New species of deadly spider discovered in Australia


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

Scientists in Australia - where else? - have discovered a spider that they've unironically nicknamed "Big Boy." This arachnid is a larger, more venomous version of the Sydney funnel web, known to be one of the world's deadliest spiders



Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Meh. Add it to the list.

Though I prefer to face off with a bear, wolf, coyote or Moose, ya know, things you can see coming at you and try to put up a fight, since 2011, I haven't been bitten by anything yet. Haven't seen a snake yet and maybe a few Redback spiders outside.

Worst thing I had in the house, on more than one occasion, were the Whitetail Spiders.

Its a spider that hunts and eats other spiders.

Studies and scientist claim their bite has been found to not cause major issues in most cases of bites on humans, however everyone I have talked to disagree and have shown to me what they claim was the aftermath of the bite.

From what was explained to me is that it doesn't have venom or it's venom is not particularly dangerous to humans. It's the bacteria on their fangs that get into the bitten tissue that causes serious infections that kill off the skin in that area and leaves long lasting gouges in your skin where they bit, usually starting out as a painful blister. Obviously leaving it untreated would be bad.

My wife's cousin showed me one on her arm she got as a kid. It's not "too" bad all things considered, but no doubt wasn't pleasant.

Think of Brian Adam's face. It's kinda like that.

They're more common in people's homes than most other spiders and tend to hide in blankets/lining, under couches, beds and what not, and tend to come out at night when you're sleeping.

Speaking of which, it's getting late here now and I'm getting ready for bed. Night....

Oh wait, the other common spider you'll find inside your home here is the Huntsman Spider:

They usually mind their own business and most just shoo them out the door.... Toss a dog treat or something.

The one in the OP? Yeah.... It's big, I guess. 60mm based on that ruler from leg to leg is about average. Bigger than it's relative noted in the video, but there's bigger. Still wouldn't want to get bitten though.
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