Non-Muslim reasons For the headscarf and the niqab.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Common sense

Common ignorance.

So I decided to Google 'hot niqab' for s&g and the first image that came up was actually linked to this forum lol

Anyway, I would assume Boomer posted this at some point:



Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
I'm aware of non-Muslim women who wear the headscarf for esthetic reasons. I'm also aware of at least one non-Muslim woman in the US who chose to start to wear the headscarf after being raped, believing that its symbolic significance might deter future predators from her.

Though I am unaware of women wearing the headscarf to cover baldness, it would not surprise me in the least.

As for the niqab, I'm unaware of any non-Muslim woman wearing it as fashion, but I could imagine a woman with severe facial scarring choosing to wear one, albeit perhaps a more fashionably colourful one.

If we were to ban the niqab, headscarves, etc. at citizenship ceremonies, should exceptions be made in some cases? For example, a rape victim or bald woman with a psychiatrist's note explaining that she feels safer or more comfortable wearing the headscarf, or a woman with severe facial scarring with a osychiatrist's note detailing the scarring and explaining that she feels more comfortable covering her face?

Your thoughts on other legitimate exceptions?
Costume parties?

BTW, common sense is what once told people that the planet was flat and the universe revolved around it and tomatoes were poisonous.

Now THAT's a funny pic.