Moving from Kuwait to Edmonton


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
When it comes to Muslims in my country,,,,,I make it my business.. So suck it up!!

Nice.... with ignorance and bigotry like that, are you sure it's him people should be worried about being in Canada?

"Your" country?

You don't own the country and it hasn't been that long since I left that you magically became dictator. :roll:

It's none of your damn business no matter what you say.

Maybe I should ask you how much you make a year, maybe I should ask you who you voted for in every election for the last few years.... Maybe I should ask you what your sexual orientation is..... maybe I should demand what your real name is and your street address, and your phone number and email address.

Because I'm now making it my business.

So suck it up.


Jan 6, 2007
I live in North Edmonton. Half my shopping is done at Halal markets that prosper here. Half my neighbours are Muslim. I'm Christian. It's a non-issue for anyone with a brain. A neighbour is a neighbour.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Dear Durry, First, thank you for your post :smile: Second, I don't believe that my religion has to do with anything related to where I live or work :smile: What do you mean by lifestyle? Not all Christians have the same lifestyle & same goes to Muslims. In fact, my best friend is a Christian from England who currently lives in the US. We lived together in different cities (in the same houses) & I visited his family back in England many times and had no problem with my religion or they had with theirs although we are both very restricted about our religions :smile: Religion never meant to be a divider my friend ;-) Thank you

Well you responded to him a lot better than most of the members in here would with his crap.

Pay no attention to him, every country has close minded people.... and Canada isn't as "Christian" as it used to be in the past and in fact, Atheism is becoming quite the norm here.... and so long as someone doesn't shove their religion down their throat, 98% of atheists don't care what you believe or follow.

I am one myself, though I grew up Roman Catholic.

People can believe and practice whatever they please, so long as they abide by Canadian laws there's nothing anybody can do about it, otherwise those laws come after them instead...... and when it comes to shoving one's religion in another's face.... there's not too much towards laws against that, but you certainly won't make many friends doing that, nor win anybody over.

Live and let live as they say.... though some, including a few here in Canada as you have seen, can't quite grasp that. ;)


New Member
Sep 14, 2012
Well you responded to him a lot better than most of the members in here would with his crap.

Pay no attention to him, every country has close minded people.... and Canada isn't as "Christian" as it used to be in the past and in fact, Atheism is becoming quite the norm here.... and so long as someone doesn't shove their religion down their throat, 98% of atheists don't care what you believe or follow.

I am one myself, though I grew up Roman Catholic.

People can believe and practice whatever they please, so long as they abide by Canadian laws there's nothing anybody can do about it, otherwise those laws come after them instead...... and when it comes to shoving one's religion in another's face.... there's not too much towards laws against that, but you certainly won't make many friends doing that, nor win anybody over.

Live and let live as they say.... though some, including a few here in Canada as you have seen, can't quite grasp that. ;)

Well said Praxius :smile: it happens even in the best countries ;-)


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Your right but without the patch,all those industries are screwed,they rely on the patch and folks that work there.

Yes, but they all go hand in hand.... nobody would want to work there if there was nothing towards them having a decent life.... lack of grocery stores, retail stores, customer service or entertainment venues would make a pretty big impact on how many people would flock to those jobs.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
This might sound crazy or funny but one of the factors that got me to choose Edmonton is the COLD :lol: I know I come from a very hot climate but I can show you photos of me wearing a short sleeves Polo shirt in Alaska :lol: not kidding so bring on the -40 weather ;-)

Minus 40! Are you crazy?;)

Dear Durry, First, thank you for your post :smile: Second, I don't believe that my religion has to do with anything related to where I live or work :smile: What do you mean by lifestyle? Not all Christians have the same lifestyle & same goes to Muslims. In fact, my best friend is a Christian from England who currently lives in the US. We lived together in different cities (in the same houses) & I visited his family back in England many times and had no problem with my religion or they had with theirs although we are both very restricted about our religions :smile: Religion never meant to be a divider my friend ;-) Thank you
It's really just an 'eastern' thing with him. He's like a Pavlovian dog.

But Prax is right, you are way more polite than that bigot deserves.

Nice.... with ignorance and bigotry like that, are you sure it's him people should be worried about being in Canada?

"Your" country?

He is quite the embarrassment isn't he?

I live in North Edmonton. Half my shopping is done at Halal markets that prosper here. Half my neighbours are Muslim. I'm Christian. It's a non-issue for anyone with a brain. A neighbour is a neighbour.

Of course, for anyone with a brain.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
When it comes to Muslims in my country,,,,,I make it my business.. So suck it up!!

