NDP Plans


Time Out
Sep 3, 2004
the left coast
Posted by the Rev elsewhere....
3110 Boundary Road, Burnaby, BC V5M 4A2
604.430.8600 toll-free 1.888.868.3637
Strengthen public health care to reduce waitlists for key services, end
privatization, and respond better to patient needs
The Liberal government is putting patient care at risk by shutting down hospitals, closing emergency
rooms and cutting long-term care for seniors. And by opening up more of health care to privatized
services, Gordon Campbell is moving BC closer to a two-tiered system where those who can afford it
are able to buy their way to the front of the line.
Carole James will move British Columbia’s health care system forward, developing and delivering
innovation in quality public health care. Her solutions lie in prevention rather than privatization. In
strengthening hospitals, not closing them. And in listening to community needs, not making arbitrary
decisions behind closed doors.
The New Democrat Plan
Reduce waitl i sts and strengthen hospital services
Expand long-term care services, starting by opening 1,000 units in the first year and a total of
6,000 by 2009, to reduce waitlists and make life better for seniors
Reduce waitlists and privatization of surgical procedures by:
• investing $75 million in a waitlist reduction strategy
• creating new, public specialized surgical and diagnostic centres
End emergency room backlogs by:
• funding 200 acute care beds
• hiring more nurses
• expanding the role of nurse practitioners to BC hospitals
A greater focus on community health care, deci sion-making and prevent ion
• Stop closing hospitals and emergency services, and require health boards to consult with
communities on any significant changes to services
• Improve public accountability through local elections for some health authority board
• Improve access to front line health care by investing in community-based prevention and
primary care – adding 12 new Family Health Care Centres
• Increase British Columbians’ access to family doctors by making it easier for highly skilled
foreign trained doctors to set up practice in BC
Improving services for BC’ s most vulnerable people
• Increase funding for home care and home support services to help seniors and others with
chronic illness live independently and to take pressure off emergency rooms and acute care
• Invest in community based mental-health and addiction services, especially for people living
on our streets.

3110 Boundary Road, Burnaby, BC V5M 4A2
604.430.8600 toll-free 1.888.868.3637
Work with business, labour and communities for a strong economy for everyone
Creating a more diverse and value-added economy requires a fair, competitive tax and regulatory
environment, no question. But so much more is needed: a skilled workforce, reliable public services such
as BC Hydro and medicare, a commitment to research and to commercialization of new ideas and
products, solid transportation and communication infrastructure, and – most importantly – a partnership
between the province and communities to develop economic strategies that work to provide stability for
businesses, employees, communities and families
The New Democrat Plan
• During periods of high commodity prices, return a significant portion of the provincial budget
surplus to rural and resource communities for investment in economic sustainability and
• Help forest communities plan for the economic impact of the pine beetle epidemic with reinvestment
of increased timber royalties from expanded local harvest
• Restrict exports of raw logs from public lands and ensure that forest communities gain jobs from
regional timber harvest
• Balance the budget
• Resolve land claims and strengthen meaningful consultation with First Nations
• Scrap the $6 an hour training wage, prevent the exploitation of children in the workplace, and
ensure fair employment standards and strengthened enforcement
• Ensure healthy and safe working conditions
• Ensure a strategic and competitive tax and regulatory environment that stimulates and supports
innovation, job creation and diversification:
• strategic tax reductions for innovation and job growth, e.g. film production tax credits
• no corporate capital tax for non-financial institutions
• no new taxes on small businesses
• reduce regulatory costs while maintaining high standards
• work with the federal government to extend EI to self-employed people
• Establish a Premier's Economic Advisory Council
• Utilize the strength of BC Hydro to establish British Columbia as a major world leader in the
development of clean, green power
• Market BC agriculture with a creative and energetic Buy BC program and ensure the
Agricultural Land Reserve is protected to strengthen opportunities for sustainable agriculture
• Improve freight and goods transportation on key trade corridors
• Ensure that the 2010 Olympic Games are socially, economically and environmentally
responsible, and bring benefits to all regions of the province.
This vision of an increasingly prosperous, stable and sustainable economy whose benefits are shared equally
throughout our province will not be achieved at exclusive meetings in Victoria between Gordon Campbell
and Liberal Party insiders. All regions, all British Columbians, deserve to be partners in that effort.

