Look at Joe Blow


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
Joe Oliver and the Harper government in general are a national embarrassment over their approach to the climate change issue. Few people aware of the facts doubt that it's happening or that's it's serious, but Harper wants to maintain a fiction that's harder to support every year as the evidence continues to build.

Joe Oliver received consistent criticism on his tour to convince leaders that aren't forced to follow Harper's nonsense approach to reality. Apparently he and his party don't understand they can't change reality at will, just how it's being presented to Canadians...which is what the conservative government seems to be founded on.

Joe Oliver's Oilsands Tour Hits Defensive Note

But he says his comments about a World Trade Organization challenge of the European measures are not a threat; instead they are just a recognition of the last resort Canada would be forced to take if Europe doesn't back down.

Oliver's threat to take the issue of a bitumen tax to the WTO is probably empty, that would require putting the conservative "reality" to the test and it's one it would almost certainly fail.

So instead of facing reality and for instance improve the ecological viability of the oil sands by using modern nuclear power reactors to drastically reduce emissions, Oliver is going to take the typically conservative approach of no compromise until it's too late.


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
International opposition to the oil sands is just going to grow, having our ministers basically cursing out other nations leaders because they don't follow the very narrow agenda of one political party in Canada just makes us look ignorant. But that's pretty much the record of the conservatives, they seem to revel in tearing down the reputation of this nation.

Ottawa pitches the oil sands as ‘green’ - The Globe and Mail

“The oil sands are a greener alternative than some other sources from around the world,” the minister said in news conference from Chicago after delivering a speech touting Keystone merit’s to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.

But Mr. Oliver conceded he was “not sure about the label,” referring to the use of the term “green” in connection with the carbon-laden crude from Alberta’s vast oil sands.

Yah Joe, I'm pretty sure a product that uses vast amounts of water and natural gas to just get out of the ground and coal to provide electricity to upgrade to heavy crude status and leaves a scar you can see from space while introducing large amounts of toxins into the environment isn't "green".

This raises the question of whether or not conservative ministers actually believe the stuff they say in support of the government and if so, is it really safe to let them lead?


Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon
Another very poorly thought out thread starter.
The OP obviously thought this cut'n'paste news release was hugely relevant as an error committed by the Harper led Conservative Governmentof Canada.

News flash.

Elected Canadian politicians are expected to defend Canadian interests.
All of them.
It's their job.
We pay them to do that.
Really, really well.
Pensions too.

If they ever stop defending Canadian interests abroad be they geographical, national or fiscal they should be sacked.
Joe Oliver was doing his job on an international level.
And who cares if Joe likes it or not?
Just get the hell out there and plug Canada for all your worth Joe.

But the OP thinks noooooo, we need to cut our own throats on the international political stage.
Just roll over and suck it on an international trade issue.
On a legitimate WTO export issue to boot.
Hell I am a passport carrying Euro.
As well as Canadian.
And I would suggest apparently far more loyal to Canada than the OP.

Bad pick for a Harper Hater.
Lots of legitimate issues out there to complain about.
Bad bad choice.


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
The problem of being inflexible in an ever changing world is it's easy to be left behind, which is likely what's happening in Canada. The conservative government has spent a lot of time trying to convince themselves, Canadians and the rest of the world against overwhelming evidence that climate change is happening, it's serious and it's because of human emissions of carbon dioxide. But it doesn't control the world and many people have come to believe in our responsibility for our future in this area.

It can get nasty with people who have every right to express their concerns on this issue as it does constantly and wins few supporters in the long term. Or it can begin to accept reality and find alternative ways to take this nations into the modern world. Denying reality isn't cutting it anymore...or ever.

Joe Oliver's Oilsands Tour Hits Defensive Note

Just as Prime Minister Stephen Harper heads to the United States to win over hearts and minds on Canada's pipeline plans, his natural resources minister is wrapping up a similar tour in Europe by lobbing insults at oilsands critics.

In a conference call Friday from London, Joe Oliver dismissed suggestions that the government's transcontinental public-relations press on energy and the environment is a sign of desperation in Ottawa.

Our ministers need to stop insulting other nations leaders who are working for their people's interests and we need to start working with those who want to build the best future possible.

But environmentalists see the decisions on Keystone XL and the European fuel quality directive as pivotal in the fight against global warming.

A group of 150 major Democrat donors in the United States issued a letter Friday urging President Barack Obama to reject the Keystone XL pipeline in the name of fighting off climate change.

"As business leaders, philanthropists and supporters of your 2008 and 2012 campaigns, we write to urge you to reject the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline and to do everything in your power to accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels and to clean energy sources," the letter reads.

We need something more than the "in your face" approach to diplomacy that the conservatives have adopted with zeal. We also need a plan B to deal with the possibility of not being able to sell oil sands heavy crude.

"I think there are some people who really have a vision of the world which isn't realistic," he said.

"They would like to see the world powered by alternative energy. I think that would be great if it could be achieved, but it can't be entirely, or even to a majority extent."

BS Joe, there's more than enough energy present in the form of nuclear fuel and renewables to power Canadian society for thousands of years. We aren't investing enough in it due to political policy at the federal level.

Jaccard said he has done research for and provided advice to governments of all political stripes, and has never viewed himself as an environmentalist. Rather, he is alarmed by scientific research that indicates fossil fuels are destroying the earth, as well as his own modelling, which tells him Canada won't be able to meet its 2020 target to reduce emissions by 17 per cent below 2005 levels.