Just change the word Muslim to Christian and you would think this is from a Taliban leader in Afghanistan or some radical cleric in Iran! Think about Durry. You are just as much part of the problem as any extremist.

Oh, and it is not your is our country so suck it up Buttercup!!

I live in North Edmonton. Half my shopping is done at Halal markets that prosper here. Half my neighbours are Muslim. I'm Christian. It's a non-issue for anyone with a brain. A neighbour is a neighbour.

I found a really good Indian market down by Mill Woods. Great authentic spices and ingredients. Try to hit it every time I'm in the city. Just love a good authentic curry. :smile:

Yes, but they all go hand in hand.... nobody would want to work there if there was nothing towards them having a decent life.... lack of grocery stores, retail stores, customer service or entertainment venues would make a pretty big impact on how many people would flock to those jobs.

I'm not so sure about that. People are still flocking to Ft Mac with its $1000+/mo rooms for rent and $8 jugs of milk.


New Member
Sep 14, 2012
Thank you everyone �� I have started applying for jobs and hope to move to Edmonton soon ��


New Member
Nov 13, 2005
Edmonton, AB
I think the temperature, would be the deciding factor. It is -6c, here today. it is going to become colder. Up to -45c sometimes. This winter here lasts November to April. You have to be tough and hardy to live up here. We welcome you, should your decision to move up to Edmonton ( home of the Eskimos ).
Good luck


Council Member
Mar 29, 2009
Calgary, AB
So why do you want to go to a western country? Most western countries have their laws and lifestyles based on a Christian ideology, Canada is a western country.

Muslims like our benefits but they don't like our lifestyles and they don't integrate well into Canadian societies.
Muslims are not well respected in Canada, so far they have failed to gain the respect of the majority of Canadians even tho Canadians are the most welcoming people in the world.

So, why do you want to come here, why don't you go to Muslim countries?
Interested in your answer.

I have more issues with evangelical Christians than I do with moderate, orthodox Muslims, but thanks for trying to speak for everyone from your bastion of ignorance...


House Member
May 18, 2010
Good, New_Life decided not to come here.

He really changed his tune when I told him he will likely be working for a Women Manger and that if you don't do a good job you will have to explain your reasons to the Women Manager. I also told him that in the West that "God Willing" excuses don't work here.
He also now understands that our Legal system is based on Christian idology not on some Sharia law. He now understands that honor killing is against the law here.
He said he perferred Sharia Law where men rule and women are subserviant to the male. He said he likes to be in control of women.

I'm glad he's not coming. We definitely don't need more Legal and court costs dealing with muslims barbarians!!

They should stay in their own countries until they become civilized.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
The whole problem is to some degree everyone is right. Drurry is concerned about
Muslims living in Canada and that is his right, and yes, it is his country the same as
it is my country and everyone Else's country. Unfortunately for some diversity is a
scary thing. I have Muslim friends also and many some born here say this is my
country. That is not an issue with me.
I do not like it when we presume someone believes something or doesn't believe
something. The people coming here from other countries have more in common with
us than with those in their home country from what I understand. Next door or the
next farm over I have a Chinese neighbour, and we are very close friends. Why did
he come here? He came here to start a new life with new opportunities, a better
education for his children, He had a chance to experience freedom to make his own
decisions and his kids got a better way of life. One of the best things I remember was
being at a ceremony on Canada Day watching his family take to oath and becoming
Canadian Citizens. I am rather proud that so many chose Canada as their destination
it shows we are on the right track. While I think we have to be careful who we let into
the country, that is keeping out criminals and other undesirables but that does not
apply nor should it apply to Muslims, Bahia's or any other group as a group. Nf said


House Member
May 18, 2010
These girls would be alive today if they would have stayed in Afgan. Who is really responsible for their death?
Shafia trial verdict: No honour in

What about this, who is checking that this is not being done here? If its being done in Australia, you can be sure it's happening here.
Who's responsibility is it to police this, do I have to use my tax $ to police immigrants to see if they left their garbage at home?

Breaking the silence over genital mutilation horror - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

There were about three other women there - they were sitting and chatting. They were from the same community because they were speaking the same language," she said.

"They asked me to take my underwear off ... I just wanted to run out of there. I knew there was something going to happen to me.

I don't remember seeing anything but after that I felt a very sharp pain. I still remember that. I still remember that pain.

"I don't know if it was two of the women or just one. She pinned me down with her legs pretty much and I had my legs wide open and one of them was holding my hands behind me.

"I don't remember seeing anything but after that I felt a very sharp pain. I still remember that. I still remember that pain."