LIving in Calgary and thinking of moving to Nova Scotia


New Member
Feb 11, 2007
Calgary is not the same city it was a couple of years ago, so we are thinking of moving to NS to escape this hectic lifestyle. I've looked at a few places (online) and so far we're interested in the Fall River area. We would be able to sell our home in Calgary and walk away with about $250K and therefore could be mortgage free in NS. I've never been to Nova Scotia (would fly out to visit prior to making a final decision to move), please provide any advise good and bad.


disturber of the peace
This is a switch! Someone moving FROM Calgary to the Maritimes!

I hear what you are saying though. I am in Edmonton...have been for 5 years. This city has changed alot in that amount of time. It still isn't as nuts as Calgary....but...

Do you have any job prospects in NS?


New Member
Feb 11, 2007
We're actually considering opening our own business, however I've also looked at job postings in and around the Halifax area and it doesn't look like it would be an issue to find something.


Jan 6, 2007
And so the population swap begins! lol.

You're not the first person I know who's doing this. I've got family leaving Grande Prairie for Nova Scotia as well, and my sister has sold her realestate investments in Grande Prairie in favor of a mortgage free life in Saskatchewan. Wise move, and best of luck! I wish I had some knowledge of the coast to help you out, alas, the farthest I've ever traveled is into Manitoba.


New Member
Feb 11, 2007
It's an exciting thought to be 30 years old and mortgage free! It would however need to be a permanent move as we could not afford to move back to Calgary and end up with a $500K+ mortgage.

Can anyone provide feedback on healthcare and primary education in Nova Scotia?

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Gosh, my brother 'n his wife are thinking the same thing. They plan on making the more within the next year. Want to buy a property that would be good for a B&B. He's on military pension and she doesn't want to work anymore - arthritis or something. Anyway, they'd make great B&B hosts so it'd be an ideal way for them to top-off their pension income.

He showed me some property on-line that they were looking at - wow!! I'd love to take advantage as well but can't. My concern is health care for them, especially my brother. Has a very unique condition (which is why he's not in the military anymore) and it's hard to treat, so I would have concerns there. Anyhoo, interesting to see other people having the same ideas.


Nominee Member
Apr 6, 2007
Calgary is not the same city it was a couple of years ago, so we are thinking of moving to NS to escape this hectic lifestyle. I've looked at a few places (online) and so far we're interested in the Fall River area. We would be able to sell our home in Calgary and walk away with about $250K and therefore could be mortgage free in NS. I've never been to Nova Scotia (would fly out to visit prior to making a final decision to move), please provide any advise good and bad.

Wow, this is becoming very common in my opinion. The Albertans have had enough of the Boom and are getting out while the suckers from the rest of the country keep flooding in. I myself am planning on moving from Edmonton (I've lived here all of my life) as well, my sister and her family as well as our parents are talking about packing up and leaving. My sisters family is heading to the US, my parents haven't quite decided where they are going and neither have I but we have all decided that Alberta has changed for the worse and we want out. Edmonton it seems is quickly becoming a city of mostly single, male, transient workers. This can't be good for a city.


New Member
May 14, 2007
Moving To N.S In November !

Hi, I am moving my family to N.S from Calgary this November, My wife works at Costco, and she is transferring to the new one being built in Dartmouth. I am from N.S and miss my home, also my son is 4 years old so I want to give him a chance in life, and raise him in a more relaxed environment. Calgary is really crazy now, maybe not 5 years ago, but today it has gone completely nuts. Everyone is after the big money, I just want a comfortable safe environment to raise my family. I am currently taking a Network Administration Diploma program at Academy Of Learning and plan to graduate in early June, so I will have this when I go home to N.S. i should be able to break into the IT world down there much easier than here in Alberta. I have a question, does anyone have an idea how one would go about getting financial asistance to help with a move to N.S ? Just curious, if there is any kind of program in place, i noticed a while back that the N.S government was trying to coax maritimers back home, but not sure if there was any incentive to bring us back.

Rob Wile


New Member
Apr 19, 2007
Moving expense

If you were to move for a job (make sure you have a job lined up before moving), you could claim your moving expenses on your income tax. So, next time you file your taxes, you can claim meals, transportation costs, accomodation and some others. Check out the government website for allowable moving expense claims. Also, make sure you keep all your receipts.


New Member
May 16, 2007
I plan on doing the same thing i been looking at NEw brunswik or something as the irving refinery is gearing up for an expantion. I hear i can buy tons of land and a huge house for around $100,000. I guess i bought in Edmonton at a good time i am 27 and will make a few hundred G's on this home.

was a great place to grow up but this government has turned this place into a Sh^thole.


New Member
Aug 23, 2007
The beautiful East coast!

I have lived in Nova Scotia for most of my life (minus a year in New Brunswick and a year in Toronto) and felt the need to reply to this thread. It is simply a wonderful place to raise a family. The health care is paid for by the government (NS Health cards are issued to all residents) and the education system is very good as well...not only grade school but post-secondary as well. The people are very friendly, the beaches are gorgeous, and the climate (as much as we might complain) is actually fairly temperate in the fall, winter, spring and quite lovely in the summer months (between 20-30). Halifax is a modern city that is growing in the technology and research sectors by leaps and bounds. Living just outside of any town or city limits offers lower taxes and picturesque (VERY reasonably priced) properties. The move from Alberta (or any other Canadian province) to Nova Scotia is a great move as we have much to offer. Entrepreneurship is also one of the backbones of our economy and new businesses are always welcomed especially those offering complementary services/products to existing businesses...value added!!! Good luck in your move and to anyone else who is considering the trek out East!


Jun 23, 2006
I have lived in Nova Scotia for most of my life (minus a year in New Brunswick and a year in Toronto) and felt the need to reply to this thread. It is simply a wonderful place to raise a family. The health care is paid for by the government (NS Health cards are issued to all residents) and the education system is very good as well...not only grade school but post-secondary as well. The people are very friendly, the beaches are gorgeous, and the climate (as much as we might complain) is actually fairly temperate in the fall, winter, spring and quite lovely in the summer months (between 20-30). Halifax is a modern city that is growing in the technology and research sectors by leaps and bounds. Living just outside of any town or city limits offers lower taxes and picturesque (VERY reasonably priced) properties. The move from Alberta (or any other Canadian province) to Nova Scotia is a great move as we have much to offer. Entrepreneurship is also one of the backbones of our economy and new businesses are always welcomed especially those offering complementary services/products to existing businesses...value added!!! Good luck in your move and to anyone else who is considering the trek out East!

are u from the east coast tourist board? do you realise the original post in this thread was made in february?


New Member
Aug 23, 2007
Case for the crown Your Honour....people are still reading it aren't they? Regardless of when the original post was sent, the message remains the same...and no, I'm not with any tourist board, just proud to be a Maritimer!


Jun 23, 2006
Case for the crown Your Honour....people are still reading it aren't they? Regardless of when the original post was sent, the message remains the same...and no, I'm not with any tourist board, just proud to be a Maritimer!

case dismissed. welcome to the forum. My wife's east-coast too. newfie actually so I second your opinion on the east being a good place.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
And what do you mean by this? Anything in particular? Or am I overanalyzing and reading between the lines?

No need to get the cowboys all speculating about the land just outside of Halifax or worse get some of them moving in and putting their boots up on the heritage and spittin in the street.

You know this could all end up in rodeo don't you?