No French? No service!


Electoral Member
Nov 30, 2005
No French? No service!

Global National

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

(Global National image)

CORNWALL, ON -- Shirley Ravary doesn't just cough when she catches a cold.

She hacks.

And after suffering a partial lung collapse a few years ago, a common cold doesn't just 'go away' after a few days for the 57-year-old Ontario woman; it gets progressively worse.

So after two weeks of suffering with flu-like symptoms, Ravary needed to see her family doctor. But as she soon found out, she picked the wrong day to drop in for a check-up.

That day, Ravary contacted her doctor's office and was told to visit a nearby community health centre, where he occasionally works.

When she arrived at the centre, she was greeted by a French-speaking receptionist who promptly informed her that the health clinic was exclusively for "French people."

"I said to her, 'that's discrimination,'" said Ravary, who was then told to visit her family doctor during his regular office hours, or visit another walk-in clinic. "I didn't get past the reception at the front."


Electoral Member
Nov 30, 2005
Why do you feel the need to phrase it as if it might not have happened?

There are many similar and in my opinion even worse incidents of discrimination against Non-french speaking Canadians in the English Province of Ontario.

The Province of Ontario is aware, condones and even supports this apartheid in your Province.


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
Such behaviour is not an acceptable practice.

I would certainly hope that Ms. Shirley Ravary sees fit to pursue charges in this event; her health was placed in danger due to the arrogant attitude of either an individual or an organization who feels that they are not obligated to treat anyone who walks into their doors.


House Member
Dec 18, 2005
Re: RE: No French? No service!

iamcanadian said:
Why do you feel the need to phrase it as if it might not have happened?

There are many similar and in my opinion even worse incidents of discrimination against Non-french speaking Canadians in the English Province of Ontario.

The Province of Ontario is aware, condones and even supports this apartheid in your Province.

Seems very odd to me that this even happend and if it did was an islolated incident. f*ck this is Ontario dude! F*ck I'd expect being dennied service because I couldn't speak chiness before French!


Electoral Member
Nov 30, 2005
The Province of Ontarion is predomenently English Speaking with close to 13 Million residents and only less than 500K speak French, yet a public service that is paid for by everyone is reserved to this priviledged group of Canadians that are more equal than others.

[...] That day, [Shirley] Ravary contacted her doctor’s office and was told to visit a nearby community health centre, where he occasionally works.

When she arrived at the centre, she was greeted by a French-speaking receptionist who promptly informed her that the health clinic was exclusively for “French people.”

“I said to her, ‘that’s discrimination,’” said Ravary, who was then told to visit her family doctor during his regular office hours, or visit another walk-in clinic. “I didn’t get past the reception at the front.”

[...] It turns out the Ontario provincial government agrees with the clinic’s exclusive policy.

George Smitherman, Ontario’s Health Minister, said in Toronto Tuesday, “We have something called Community Health Centres and they are designed to be community governed, targeting specific populations.” [...]


Electoral Member
Nov 30, 2005
Re: RE: No French? No service!

Finder said:
Seems very odd to me that this even happend and if it did was an islolated incident.

You're from Toronto? You should get out more and travel around the province to places like Welland Ontario where some of these Fascist French Communities have holed up.


House Member
Dec 18, 2005
Show me how this is an on going problem in Ontario and this isn't an isolated incident or one which hasn't been reported properly and then I will care. But if this is a attack on the very small French minoritiy in the province, I could care less.

Yes anyone should have the ability to use any health centre in the province and if this happend as reported I am sure it will be investigated. As I said an isolated occurance isn't the spark you need to to ignite hatred towards the french community in Ontario.

Let me play devils advicate, how many health centre's in Toronto do you think a person who only speaks french could get proper service because the doc's and even the receptionist can't speak french. Could you see that same person directed to another health centre who could communicate properly with that person and look after her?


House Member
Dec 18, 2005
Re: RE: No French? No service!

