for AGW science. It is all based on 'models', cobbled together with selective INPUTS and OUTPUTS to produce a given result. That must conform to the Doomsday prophesies of Radical Enviromental Cult behind it. They have become increasingly desperate as their models have NEVER been able to predict anything.
NONE of their predictions have come true and they are continually having to revise estimates and DELAY the 'End Times' to incoporate it into the reality of stable or lower temperatures OR as we've seen recently to misrepresent or invent data that supports its premise.
It's main instrument is FEAR, which should give any intelligent respondent real cause for doubt. It means they have no case, and want the 'solutions' devised in a state of panic and hysteria.. beyond any recourse to reason or doubt.
The models themselves are limited to the last 50 or so years of retrievable data. This for the most complex and iterative system of earth, Climate. They have eliminated all inputs except those of carbon, and have only one output, temperature rise
They have no idea what caused the Climatological Epochs of Ice Ages or Tropical Ages and yet they arrogantly claim all climate will be irrevocably altered by a trace element in the atmosphere, for which human activity represents only a small fraction of the total.
The Climate Cult has drawn up alliances with the Global Trading and Financial Leviathon which realizes that by imposing quotas and shortages on energy, food, basic commodities they can rig markets to generate immense profits from desperate and captive markets.
For the true Climate Occultists this fits into the long range game plan, which is to reduce the human population by 90%, to impose an eco-utopia free from the human pestilence except for a few true believers and 'non interveners' and despoilers of pristine Mother Nature..
Basicly you have the greediest, most arrogant, most delusional, fear and hate mongering people on Earth behind a plan that lacks any sense of scientific integrity or validity. It is driven by an abject hatred of things human. Which of of course means a form of self hatred. These people really are very sick and pathetic puppies.