You still can't seem to answer how all this pie in the sky will be paid for.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
• During periods of high commodity prices, return a significant portion of the provincial budget
surplus to rural and resource communities for investment in economic sustainability and
• Help forest communities plan for the economic impact of the pine beetle epidemic with reinvestment
of increased timber royalties from expanded local harvest
• Restrict exports of raw logs from public lands and ensure that forest communities gain jobs from
regional timber harvest


Time Out
Sep 3, 2004
the left coast
Saskatchewan is a have province now? Last source I saw said it was only Ontario and Alberta.

It's easy to tell everyone how wonderful things will be as soon as you're elected. It's after the ballots are counted that things get tricky. That's when you need your "wriggle room".

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
No, you obviously don't understand, C. It is the same kind of plan that the NDP in Saskatchewan used to become a have province. Diversification, promotion of local resources and local businesses and value-added to natural resources before they are exported.

It is a strategy that works not just in the short-term, but insures that long-term growth can take place.

You rolled your eyes at it and then questioned whether Saskatchewan was a have province. It is. It became one in November.


Time Out
Sep 3, 2004
the left coast
Apparently Saskatchewan will be classed as a "Have" province for 2005-06, but they will still receive some equalization payments this year.

Those things alone aren't enough to turn things around, Rev. How much were taxes raised to pay for the programs? How much will the university's suffer if the tuition freeze is implemented again?

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
How much will the people of BC suffer if they keep shipping raw logs instead of developing value-added industries? How much will they suffer if the population does not have a good education? How much will they suffer when the average real wage keeps dropping? How much will they suffer if the fish farms kill off the wild species?

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
How much were they raised to pay off the debt left behind by the neo-cons in the Devine government? It's not an answerable question, C. If you knew anything about Saskatchewan, you'd know that.

The NDP left office in the early 1980s with the province in the black. When they came back to power the province was on the verge of bankrputcy, social programs had been cut to the bone, profitable crown corporations had been sold off.

So did the taxes go up? Yup. It's been a long slog to get the province back on its feet and somebody had to pay for it. Campbell's plan and what he's been doing to your province looks an awful like what Grant Devine did in Saskatchewan. The rhetoric and the promises are the same. So are the actions that don't meet the rhetoric and promises.


Time Out
Sep 3, 2004
the left coast
The NDP here in B.C. claimed to have balanced the books, too.

Your post offered no answers, just more rhetoric and blame-shifting.


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
With all the "Olympic and RAV" construction coming up we need to the NDP back in to make sure these people get fair wages.

I got a laugh at that "notndpagain" web site. The Construction Contractors page. Basically they want more money for themselves and not pay their employess a descent living wage. They are scared shitless if the NDP get in they will bring back the "Fair Wage" Law. Campbell was an ass for getting rid of it. But in BC I guess only the few friends of Campbell's are allowed to make a descent wage.

Hopefully the NDP get rid of the slave wage ($6 bucks sucks) and legalized child exploitation by allowing 12 year olds to work. That is plain wrong. And they eliminated the office of the independent Children's Commissioner, who was the province's watchdog for children in care.

Basically the liberals and their supporters just care about money and not the people.

I see now Campbell is going to destroy the Skeena river salmon runs by allowing fish farms in its esterary.

Is there nothing this man won't do for money? Destroying eco systems, wanting to start offshore drilling, slave labour, slave wages, gutting legally signed contracts, over ruling labour board arbitrators decisions, cutting wages in half. No wonder the UN has found Campbell's government guilty 9 times for human rights violations. Campbell is truly an evil man.

Shipped Ferry construction to Germany and now sounds like Poland will build our new ferries. Of course he will wait until after election to announce that. So much for creating BC jobs.

Here is a good link--> Here and here for the real truth here or here or here or

Watch the exportation of raw logs Here

BC has the fewest cops. here


Council Member
Jun 29, 2004
Victoria, B.C.
hey no 1 - did you see the debate last night? i thought the ndp looked good, and the green party was particularly strong. liberal's got off to a pretty shaky start....what did you think?

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
They are dandy posts, aren't they? No 1 needs to post more.

I've been reading a few things about the BC debate last night. The general concensus seems to be that James won, but there was no knockout punch, Campbell did okay but looked a little arrogant and evasive at times, and that the Green leader(sorry, can't remember the name) was much improved over previous performances.