Blah! to much going on around here hard to keep up

First I have to find time to check those numbers out sig and compare it to the lost employment. I will get back to it tho.
I also know lots of tradespeople who have had, or have their own business, for most, to much red tape to much government interference.
Anyway, I have a feeling the liberals will win, with a large opposition. But than today someone pointed out to me that if you consider the amount of people that lost their jobs because of his cuts, and consider that all these people have familes, friends, community connections etc..that adds up to alot of people. This does not include the senior population that he has alienated, and I work with seniors and I can tell you nearly every senior I come into contact with hates him. Than you have the people involved with mental health, not only patients but their familes, but the workers as well. Than you have the teachers, these people also have familes etc. And than you have union people and students, all these people have familes, friends, community connections, etc.
Than you have the people who care about the enviromental issues.
You also have people that work for the government, I know lots, they are not happy campers.
This adds up to alot of people as my friend pointed out. And regardless of the media blitz, well you know BC, grassroots is second nature and word of mouth is better than any media blitz. So now I do wonder if there will be a real surprise with this election. You also have to include the present scandal federally the liberals are in. I have lived in BC all my life, I thing I know, nothing is what it appears to be, politically anyway. So it should be a interesting electon. Oh I forgot the MADD group won't be voting for him either. You must also include professional people as well, legal aid was shredded by campbell.