FiveParadox said:
In a perfect world every Canadian could be bilingual and this wouldn't be a problem. =D lol

I wish my French were better. But taking French at UoT..... while is immpossible unless you are really good at picking up a tongue.


I had to drop it because my mark was slipping really low and it would effect my average.


Electoral Member
Nov 30, 2005
Re: RE: No French? No service!

FiveParadox said:
In a perfect world every Canadian could be bilingual and this wouldn't be a problem. =D lol

I think the saying is more like in a perfect world everyone would speak the same language.

Languages are barriers that hold people back. Giving people advantages for speaking two languages is just another form of discrimination.

In Canada's case it was a means of keeping later immigrants from advancing over the original immigrants that got here first.

Kind of like playing the king of the hill game with people's lives that came here yearning to be free. Bilingualism allows some people to be more free than others.

Everyone in favour of bilingualism at the time spoke the two official languages already. Since just about 100% of French Canadians in and out of Quebec speaks English also this was for their specific advantage.

This was for everyone else's direct disadvantage, and mosst especially any immigrants that came here later and did not speak either one of the two officials languages who would have enough trouble just picking up one of the two languages enough to stop washing dishes and cleaning toilets for a living.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
Iamcanadian quotes:

George Smitherman, Ontario’s Health Minister, said in Toronto Tuesday, “We have something called Community Health Centres and they are designed to be community governed, targeting specific populations.” [...]

It would seem to me at a community health clinic the specific population to be targetted would be specifically people who need medical assistance.

Thank you for this information - I wonder how widespread it actually is flying under the radar when so many hear "government orders" and accept the rejection without complaint.

That is discrimination of the most indiscriminate kind.

Preservation of a Francophile society does not exclude those who are in need of medical attention.

It isn't PC - it isn't "blending" cultures - it is discrimination in its most ugly form.

Do they turn down children who are unilingual in other languages than French?

The cancer grows - cancer of separation with the expectation of Government mandate.


Remember there are some natal languages for some groups of people living in Canada which do not include French or English and if they reside in Canada legally, they must be served by the public healthcare system, regardless of idiotic rules.

I hope the woman in the topic here pursues her complaint.


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
This is interesting, but i don't think it has anything to do with language people.

You have a medical organization in this community that discriminates against other people. It should be brought up on charges no matter what language or group of people runs it.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005

Bingo! Right on target there. They are using the language as a barrier to refuse service to certain groups.

Bad nooz!


Electoral Member
Nov 30, 2005
Unfortunately this is a mind set of French Canadians generally held by those living outside of Quebec.

They insist and demand rights to exclude other cultures from contaminating their distinct society in Canada, even in places where they are the ones doing the contaminating of the existing predominent cultures already there.

It is a most horid form of bigotry twisted out from a badly written constitution crafted by bilingual Canadian lawyers trying to create an advantage to their kin by to creating foundations for rights no others have, or would be hard for non-francos to aquire.

Proud to be Canadian NOT.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005

I believe it is to preserve the French language - which France has been valiantly trying to do for years - as it is held as the language of government and for many formal services in Europe and I believe is catered to by the United Nations as well.

A few years back, France launched a campaign to remove and obliterate all "anglocized words" from the internet so French would also remain sacrosanct on an international communications system.

No doubt that same throught process has been indoctrinated into the French/Canadian culture - preservation of their heritage and their language.

This is fine but it works both ways in a bi-lingual country. The French must be able to communicate in English as well.

Results of a totally stupid set of laws meant to appease one culture over others...when Canada has so many new cultures.

Pandora's box.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Re: RE: No French? No service!

iamcanadian said:
Unfortunately this is a mind set of French Canadians generally held by those living outside of Quebec.

Considering I come from this gene pool you speak of and I know these people, I can not agree with you.

I think your trying to prove a point, and that's fine...but French Canadian fascists...well I find that rather funny.

What would you call the Anglophiles that constantly ridicule French people in Canada and did what they could to hold these people down for 100 years?