"I have always worked as an academic, designing policies and helping governments. But I also believe I have a moral obligation to tell the truth."

If Harper really wanted to win the respect of decision-makers in Europe and the United States, he would lay out a plan that would halt growth in the oilsands, put a freeze on new pipelines, and show the rest of the world how to be a low-carbon economy, Jaccard said.

Bang on, Harper isn't our PM really, he's the oil industries chief advocate.

Oliver's aggressive stand may have backfired on the government in the past. Last year, after taking on environmentalists opposing the Northern Gateway pipeline through British Columbia, public opposition to the pipeline surged, and now the project is widely considered to be moribund.

And Oliver quickly backtracked on comments he made in Europe this week. On Wednesday, he said Ottawa would consider a World Trade Organization challenge of the European fuel requirements, unless they are changed — comments that prompted raised eyebrows in Conservative circles since they come at a delicate stage of negotiations between Canada and Europe on a free trade agreement.

By Friday, Oliver was saying he did not mean to threaten anyone.

"I would not certainly characterize this as a threat," he said.

It really is a big game to the conservative government and its ministers, they can't even remain consistent in their threats.

"We're going to work very hard to make these changes, which I think would be in everyone's interest to do. But if these arbitrary rules were to stay, I wanted to signal that as a very last resort, we would defend Canada's interests and we would consider the WTO alternative."

He and his government don't and probably won't ever get it, these "arbitrary" rules rise out of the physics of climate change, other nations and many Canadians support actions taken based on the physical evidence supporting action being taken to protect us from the worst effects of climate change.


Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon
The problem of being inflexible in an ever changing world is it's easy to be left behind, which is likely what's happening in Canada. The conservative government has spent a lot of time trying to convince themselves, Canadians and the rest of the world against overwhelming evidence that climate change is happening, it's serious and it's because of human emissions of carbon dioxide. But it doesn't control the world and many people have come to believe in our responsibility for our future in this area.

It can get nasty with people who have every right to express their concerns on this issue as it does constantly and wins few supporters in the long term. Or it can begin to accept reality and find alternative ways to take this nations into the modern world. Denying reality isn't cutting it anymore...or ever.

Joe Oliver's Oilsands Tour Hits Defensive Note

Our ministers need to stop insulting other nations leaders who are working for their people's interests and we need to start working with those who want to build the best future possible.

We need something more than the "in your face" approach to diplomacy that the conservatives have adopted with zeal. We also need a plan B to deal with the possibility of not being able to sell oil sands heavy crude.

BS Joe, there's more than enough energy present in the form of nuclear fuel and renewables to power Canadian society for thousands of years. We aren't investing enough in it due to political policy at the federal level.

Bang on, Harper isn't our PM really, he's the oil industries chief advocate.

It really is a big game to the conservative government and its ministers, they can't even remain consistent in their threats.

He and his government don't and probably won't ever get it, these "arbitrary" rules rise out of the physics of climate change, other nations and many Canadians support actions taken based on the physical evidence supporting action being taken to protect us from the worst effects of climate change.

Several years back there was this somewhat strange poster on this forum.
He thought that every other forum member was an idiot and that he was the only person in Canada that really understood what was going on.
He was always right by definition and every other person on the planet could either agree with him or was an ignorant fool.
Then he came out with several long winded theories about how Canadian politics should be restructured.
He could not and would not ever debate a point or issue, he was just always right no matter what.
After explaining how the Canadian political and fiscal systems had to be completely rebuilt to his specifications he then offered to run the whole show.
After all it was for the good of Canada.
I think he got banned put popped up a few times with different monikers for a quick rant or two.
Then I think he moved to Australia because Canadians failed to appoint him the Supreme Overlord.

I'm kinda having a deja vu moment on some of these threads.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Several years back there was this somewhat strange poster on this forum.
He thought that every other forum member was an idiot and that he was the only person in Canada that really understood what was going on.
He was always right by definition and every other person on the planet could either agree with him or was an ignorant fool.
Then he came out with several long winded theories about how Canadian politics should be restructured.
He could not and would not ever debate a point or issue, he was just always right no matter what.
After explaining how the Canadian political and fiscal systems had to be completely rebuilt to his specifications he then offered to run the whole show.
After all it was for the good of Canada.
I think he got banned put popped up a few times with different monikers for a quick rant or two.
Then I think he moved to Australia because Canadians failed to appoint him the Supreme Overlord.

I'm kinda having a deja vu moment on some of these threads.

I thought you were new?


House Member
May 18, 2010
Conservative are doing a good job of managing this country.
Can't imagine how badly things would be right now if the Libs or heaven forbid the NDP was running the country!!


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
Conservative are doing a good job of managing this country.
Can't imagine how badly things would be right now if the Libs or heaven forbid the NDP was running the country!!

Sure they're doing a great job in managing this country, the only problem is they're doing it for companies in the private sector that won't be forced to pay the eventual costs.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Sure they're doing a great job in managing this country, the only problem is they're doing it for companies in the private sector that won't be forced to pay the eventual costs.

How did you get to work today?.. How about that computer and the electricity to keep it on?

Are you under the impression that rainbows and unicorns that make all this happen?

Looks to me like you are the problem.... Now, whatcha gonna do about it?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
How do propose man tries to move the magnetic pole back to where it was 120 years ago to reverse climate change?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Flapping your arms means you are using 02 to burn proteins releasing more GHG.

It's all his fault just like how people in California blame the Catholics and St. Andy for earthquakes. If it weren't true it wouldn't be St Andrews fault would it?